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fish pepper recipes

9 years ago

Thanks for the great group here.

Someone had pointed me here to the forum. they had thought they may have seen recipes using the fish pepper,One in particular was called white hot fish pepper salsa.or any of the Old shellfish, seafood recipes etc... would greatly be appreciated,

please point me in the right direction and I will even send you some fish pepper seeds

Thank you
Dale Baird

Comments (2)

  • 9 years ago

    Maybe they meant to direct you to the Pepper forum rather than the Tomato Forum. Several discussions there (see link to one below). Might also check out the Recipe Exchange forum. It is full of cooking with peppers recipes.

    As for the Fish Pepper Salsa recipe, it is one published by Mother Earth News several years back.

    White Hot Fish Pepper Salsa

    The white bell pepper variety called for in this recipe was developed specifically for its white color, and is available in many supermarkets with specialty peppers. This is an excellent salsa for fish or shellfish, and also ceviche (a chilled mixture of fish marinated in lime juice). It can be frozen for later use.

    1 pound white bell peppers
    4 ounces white âÂÂFishâ peppers
    1 large cooking apple (about 8 ounces), pared, cored and chopped
    1 1âÂÂ2 cups white wine vinegar
    1 cup sugar
    4 cloves garlic
    1 cup fresh pineapple, chopped (or substitute 1/2 cup lime juice)
    1 1âÂÂ2 tbsp salt

    Seed and chop the peppers, and put them in a large, non-reactive (avoid aluminum and copper) pan. Add the apple, vinegar, sugar, garlic and pineapple (or lime). Cover and simmer over medium heat for 25 to 30 minutes or until the peppers are soft. Purée to a creamy consistency and return to the pan. Bring to a gentle boil. Stir in the salt, and pour into hot sterilized jars. Seal and store in a dark, cool closet until needed, or freeze. Yields 5 cups.

    Read more:

    Hope this helps.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Fish peppers

  • 9 years ago

    Sounds interesting, but also the history seems undocumented.

    For hot sauce for fish, this "fish pepper" variety is supposedly picked immature, before it blushes, to make a white sauce with a Tabasco pepper equivalent heat.

    The pepper seems claimed to be Baltimore's answer to Louisana Tabasco peppers, too, except with no red color to warn of the spicyness in advance, being a mutation of a Serrano pepper that when immature has pale, streaked, or no green color, but maximum heat.

    As mentioned by digdirt, try the Hot Pepper GW Forum

    These folks seem to have cornered the market on fishpepper recipes:

    The Woodberry Kitchen Menu



    This post was edited by PupillaCharites on Fri, Dec 26, 14 at 23:29