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New Hostas 2024

Are your hosta orders coming in yet? It might be useful to share our experiences with different vendors and fun to see (or hear) what everyone’s adding to their hosta collection. Also, getting any new ones from local nurseries counts, too.

Comments (55)

  • 3 months ago

    Thanks for the heads up on Hornbakers.


  • 3 months ago

    Debra and Sandyslopes, I visited Horbakers few years back with NIHS bus trip, it was a lot of fun.

    Sandy, those look like nice plants!

    Last year I seen someone mentioned hosta Kiwi Milky way that they got at Horbakers but it was not on their website when I looked. So I emailed them and they took care of me, found me what I wanted and I got couple of others too. Nice way of doing business.

    Bkay, how are you dealing with potential of Paul's Glory being infected? I am hesitant to order anything that has high HVX rate.

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked lindalana 5b Chicago
  • 3 months ago

    I bought just one new hosta this year, a large Cathedral Windows from Plant Delights.

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked undertheoaksgardener7b
  • 2 months ago

    This is the Hornbaker order after about ten days in the pots. Doing well!

    April 29, I received my second order of hostas from New Hampshire Hostas. Once again, I did not specify when I would like my order. They came by USPS in a long, triangular box. This way of packing meant the longer leaves were not bent or crumpled. The roots wrapped in damp newspaper, plastic, and a rubber band. All in good shape.

    Dinner Mint, Pin-Up, Wildest Dreams

    Hotshot, Love Story, Broadway

    I potted them up and put them under the deck with my first order.

    A couple weeks after I potted them, I noticed they weren't doing that well in the pots with some yellowing leaves and edges. But I blame the fact that I didn't amend the potting mix for better drainage, like I did with the first order. I knew they wouldn’t be in the pots for too long, so I got a little lazy.

    Hopefully, all will be well, and as of today 5/13, I have them all in the ground!

  • 2 months ago

    I shopped at the local hosta society's sale this past weekend. I went with a wish list, found two from the list, and purchased a total of eight hostas.

    Clockwise from 12:00, these are Ice Cream, Voices in the Wind, Runt, Church Mouse, Pandora's Box, Ladybug, Silly String, and Wrinkle in Time.

    And, since I found so few from my wish list, I came home and immediately placed an online order for six more hostas plus a fern.

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked Ben D (zone 7b)
  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    LL, I wasn't aware that Paul's Glory had a reputation for HVX. That's a shame. It's such a great hosta.

    The only hosta I've ever had with HVX is Royal Standard. It was from a local grower. I bought it in the summer. HVX showed up the next spring. I won't buy any plant they grow now. I always ask about the grower now when I am in a locally owned nursery.

    Fortunately, I only grow in pots, so it's not a huge problem for me. I will be careful with my tools. Thanks for the heads up.


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked bkay2000
  • sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked lindalana 5b Chicago
  • 2 months ago

    Here’s what I have received so far:
    NEw Hampshire Hostas: Chinese Sunrise, Gemstone, Broadway, Hans, Ayesha
    Hornbakers: Cup of Grace, 2 Royal Tiaras, Voices in the Wind, White Bikini, White Christmas and Time in a Bottle (coming), Bridegroom, Warwick Comet. Still have more coming! 😳


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked djacob Z6a SE WI
  • 2 months ago

    Obviously, not in that order. GG, happy to see those hostas from Mason Hollow ….. ordered Valleys Love Birds from them.


  • 2 months ago

    I’m happy to see so many of you getting your orders!

    Ben, a local hosta society’s sale is a good thing! I looked up your haul on the HL, and Voices in the Wind speaks to me with that very ruffled edge. You found a lot of good ones and more coming. Yay!

    Indianagg, those look nice and what great roots! I’ll have to put Mason Hollow on my list.

    Debra, you went all out and are getting a lot of hostas this year. I’m curious what is the big green one in the blue pot? Is it Cup of Grace?

  • 2 months ago

    Sandyslopes, yes the big one is Cup Of Grace. I also got my Hosta Store order today:

    LS Cupcake, White Feather and Valleys Rodeo


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked djacob Z6a SE WI
  • 2 months ago

    Older varieties but new to me, to accentuate the new pots.

