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Looking for Very Large Oil Vase in San Francisco Bay Area

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

I am looking for a very large oil vase (35" or higher) in a dark brown or green anywhere in the San Francisco Bay Area. Lowes has a nice one I found below, but I need a matching set and they only had one. The product is discontinued and they do not even find the item number in their catalog...weird. Another Lowes may have these but the customer service had no way to check.

Lowes also has a version of this with horizontal stripes (they call it the "Tibor") but I do not like it. I want a clean simple shape and smooth texture. Maybe one of you has seen this vase at another Bay Area Lowes?

I checked the Silvestri's catalog, and very strangely they did not have simple oil vases in this shape and size. I found a Silvestri competitor I have asked for a quote, but I expect that to be mega-expensive compared to the Lowes product. Lowes is ceramic versus the high-end product is acid-stained concrete. I am fine with heavy ceramic for my application.

Does any vendor in the Bay Area have something like this?

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