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Any one growing climber Barock

3 years ago

Anyone growing Barock, looks lovely and supposed to be fragrant. How is disease resistance and rebloom?

Comments (20)

  • 3 years ago

    I would like another apricot climber. Is anyone growing climber Barock? how is scent, rebloom, resistance to black spot? I grow royal sunset which is lovely in may and june but skimpy on the rebloom. Westerland is a bloom machine but not great for cutting. I alao have crepusule and autumn sunset neither of which have performed well for me. Other suggestions ?thanks

  • 3 years ago

    Sad to hear about Autumn Sunset. What is its issue? Where do you live again? I do not grow baroque, but I'm impressed with Lady of Shalott at my next door neighbor's, Bathsheba, Malvern Hills, and teasing Georgia. Another beauty is Jayne Austen.

    roserobin_gw thanked Vaporvac Z6-OhioRiverValley
  • 3 years ago

    Autumn sunset might just need more time and water he seems to get mor blackspot For me than Westerland and bloom less. Lady of shallot is a good candidate. I have grown most of my austins as shrubs rather than climbers bur i hear shis very vigorous. I‘d love to know about Barock as palatine has her and photos are lovely look like she would be good for cutting.

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Hi robin ! Are you familiar with Instagram? If so , look at the tag #barockrose and you’ll find a lot of gorgeous pics. Then if I want to know more I will comment or message a person. I have best luck with recently shared pics .

    It looks so beautiful!! Wish I had room.

    I’m trying to post a pic but it won’t let me

    roserobin_gw thanked Lilyfinch z9a Murrieta Ca
  • 3 years ago

    i've been growing it this year and LOVE it. the colors are amazing nearly always in bloom in my climate. i haven't had any disease issues with it all, and i did have rose near it that had a bad case of rust.

    roserobin_gw thanked Kimberly zone 10 so cal
  • 3 years ago

    Sounds like a winner, even though one doesn't hear it mentioned much. Thank you all for your repsonses. I just remembered I have a rooted cutting of Polka that I need to find a place for. Really have to get rid of some underperformers or ones that no longer wow me. So many beautiful roses, so little space. :-)

  • 3 years ago

    Lilyfinch thanks for the tip to search the rose on instagram. There are some beautiful photos there , and it is supposed to be very fragrant as well.

  • 3 years ago

    You are welcome. I’m glad to have Instagram as a resource because you see so much more lovely things than you can imagine!!

    Kimberly, is yours in a pot by chance or in the ground. I accidentally talked myself into this rose after seeing all the lovely pics 😂

  • 3 years ago

    Enabling at its best :-)

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Hi! I,'ve only had this rose for 3 years; no problems with disease and it is always in bloom (june/July to frost, no pause). I never use pesticides, so it has a good natural disease resistance here. The growth is strong and upright. I've forced it to grow horizontally along a fence, but I would recommended planting it against a pillar or trellis due to it's growth habit.

    I love the flowers and how the colours change from red buds to perfect pink/abricot flowers. The name really does it justice. The blooms shatters after a while, so I don't bother with dead heading as there are no ugly, brown petals hanging on. The foilage is dark green and glossy. My husband think it smells okay, but I don't really care for the scent. For once that doesn't matter, because this rose is absolutely gorgeous!

    It is planted in a sunny location with good air circulation. Never covered during winter and spring. Climate zone 6, Oslo, Norway.

  • 2 months ago

    Barock is huge this year, still young rose.

  • 2 months ago

    I got a plant in a trade a year ago and planted mine in the ground this spring. It has had a few blooms and I liked them very much. So far it seems healthy.

  • 2 months ago

    Holy moly!! That is pretty fabulous Erasmus

  • 2 months ago

    Who is even selling this gorgeous Evers/Tantau rose currently? Palatine used to sell it, but as I understand, they cannot sell these Tantaus anymore because of GRF exclusive contract. Diane

  • 2 months ago

    Diane, i got it form Palatine. Its your type of rose for sure! Its huge even in my garden.

  • 2 months ago

    It's definitely a beauty. Mine is loaded with blooms right now. I love all the shades of apricot and pink it goes thru. The only thing I don't like about it is the fact that, at least here, it doesn't really rebloom much at all. I rarely get around to deadheading it like I should, so that might have something to do with it.

  • 2 months ago

    Gorgeous Barock, Beth. I think climbers can be poor repeaters in a lot of places. That seems to be their nature. I checked Palatine, and no more Barock, which is what I expected. I suppose Grace will start carrying it in the future, if they're still around. Diane

  • 2 months ago

    I'm planning to deadhead all my climbers, strategically placing them within reach. The only monster in my garden that's out of control is New Dawn. It seems to get bigger every year! But still hope to get to the top with ladder.

  • 2 months ago

    Good luck. I removed my last New Dawn years ago. Diane