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Need something tall for corner, but can't use fake plants!

11 years ago
I'm told I need something tall that won't distract from our view in this corner, but neither of us cares for fake plants, not even the truly nice ones. Any suggestions? I've never decorated a house from scratch before, and am stunned at all that I don't know. How did I get by for 59 years?? ;) Thanks.

Comments (10)

  • 11 years ago
    Are those benches or some kind of chaise? My guess is that if we saw the entire space, we could solve this dilemma beautifully. Why not take more pix and post them by commenting on this same thread and using the Attach Images button to let us see? This view is worth getting more input from Houzzers, so your room is perfect!
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    If you can't use plants, we recommend a floor lamp or a table and a lamp. The area seems a little tight. Can you move the benches or settees apart by 6-12 inches? That will open up the space and allow for someone to sit on each at the same time.
  • 11 years ago
    Looks like a great spot for a table to hold drinks, flowers and maybe a lamp. I thought about a beautiful hanging plant, but think that would spoil your view. Love the idea of a colorful hanging lantern.
  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 11 years ago
    Is there a reason that you have the chaises facing in that direction? Can they be moved with the foot end facing the water and floating out in the room a bit, not up against the window?

    If that works, I wouldn't put anything in that corner at all because the furniture will be drawing your eye out toward the water. You could always put a little Saarinen table between.
    family room · More Info

    Crow's Nest · More Info
  • 11 years ago
    Here is more of the area. It's very long. I'm no photographer, so I don't know why the area by the windows looks so dark. There's actually lovely light all day.

    There are two benches, 75 x 32. There is plenty of space to put them in the position you mentioned, judyg and also to move them apart. Love all the ideas so far. This discussion area is a goldmine! I wish I'd known sooner.

    The drapes are currently a disaster, but a drape lady is coming to solve the problem. I haven't decorated much yet, because I don't know anything, so ALL ideas for the room are welcome!

    The only issue is that I can't replace any of the furniture; absolutely no way at this time. I CAN, though, afford decor items.
  • 11 years ago
    stacybear, you're right about the reading. In fact, it's where I'm sitting right now! housemamma, I assumed a table too, but so far two friends have told me not to. ??? Another friend said that the guy who suggested it just wants to sell me an expensive tree...and now I think she's right! ;) (He was delivering something else from his store.) Those pictures are seriously dark, darker than they looked on my computer, so let me know if you need me to post nighttime shots with lights on to see colors.
  • 8 years ago

    Agree with suggestions to move the chaise lounges apart. Then perhaps you may not need anything in the corner, but might want a low table or something for the lounges to share (for drinks, book etc. the way they are now, the higher backs tend to call out for a higher table (which would obscure the beautiful view

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    In similar situations I have turned to Jeffan International floor lamps. They are decorative in the day time and add beautiful ambient lighting at night. Here is an example:

  • 8 years ago

    Forgot to add, do you need drapes? Am thinking that they would just obscure the view. . . .