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Baby gift complete

8 months ago
last modified: 8 months ago

My hiking buddy is expecting a boy in January and the baby shower is next week. Finally finished the sweater and booties. Boys are much more of a challenge as so many baby things and baby yarns are very girly. But I think this fits the "boy" bill. Had fun playing with the self-striping yarn. So much easier than real fair isle. I hope they like it!

Comments (83)

  • 8 months ago

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! I'm learning crochet -it seems much easier than knitting. I know the very basics of knitting -have made a few scarves, etc. But real knitting INTIMIDATES me! That little set is sure to be a treasured gift.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked Bestyears
  • 8 months ago

    How wonderful! You did a great job.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked Suzieque
  • 8 months ago

    Aww..that is so special. How wonderful that little boy is going to start life with a gift made from love.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked bbstx
  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    Labels we apply, that the user may not agree with later on in life... But really, I was thinking about how my mother brought me home in blue. Trust me I'm highly feminine 😉 weren't no color going to make me be anything other than I am. It was more just food for thought.

    Wait! And I even have what I've always considered a masculine name. Maybe it's like A boy named Sue?!

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked rob333 (zone 7b)
  • 8 months ago

    Love the color combination. The set is beautiful. The mommy will be thrilled. You are so talented. I knit for my girls when they were little. An ambitious project that I remember was knitting a sweater and skirt set. I have 3 daughters, but I knit only two sets. I might have run out of steam or time or maybe the pattern was not sized for my littlest one. They were 4, 3, and 1 at the time.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked happy2b…gw
  • 8 months ago

    Adorable. What a perfect gift for a baby

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked nelliebean
  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    It's a very lovely set. However, the cardigan you posted could be made in a less girly colour without the picot edging and also be suitable for a boy. I tend to make cardigans for babies or else sweaters with a shoulder opening because buttoning up the front or having a larger head hole is easier than wrestling a sweater over the head of a wriggly baby IME :-)

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked colleenoz
  • 8 months ago

    Wow! It's beautiful.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked schoolhouse_gwagain
  • 8 months ago

    That is absolutely gorgeous! And very definitely 'little boy'! May I ask what the yarn brand is, and the color name? I will be getting a new Great Grandson in February, and I would love to make something in that colorway for him! I don't knit, nor do I want to tackle such an ambitious project, but I will crochet something for him. I love those colors!


    Annie Deighnaugh thanked Rusty
  • 8 months ago

    My DH says that if I knitted as much as I pulled out and reknitted, my output would treble :-D

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked colleenoz
  • 8 months ago

    I love it! Knitting is on my list if things to learn.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked 1929Spanish-GW
  • 8 months ago


    Annie Deighnaugh thanked Kathsgrdn
  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    Rusty, the solids are Plymouth Yarn Dream Baby DK...the self-striping yarn is Sirdar Snuggly Crofter Baby Fair Isle Effect DK Color Dougal 157. They are washable acrylics. While the sweater is knit, the booties are crocheted.

  • 8 months ago

    Annie, that is just adorable. I love the denim, rustic rustic look it has, and I’m certain the recipient will just love it.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked OutsidePlaying
  • 8 months ago

    Nope they will NOT like it--they will LOVE it!

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked Rho Dodendron
  • 8 months ago

    A beautiful job as always.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked blubird
  • 8 months ago

    Love love !!!!

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked martinca_gw sunset zone 24
  • 8 months ago

    Adorable, and I love that it isn't baby blue (says the blue is my color person). Definitely a boy though. It will be a cherished gift.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked lascatx
  • 8 months ago

    Very nice jumper and lovely colours. I only recently started knitting, since being told by DD I'll be getting a first grandchild in March. It's very therapeutic and I find myself addicted already. I had never heard of self striping wool (blue and cream) but I've now used it to make a sweater and hat. It makes it look as if you've done amazing fair isle without the effort. The only problem is that the sleeves don't come out the same as each other.

    Our baby is a girl but I am definitely not making anything pink! I was stunned to be reminded on a pattern that the position of the button hole, even on a newborn cardigan, depends on the sex. How ludicrous is that?

  • 8 months ago

    Oh Annie, you do beautiful work! My mother was a knitter and I wish I had paid more attention to this skill. What a lucky little boy.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked ratherbesewing
  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    I'm sorry if you're seeing two posts from me. I posted from my laptop yesterday but couldnt see it on my phone this morning. So reposted on my phone, which I now cant see on my laptop. No idea what is going on.

  • 8 months ago

    That's just perfect. I'm sure they'll love it!

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked salonva
  • 8 months ago

    What a lovely and thoughtful gift!

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked hounds_x_two
  • 8 months ago

    So lovely! That is the sort of gift that gets saved long after they've outgrown it.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked daisychain Zn3b
  • 8 months ago

    that is simply adorable!

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked Ninapearl
  • 8 months ago

    That is a beautiful baby boy gift. Such a nice job Annie. I still have the baby blanket DHs great aunt crocheted for our daughter. She is 36 now.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked katlan
  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    Wow, wish I had that thpe of talent. Absolutely, gorgeous!