    Liberty & Autumn Frost

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked old_dirt 6a
  • 2 months ago

    I've grown Paul's Glory for over 20 years and never had any sign of a virus. However, it's an older cultivar and when produced by large growers it could easily carry a virus. I usually buy from reputable growers and skip the big box stores, etc. and random sales by people from their homes. (Lots of people sell perennials in my area out of their yards.) I've seen plenty of problem plants while buying bags of soil and mulch at HD.

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked miles10612
  • 2 months ago

    Old_dirt, your ew garden looks wonderful! Your blue pots set off the hostas well.

    I bought many multi-colored pots and some solids as well. Your arrangement is so creative….. have a tendency to place things willy nilly hoping that it will all come together. lol, lol


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked djacob Z6a SE WI
  • 2 months ago

    Oh, your hauls look so good! Ben, that dome good hosta society sale!

    Old dirt, am a sucker for deep blue pots, are they plastic or ceramic?

    Sandy I see you got Hotshot, I am a big fan of Dan Wols hostas. Hotshot is truly aptly named.

    I gave up and ordered couple of hostas from Mason Hollow, Sue is always so easy to deal with. Also ordered from Brian White, he had Sunflower smiles hosta from Dan Wols which I do not have yet.

    I will be on Jade cascade third try. But have yo say it was my own neglect, so this one will go in the ground.

    But most I need to deal with my seedlings mess. They got hit by frost and I am figuring unable to cull some for the plant swap tomorrow.

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked lindalana 5b Chicago
  • last month

    I just received my order from Sebright Gardens.

    From left to right, Bridal Falls, Hudson Bay, Inniswood, Dream Weaver, Ripple Effect, White Dove, and Jurassic Gold Wood Fern.

    I'm pleased with the order and impressed by the size of the plants. Bridal Falls is so big it's almost intimidating; I might start calling it Audrey.

    Our ground is too wet for planting right now. I potted up a couple, and the rest are heeled in under some mulch for another day or two.

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked Ben D (zone 7b)
  • last month

    Nice order, Ben. The roots all look good! I like how you lined them up according to their size. Audrey made me lol! 😊

    I’m waiting on an order of four more from Sebright, too. Hopefully, this week!

  • last month

    Absolutely love Sebright. The plants always arrive in superb condition, the packing is simply wonderful (the plants always arrive hydrated) and the roots are always fabulous. Have to place my order today. I have Dream Weaver and Hudson Bay, none of the others. We have been watering since we get some misty rain and fog which do nothing for the plants.

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked miles10612
  • last month

    My Sebright order arrived on the first Friday in June. This was the only order I asked for a delivery date. The hostas came in the long, triangular packaging by USPS, so the leaves are in great shape. I put them in vases and left them in the kitchen overnight until I could plant them the next day.

    Roots look good. I made a separate post asking about that one oddity (to me) on Hampshire County. But I’m happy with how they all look.

    May and Ooh la la

    Hampshire County and Cream Topping

    So I think I'm done buying hostas for a while. All the orders came in good condition. Now let's see how they grow!

  • last month

    Here’s my last host order from Uniquely Hostas:

    Left to right: Teq Tequila Sunrise, Riviera Sunset, Mighty Mouse, VallValleys Chute-the-Chute and Stained Glass. I will put the small ones in pots to start them off to gain some size before planting in the ground.


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked djacob Z6a SE WI
  • last month

    debra, did you mean to post pictures, too? Uniquely Hostas is not one I've tried yet.

  • last month

    My mother-in-law and I share our love of gardening, and our birthdays are 1 week apart. So, I bought us some real beauties from Hostas-Store this week. Scheherazade (2), Long Tail Lights, Valley’s Lemon Squash, Funky Monkey, Cup of Joy, Skywriter, Snake Eyes, Tick Tock, Unruly Child, Gypsy Rose, and Tokudama Flavicircinalis

    Time to celebrate!

