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Rapunzel Hybrid

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

Our little Grandkids - like I am sure many of yours - love to visit Grandma and Grandpa and pick cherry tomatoes during the summer in our GH. I can't pick the tomatoes for them - they have to pick their very own and eat them off the vine - haha. They talk about it all year long and even in the winter months ask us if we have any cherry tomatoes in the GH. This year we decided to try a fairy tale variety along with the regular Sweet 100 and Super Sweet 100 that we plant - to make things perhaps a little more interesting for them. This is our first year for Rapunzel Hybrid. We purchased the seeds from Tomato Growers and here is their photo, link to their website and product description.

Rapunzel Hybrid #6545 (30 seeds) Just like its fairy tale namesake, Rapunzel puts out long, cascading trusses, each with up to 40 sweet, bright red cherry tomatoes that keep coming all summer long. The long stems are quite impressive when picked fully loaded with tomatoes, which can be enjoyed individually as they ripen. Indeterminate. 70 days.

We have them planted in the GH already this year and the Grandkids have to check on them most every time they visit now - haha. Please participate on this thread sharing you experience with Rapunzel during the year as we update our progress with this fairy tale variety ! This is how Rapunzel appears in our GH today.

Comments (27)

  • 8 years ago

    Already planted !

    Looks great. I am sure you and your grand kids will enjoy and love it. I have never even heard the name before.

    So we will look forward to your updates.


  • 8 years ago


  • 8 years ago

    Nice. I have no children, though I have a neighbor a few doors down that loves to grow things, and has a boy that is about 3. I have a spot I prepared along a fence row that I am going to let her have, as all the space she has for growing a is a bunch of containers. In the row I plan on planing a couple of cherry types for her son to get a chance to enjoy eating. I have Tasty Treat, and Black Cherry. Also for just a bit larger some 4th of July.

    Great now I am gong to have to start some Gardner's Delight, and SS100 now. I can hear the excitement of my wife. LOL

  • 8 years ago

    I am trying a different support system this year for our Cherry Tomato plants. I used cattle panels and have cut two "H" formats - side by side in our 8' x 3' center bed. I have planted three cherry tomatoes - one at each end and one in the center. I will tie the plants so they will grow in two directions and meet in the middle. I hope this will give them plenty of room to grow and give my grandkids access to pick the cherry tomatoes on all four sides. It will interesting to see if it works!

  • 8 years ago

    Ready for the grand kids !

    That is so wonderful.


  • 8 years ago

    Rapunzel is putting blossoms out there. It is interesting to see how these cherry tomato plants begin growing their trusses and sending out blossoms!

  • 8 years ago

    Your experience may be different from mine but I was not overwhelmed with Rapunzel last year. Sweet Baby Girl will produce the trusses of tomatoes that will have 5 times the fruit numbers as Rapunzel. The continued fruit set is more brief than many other cherry varieties. For season-long production I still like Favorita or Sakura, although these won't produce large trusses of fruit.

  • 8 years ago

    Thanks for the info Barrie! I have grown Sweet Baby Girl and was impressed with that variety! I have not tried Favorita or Sakura - I will have to take a look at those! If you have any photos of their performance please share. I know both Super Sweet 100 and Sweet 100 are more advanced than Rapunzel in our GH to date. I'll continue to give updates on this thread for those interested. I hope others that have planted Rapunzel will share their experiences too!

  • 8 years ago

    Part of the advantage to Favorita and Sakura is their disease resistance profile. Both have Leaf Mold resistance which is a plus for a greenhouse grown tomato. You might cringe at the seed prices of these but I was paying over $1 per seed for Favorita just a few years ago and it was a bargain for me even then. Johnny's Seeds, Maine, carries them.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    The seeds are expensive but that's OK if they are performers. Do you have any photos of your plants and fruit?

    Here is an update on Rapunzel. Rapunzel is becoming covered with trusses and blossoms now and is having a growth spurt.

  • 8 years ago

    Rapunzel Update: Rapunzel is setting fruit! At this point - when comparing Super Sweet 100, Sweet 100 and Rapunzel - Super Sweet 100 has the least amount of blossoms and the most foliage of the three.

  • 8 years ago

    V.good, Hudson.

