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Christmas Gifts

3 years ago

I didn't see a recent thread on this topic, and I've been having a really hard time deciding on what to give this year. Would love to see some ideas - maybe you can tell us what some of your favorite gifts have been, or what some of your gifted "hits" have been over the years. :)

Any ideas you'd like to share would be appreciated - though I personally am set on shopping small businesses this year, so ideas from places like Etsy or the like would be extra handy. Particularly for men... they always seem to be toughest to shop for!

Photo of one of my Christmas puppies just for fun...

Comments (9)

  • 3 years ago

    Your own version of " Spoonful of Comfort" just received their chicken soup version

    Gift Box with good book, tea, mug

    hand knitted scarf and/or mittens for our walks as we continue to socially distance

    Angelique thanked jck910
  • 2 years ago

    Think about what interests each person. Then give them something they always use but could always use more of. If he's a fisherman, give him some lures or fishing line and other tackle, presented in a tackle box. If he/she golfs, golf balls and tees. If someone cooks, they could always use more kitchen towels or utensils, or an exotic ingredient.

  • 2 years ago

    I decided this year for my grown children, who are both married, I will be wrapping $100 bills in boxes, and 1 gift for each person or couple, that depends on what I find out there, I think they will like. Only so much stuff any one person needs.

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    you do not know what to give to people close to you? I have a nice gift idea. I like barbecues and decided not to save money and buy a smoker. I gave it to my husband and he was delighted. he cooks amazing smoked meat on his own and it turns out amazingly delicious. I'm sure I made a good purchase for the house and a great gift.

    Angelique thanked Apol Dase
  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Some of my biggest hits are gelato maker, Bose speaker system and printed and framed genealogical charts.

    Angelique thanked Norwood Architects
  • 2 years ago

    Kathy, will you adopt me this Christmas? :)

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    This year still giving money but my daughters in law have mentioned a recipe book of my recipes so this year I am giving each a pretty brownie pan with the recipe included, next year have decided on a small food processor for each with my salsa recipe. Each family is receiving a specific fun gift for our beach trip next summer, which is also a gift. Kathy, above and krystalmoon are one and the same.

    Angelique thanked krystalmoon2009
  • last year

    And I stick to the rule that jewelry is something you can give to my wife on any holiday. It's easier for children to buy some toy and they rejoice, but it's hard for my wife to choose a gift. And so I went to a jewelry store and bought a beautiful ring and the holiday was a success. I gave her a three-carat diamond ring for her birthday. She was over the moon, thanking me as much as she could. She really liked the gift. The next day all her friends knew about it. And as for men it is a bit more difficult to choose a gift for them, it is better to take into account their hobbies or what they do. You can even give power tools if he does such work at home as fix the lock in the door or something in this regard (hang a shelf or ledge).