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Trade or SASE, I have vegetable and flower seeds

5 years ago

Hello, it's my first year gardening so bought seeds not the best for my tiny garden. I'm looking for vegetable seeds for smaller or container, also fast growing. I'm also interest in bok choy and yoi choy. I love pale and light pink flowers so any flower seeds of that color would be welcome. Zone 10b inland California, so temps are upper 80s.

I currently have:

Charleston Grey watermelon

green globe artichoke

Calabrese broccoli

New Zealand spinach

Garden bean Contender (2017 some currently sprouting)

Purple zinnia

Mixed moss rose

Chinese aster duchess apricot (haven't sprouted yet)

Silvery rose strawflower (haven't sprout yet)

If anyone is interested please post here or send me a message!

Comments (8)

  • 5 years ago

    @Ddkcat sure! It's about a dozen zinnia seeds, hope that's not too low (bottom left seeds) ?

  • 5 years ago


    check out the Newbie Project seeds if you're a beginner, great way to get a bunch of seed varieties to get you started!

    Suzanne Zone 10b thanked val (MA z6)
  • 5 years ago

    Azusa - here's my list - Doreen.

    Flowers Ballonflower – blue Beebalm – Violet queen Chinese houses [collinsia heterophylla] Columbine – red [canadensis] Cosmos – orange English daisy Hibiscus [hardy] – Luna pink/Luna white/cherry red Hosta – yellow edge [lg.] Love lies bleeding Marigold – short mix Milkwood - pink Million gold Obedient plant - pink Pepper, Ornamental [hot - capsicum annum] Phlox [hardy] – white,pink & lavender mix w/ bicolors Rudbeckia - Autumn Sun [r.herbstonne] Rudbeckia triloba [prairie coneflower] Sunflower – Italian white/Multi-brown & yellow
    Vegetables & herbs Broccoli – Calabrese branching Catnip Chicory – Blue southishe Dill Lettuce – Buttercrunch Peas – Sugar snap/Little marvel Pepper , bell – yellow/orange Pumpkin – Jack O'Lantern Radish – early Scarlet globe Thyme Tomato [heirloom] – Black Krim/Solar Flare/Hillbilly/Carbon/Red Zebra/Purple splash/Mortgage lifter/Cherokee purple/Black Brandywine/Yellow cherry/Beauty king/Paul Robeson/Striped German Turnip – Purple top white globe
    Vines Morning glory - mix [includes Milky Way, Grandpa Ott, ivy-leaf blue, Crimson rambler and various others] /Grandpa Ott/Orange Noah Pea vine – white butterfly Trumpet vine – orange/red
    Trees/Shrubs Hydrangea - white [Annabelle] Rose of Sharon – single pink w/dark eye

    Suzanne Zone 10b thanked ddkcat
  • 5 years ago

    The luna pink hibiscus looks really pretty! I'll trade for that, how does this work? Do I send you the zinnia seeds with a SASE inside?

  • 5 years ago

    You send off your zinnia and I'll send the hibiscus. Here's my addy: Doreen Kallfisch, 49 Handyboy Ct., Red Bank, NJ 07701 and I'll need yours.

    Suzanne Zone 10b thanked ddkcat
  • 5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    Thanks, I got it! And thanks for the decorative pepper seeds! If I knew you were gonna send such a cute letter I would've upped my stationary game eheh

  • 5 years ago

    I'm interested in any seeds you have, or anyone has. Send thrn in envelopes and baggies, or giant baggies of things you know are legal in California. I will also check. Just growing plants for fun and therapy. I have a few 100 sqft.