    The grand kids are coming. soon :)


  • 8 years ago

    Hi Sey - Yes - they will be the true taste test of the three different cherry varieties without even asking them too - haha!

  • 8 years ago

    Wow - I'm impressed. Rapunzel, Rapunzel - I have never seen so many flowers! If these all set fruit this is going to be one productive plant!! I think this is a Fairy Tale!

  • 8 years ago

    Hudson,close to getting ripe, as the color changes from dark to pale green.

    Nice big trusses too. I hope they all get pollinated.


  • 8 years ago

    Hi Sey - I agree with you about the "dark to pale green". But I'm not sure about the Rapunzel - I am wondering if the fruit is more pale green from genetics than "pale green" from ready to ripen? The Rapunzel fruit was never dark green - if you look at the photos you can see that even the smallest fruit is the same pale green. Guess we will soon find out.

    Heres what Sweet 100 looks like:

    Rapunzel looks like:

  • 8 years ago

    I don't want to discourage anyone from growing this variety. It did not like our GH so I pulled it today. The main reason was the taste. In our soil it had a thick skin without the taste we like and enjoy. I am sure it is a great variety in other locations and you should grow it in your area if you have an interest!

  • 8 years ago

    Hudson, I don't think that your GH is to blame.

    Every year I find some that don't do well in my garden. I ZAP them. Last summer I pulled quite few of them. Out out 3 new varieties that I try, about one likes my garden and I like them. The other two won't return.


  • 8 years ago

    Hi Sey - do you also get crop-outs? I'm leaning more towards Heirlooms and saving seeds. This year I got two crop-out plants on Hybrid seeds that I ordered. It is soo frustrating to tend them for four months only to find out I got reject seeds !!!

  • 4 years ago

    I just spotted this variety here in Oklahoma for the first time this week and brought home two plants. ( $ 3.99 each here )They are just babies of course. It is 1st week of April. I have sweet 100's started as well. I plan to grow them outside amongst the roses as I have quite a bit of shade everywhere else. They look darling to me and I have a grandson age 5 who will have fun with them. I have converted to growing only cherry tomatoes because the squirrels maraud through and take the big ones and it is no longer worth the effort and money to try. Cherry tomatoes have great flavor and there are enough to share with the little brown residents.

    I also throw cherry tomatoes from the store into the compost if I don't eat them in time. Sometimes I end up with plants ! I'll report on the Rapunzels. I hope that they do taste great and produce.

  • 4 years ago

    Yes - please report back on Rapunzel Cora. I am tempted to try them again pending your experience. I also planted Sweet 100 again this year as I have had consistent success with them.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    I haven't tried Rapunzel F1, yet, but I've read about it. I am trying a fair amount of cherries, this year, though! I'm excited. I hope it does well for you!

  • 4 years ago

    There are so many wonderful tasting cherries that I would pick over Rapunzuel. I only grew it outdoors in my garden one season because I bought into the hype on long clusters. Mine never grew as long as in the pictures. Taste was just okay, but not much better than a store bought cherry, tough skins. Sungold F1, Black Cherry, Snow White Cherry, Sweet Aperitif, Iva's Red Berry, and many more open pollinated varieties are way better. I know many people are limited to plants that are available at big box stores, or local nurseries.

  • 4 years ago

    Sweet Baby Girl is another favorite - very prolific! With a taste similar to Sweet 100 - IMO

  • 4 years ago

    I have not seen Sweet Baby Girls and it is, of course difficult to go out right now. So I'm going to stick with what I've already brought home which includes also an Orange Zinger and a Sun-sugar. There are several excellent private nurseries in Tulsa but it is considered irresponsible right now to zip around town so I am reluctantly calling a halt to further garden shopping and staying in place. I have some fencing to put up ( lightweight black wrought iron look panels ) to keep the dog out of the ornamentals, 6 tomato plants to set out, basil to sow . Also the elephant ears are not in. I am glad that I did not do any of this on Friday as it went down to 36 last night, but this is hoped to be the last cold snap.

  • 4 years ago

    It’s difficult to find seed for Sweet Baby Girl. I did find some seed on eBay - I hope they are the real thing. I always plant from seed. I did find several sources to purchase Sweet Baby Girl plants that are easy to find on the internet that are shipped directly to your home if anyone is interested just search for the sources.