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Rose still sulking after pruning

2 months ago

I dug up Sweet Mademoiselle late last year, she grew to be a monster in her 2nd year with blooms only at her tips. A friend expressed interest in her so I pruned hard & put her in a large pot, just a little smaller than the half wine barrel she was in. Well she is alive and well but refuses to grow much, & there are no signs of a bud whatsoever. At this point all my other roses have bloomed at least a month ago & still going strong.
What could be the reason for this?

Comments (14)

  • 2 months ago

    Here's a pic

  • 2 months ago

    Disregard the red salvia that snuck in the pot...

  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    Maybe she is angry at being whacked down ? did you fertilize her ?

    I too have planted Sweet Mademoiselle this year from High Country Roses . She is 4 ft tall already and almost never blooms although in all day sun location . I don't know if I should wait or Shovel prune her ?

    Soozie Q, zone 10b thanked pink rose(9b, FL )
  • 2 months ago

    I planted SM last year as a bare root. i think it only had two loose looking blooms all last year. it is facing west in a sunny spot. it grew taller than my 6 ft fence. I thought something must be wrong with it. This spring it basically did the same thing. grew to nearly 5 feet already, with a bloom at the end of every long cane. probably 8 long canes. the blooms came maybe 2 at a time, so never a huge pretty flush all at once. but the blooms were very large, full, deeply cupped and fragrant and lasted a week in the vase. Kind of an unpleasant habit being so tall and spindly but the blooms were fantastic. Would love to have a dozen at once for a bouquet.

    My Princess Charlene of Monaco behaves the exact same way.

    Soozie Q, zone 10b thanked Echo_Texas_zone9a
  • 2 months ago

    I did give it more water than its neighbors who had already bloomed and then gave it Miracle grow super bloom. SM and PCoM are my last two bloomers in the garden. All my DA’s nearly bloomed out the first week of April and PCoM hasnt finished the first flush yet. over a month behind.

    Soozie Q, zone 10b thanked Echo_Texas_zone9a
  • 2 months ago

    Yes I have fertilized her, Pink Rose. When I prune I also remove all leaves & she has leafed out, then stopped doing anything else.

    Echo TX, you've described her growth habit to a T. That's why I wanted to get rid of her. My garden is too small for such a tall rose.

    My PCoM is one of my favorites this year. Stately, beautiful blooms & leaves, wonderful scent, long lasting. I moved her last year from a background position to a full sun center stage spot, and she is preening in all the attention lol.

  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    Echo _Texas

    My Sweet Madmoiselle behaves like yours . I think l got a bloom or 2 in the last 6 months but it was huge and beautiful .l was waiting for her to mature and bloom more . But if she is going to be stingy , l think l will replace her in a few months when new roses come !

  • 2 months ago

    Wow! My Sweet Madmoiselle does the same thing, blooms at the tip of an 8 ft cane. She blooms a lot so she does have that going for her but I am reslly on the fence about keeping her.

    Soozie Q, zone 10b thanked Kristine LeGault 8a pnw
  • 2 months ago

    I'm worried cuz even though she has new leaves, there is no other growth at all. In other words she hasn't grown any new limbs, her pruned branches are the same height. Even the leaves have stopped at this point. But she's alive no doubt. No dryness, withering, browning...I can't give her away until she starts to grow lol.

  • 2 months ago

    It blooms at the tips because it's a hybrid tea - they all do this. It is a very tall and vigorous rose, but there's nothing messy about the habit. It's a really, really nice rose. I'm guessing it resents hard pruning, though - I've seen some at the local nursery that have been hard pruned and they seem to take quite some time to recover.

    Soozie Q, zone 10b thanked ElfRosaPNW8b
  • 2 months ago

    I'll say it does, 5 months already. Sheez.

  • 2 months ago

    Maybe give her a liquid fertilizer with high nitrogen ?

    Last Fall my potted roses were just sitting there , doing nothing . so I soaked 1 cup alfalfa meal in a small water bucket for a few days . gave each rose some , the very second day got new red growth .

    Soozie Q, zone 10b thanked pink rose(9b, FL )
  • 2 months ago

    I also have the same experience with Sweet Mademoiselle sulking, both from pruning and moving.

    Carla in Sac

    Soozie Q, zone 10b thanked sautesmom Sacramento