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked undertheoaksgardener7b
  • last month

    Underthegardenoaks, happy birthday! That’s a great haul! A lot of unique hostas that I’ve never heard of. Thanks for showing them to us. ….And how fun to be able to share your love of gardening with your mother-in-law!

    Have you gotten hostas from Hostas-Store before, or is this a first?

    Now that Hallson and Naylor Creek are both gone, (my previous “go to” nurseries) I’m glad to be finding out about a lot more places to order from!

  • last month

    I have purchased from Hostas-store a lot over the past 4-5 years. Their stuff is usually quite good, though this batch was particularly fine!

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked undertheoaksgardener7b
  • last month

    Hi Sandyslopes, I have purchased from Uniquely Hostas, once before I believe. I will take pics tomorrow.
    I got side tracked… funny, my birthday was today…. lots of Geminis here.

    My favorite vendor is Hornbakers, but if I am looking for something specific, I sometimes have to look elsewhere. I have ordered from the hosta store too and they also have great plants.


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked djacob Z6a SE WI
  • last month

    Happy Birthday debra :-)

  • last month

    Happy birthday, Debra!

  • last month

    I am not sure what happhappened to the pictures I thought I did post. So here are the hostas planted:

    They came in a triangular shaped box with roots in moist paper towels and a plastic bag with rubber band around. They were in good condition.

    Here’s the pic that didn’t send before.


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked djacob Z6a SE WI
  • last month

    Happy planting, utog. I hope the heat is not moving your way.

    Happy birthday, debra! I hope you’re having a good one! ...Another Gemini here, mine was a couple of weeks ago. Your new hostas look like they’re off to a good start.

  • last month
    last modified: last month

    Hey Debra, Happy Birthday! And many more of them!

    These are my most recent additions. One of our largest Canadian mail-order plant suppliers (Vesey's) was having their seasonal spring clear-out sale and I couldn't resist. They're shipped bare root and bagged in peatmoss and I've had good luck with them over the years. We have 'Sunny Halcyon', 'First Blush' -my third one, I like it that much- 'Little Treasure' and "Glad Tidings'.

    They were potted up only about 10 days ago without showing much in terms of leaves and no colour to them at all. They're all leafing out nicely I'd say!


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked Pieter zone 7/8 B.C.
  • last month

    Happy Birthday Debra and to all the others out there.

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked ilovetogrow z9 Jax Florida
  • last month

    Those are off to a good start, Pieter! I didn’t know there was a Sunny Halcyon. Very nice. I see why you like First Blush so much. Beautiful coloring. Thanks for bringing a Canadian source to our attention. I’m sure that will help someone else know where they might order from.

  • last month

    Sandy, while it is a fairly well regarded supplier here north of the 49th parallel they are shipping predominantly bulbs and the vast majority of perennials they ship are dormant. Having said that, I've dealt with them repeatedly for select hostas and always been satisfied. They don't have a large selection of hostas but from time to time they will have something of interest. And they did this year but decided to wait and see what they had at clear out time.

    There are a few Canadian suppliers of a much larger variety of hostas but I have not dealt with any because we have a decent nursery locally who always carries a decent assortment of hostas and prides itself on supplying a range of rare and exotic plants.


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked Pieter zone 7/8 B.C.
  • last month

    Gorgeous plants everyone. Happy Birthday utog, Debra & Lisa! I hope you all have a wonderful year.

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked peren.all Zone 5a Ontario Canada
  • last month

    Thanks to everyone for all the Birthday wishes!! Pieter, what a nice selection of hostas! I also did not know there was a Sunny Halcyon……is it Sunny tolerant? I do love the look of that one. You will not be disappointed with Little Treasure. I have one which I kept in a pot for the first summer. I planted it in September and this year it’s looking very good.


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked djacob Z6a SE WI
  • last month
    last modified: last month

    Debra, I just got to looking at this post again and I came across the picture of what you identify as 'Stained Glass'. Go to the HL and look at the pictures there and all the plants you see there have a much narrower green edge than what shows in your picture. Yours strikes me as a more glaucous plant as well, it kinda reminds me of 'Captain Kirk'. The flowers may well tell the story 🤔


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked Pieter zone 7/8 B.C.
  • 24 days ago

    Is anyone still ordering?

