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Ever had a mis-delivery of something you ordered?

3 years ago

We were sprucing up our home and decided to order new carpet. I went to a store with a good reputation and a large stock. I chose a sample I liked and ordered it. This was a LOT of carpet, covering a large living room, dining room, stairway and hall.

In due time the carpet was delivered and installed. As I looked at I began to wonder how I had chosen such cheap looking carpet, but decided I'd have to live with it. Then one day i remembered that I still had the sample from which I had ordered. I found the sample. Lo and behold! It wasn't the carpet on our floors.

I took the sample to the store and they agreed that it was the wrong carpet and reordered it, agreeing to remove what we had and reinstall the correct one.

In due time the truck arrived with my new order. I asked to look at it before they unloaded it. It was the same carpet that had been installed!!! So--back it went to the store.

I went to the store and chose a very different carpet which was delivered and installed. The store bent over backwards to make it right-discount, gift certificate, etc. Actually it probably wasn't their fault that the number on the sample was wrong.

Have you had an experience like that?

Comments (2)

  • 3 years ago

    Did you realize that this is posted to the Alpine Gardening forum? I'm thinking this is not the place you want this to be, although misdelivered mail order plants are relatively common, depending on the supplier :-)

  • 3 years ago

    Might still be time to edit this post and put it where you wanted it.