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked likestonehomes
  • 8 months ago

    Adorable! You are so talented.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked wwbungalow
  • 8 months ago

    That is spectacular. What a treasured gift that will be.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked Zalco/bring back Sophie!
  • 8 months ago


    Annie Deighnaugh thanked lily316
  • 8 months ago

    Thank you, Annie! Those are brands I am not familiar with, so have added them to my 'want' list, to research and try to locate.


    Annie Deighnaugh thanked Rusty
  • 8 months ago

    It’s beautiful, Annie.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked sheesh
  • 8 months ago

    Rusty, you'll probably need to buy on line or at a yarn store. The stuff at Jo-Ann's and Michaels is a poor stepchild to the good stuff that's out there.

  • 8 months ago

    Annie, I would have loved this for my DSs when they were babies. You chose beautiful colors!

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked Feathers11
  • 8 months ago

    Not trying to start drama, but I have an honest question. If you were expecting a boy and someone gave you clothes that were pink, would it upset you? I know that pink it not typically thought of as a boy color, but that's ok,right?

  • 8 months ago


    Annie Deighnaugh thanked Cindy 7 VA
  • 8 months ago

    I would not be happy with pink clothes for a boy unless they were obviously fun like pink bunnies on PJs or onesies or something...mainly because I'd want people to be able to recognize the gender without having to ask or saying something inappropriate through an incorrect assumption. I know one Mom who put pink bows on her baby's head as she had no hair and Mom wanted everyone to know it was a girl.

    When I see a baby I don't know say in a check out line, I usually start out with cute baby, how old? When Mom replies (s)he's 3 months, then I know how to continue.

  • 8 months ago

    So adorable! You did a great job Annie.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked nicole___
  • 8 months ago

    I had my then baby daughter dressed in a light pink onesie and a shocking pink matching cardigan/bonnet/booties set and a detective who had come to visit my DH looked into the bassinet and said, "Cute little fellah." So colour is no guarantee people will recognise the gender. In fact, the "pink for a girl, blue for a boy" tradition is only a little over a hundred years old or so.

    I had friends who were expecting a girl and bought all pink clothing. They had a very butch looking boy in pink clothes until he outgrew them as they couldn't afford to replace them all.

    I wouldn't be too bothered.

  • 8 months ago

    Love this Annie! It bears repeating from me that you do amazingly beautiful work. Beautuful and thoughtful gift.

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked Irish2
  • 8 months ago

    Annie, do you have a suggestion for a lighter weight baby yarn? I like a #3 weight, worked on #4 needles. No sense in wasting my time and effort on junky yarn.

  • 8 months ago

    Sorry, faftris, I'm not so expert to know such things. I don't know enough to recommend one brand over another. I only know when I go to a real yarn store and ask for help, they are most knowledgable and guide me. I look at the made up samples, the fiber content, washability, twist, fuzziness, diameter and scratchiness. Note that just because it says DK or #3 doesn't mean there isn't a lot of variation on the thickness of the yarn. I've noticed that some yarns may feel soft in the skein but get scratchier once worked up. I also notice that even the same yarn, same brand can vary in stiffness due to the dyes used. I tend to look at acrylics for their washability especially for baby, though they do make nice washable wools these days too.

    The yarns I chose for this project are DK (double knitting) which is a #3 weight and can be worked on needles size 4-6. I have been happy with Plymouth yarns, but there are so many out there, I really have to go by feel. This is one place where shopping in person is so important.

    For the cheaper yarns from Joann's/Michaels, I prefer Lions Brand and do not like red heart. I work a lot with them for all the project linus blankets I make where I buy yarns that come by the pound and usually in regular worsted weight #4.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    Oh I also wanted to mention that I have used bamboo yarn and it looks more like cotton but is far softer and works up nicely.

  • 8 months ago

    Yarn does make a big difference, not just in how the finished item looks and feel, but in how the yarn is to work with. Yarn shop brands are less likely to split, kink or pill on you -- and the people who work there can guide you away from ones that can be more difficult. Good luck even finding anyone you can ask a question at the big stores, much less getting an answer. Lion has some higher level yarns online but I haven't tried them. The two yarn shops I knew of have both closed, Is that a warmer climate thing or has the popularity faded again? It seems younger people are being drawn into bag making and some garment sewing (machine sewing), embroidery (mostly machine) and anything that can be done with a cutting machine -- all faster gratification projects.

  • 8 months ago

    Maybe it's just a function of the area in which I live, but the looks I get when I go in and ask for anything other than organic wool/yak/cashmere, hand dyed, $30 per ounce yarn! I believe that any baby item need to be machine wash-and-dry; otherwise one spit-up and it's gone. Or even worse, it will be "saved" and outgrown before use. I need to widen my shopping perimeter.

  • 8 months ago

    My limited knitting career (4 months) has already shown me the huge variation in yarn qualities and how they feel to knit. But I'm also aware of how mucky baby clothes get and how fast they're outgrown, so I'm only using machine washable yarns.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    Beautifully done like always Annie !

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked Arapaho-Rd
  • 8 months ago


    Annie Deighnaugh thanked sjerin
  • 8 months ago

    Love the colors and everything about them!

    Annie Deighnaugh thanked foodonastump