    Debra, I looked at Stained glass and agree with Pieter. There is no chance these borders will decrease IMHO to be Stained glass. Cool plant though.

    I really do not need more hostas I am ending to keep my own seedlings in more quantities that I thought. But I really miss Hollywood lights I used to have. I just seen gorgeous one at last hosta walk and of course no one has it. Well, I found it at KK Hawkeye gardens.

    I ordered from them before, and got nice plants. So I am getting Hollywood lights, Old Yeller, Quicksand, Tropical dancer and When I dream.

    I have seen Quicksand in someone's garden and it has to of character. It will be my third try of Tropical Dancer, but I love Spring Fling and it should be improved version of it.

    I had to get Old Yeller for the name alone.

    So is When I dream. But I like just about anything that Hansen creates.

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked lindalana 5b Chicago
  • 24 days ago

    Sounds like some good ones lindalana. Not familiar with any of those. I’m done ordering hostas this year, but did buy a melon colored AZ Blanket flower and a lavender plant. That’s it! No more room here!


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked djacob Z6a SE WI
  • 21 days ago

    lindalana, let us know how they make it through the heat. I'm so tempted to order just a few more hostas. I know I said I was done, but I see a couple of spaces that could use hostas. Last year I ordered and planted in August, so is July that different? But it's so hot, I don't know how bad that might stress the plants. I hope yours arrive in good shape!

  • 20 days ago

    Just arrived and looking good. Will post pics later.

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked lindalana 5b Chicago
  • 20 days ago

    I ordered from both Hornbakers and Sebright. Have been happy with the plants I received from both places. Excellent packing and timely shipping. Hope to order more when the weather cools and hope to visit both sometime over the next year! Sebrights is an awesome destination and my daughter moved to KY and Hornbakers is right along the way!

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked Ken Zone 5 SE Idaho
  • 20 days ago

    I said no more, but…… I think I am going to remove an old Royal Standard out front. I have another one and this one has fairy ringed. I’m considering Miss America for the spot as there are several blues around that spot and I think it would look nice there. I haven’t pulled the trigger yet…..


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked djacob Z6a SE WI
  • 20 days ago

    Ken, that sounds like a good plan to visit both places. It would be nice to see where our hostas come from. Checking the 10-day forecast, it’s hot and hotter, so I know I should wait. If the hostas I want sell out, I’ll have to convince myself that it wasn’t meant to be. 😊

    Debra, that excuse to get a new hosta sounds good to me!

  • 19 days ago
    last modified: 19 days ago

    It is hot! I’ve been watering mine more this year and it helps a lot! I purchased Midnight Oil and Wrinkle in Time from Hornbakers too. if you are ever up our way in Idaho Falls stop by!

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked Ken Zone 5 SE Idaho
  • 19 days ago

    Here’s my favorite - Risky Business. Now that I finally figured out how to add photos I have a couple I need helo with identifying. Will tey that timorrow!

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked Ken Zone 5 SE Idaho
  • 19 days ago

    Boy I need to proofread before I submit 😳

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked Ken Zone 5 SE Idaho
  • 18 days ago

    Ken, I 've seen a TV program, Garden Smart which visited Sebright Gardens. It looked like a wonderful place. Lots of plants that they don't ship like fuschias. When you visit, please take some pics. Idaho Falls to Kentucky is a long trip, you must like to drive. Sebright is my favorite place to order from since they always send huge fresh plants, even when it's extremely warm outside.

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked miles10612
  • 17 days ago

    I saw that program too miles10612! nothing like a roadtrip, especially when you cross paths with a hosta nursery!

    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked Ken Zone 5 SE Idaho
  • 17 days ago

    Ken, that RB looks great! Please post the others you need help with! I’m waiting with excitement!! 😉


    sandyslopes z6 n. UT thanked djacob Z6a SE WI