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Ant ideas for the steps

2 months ago

I just had brick placed on the side of the steps, limestone for top of bricks is on the way….any ideas on covering the steps. These are pictures before and after the brick…..the last pic is the inspo pic of how the brick will be like when finished with the limestone edge

Comments (15)

  • PRO
    2 months ago

    "Ant ideas" ???? What does that mean?

  • 2 months ago

    It’s an obvious typo Diana! The T & Y are next to each other on key board. Poster is asking for ”any” ideas. 😊

  • 2 months ago

    Commercial stair tread covers of rubber or fibreglass with an abrasive finish to prevent slippage.

    Our indoor two-storey steel staircase is open with only the treads and risers covered in wood.

  • PRO
    2 months ago

    Haha, that didn't occur to me. I just read it quickly.

    Anyway, don't you proofread what you write before hitting "submit"? Especially in the title?

  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    Diana, proofread? Well - where’s the fun in that? And anyway, sometimes when we proofread our own writing, all we see is what we meant to say. Also, we all know that autocorrect is absolutely the worst for helping us say what we meant to write! Having said all that, I would hope poster would edit their post to correct it once they became aware of the misuse.

  • 2 months ago

    Oh Paul - you are so funny! 😆

  • 2 months ago

    Charlene, great inspo pic & the difference in your before / after pics is really nice. It would be helpful to see the house the steps are attached to in order to offer any suggestions for covering the tops of the steps. Looks like the balcony has nice iron railings. The steps seem like they’re pretty safe as far as no slip risk. What climate do you live in? That might make a difference in choices of what to cover the steps with.

  • 2 months ago

    What's wrong with the actual steps? They look sturdy and non-slippery, whether rain or snow. And you can't see them bc of the beautiful brickwork you had done. I'd use the $$ on more landscaping instead.

  • PRO
    2 months ago

    I would like to see the steps in relation to the house and why 2 different stones at all . I really have no idea what you are doing.

  • 2 months ago

    Are you wanting to keep the railing? For the stairs, you could add wood or stone toppers. I don't know the logistics on that (how to secure them to the current stairs/non-slip, etc.), but that would change the look.

  • 2 months ago

    That's some nice looking iron work, I'd paint it and enjoy it

  • 2 months ago

    Ok didn’t know I was getting graded on grammar here lol. The brick matches the house…it’s a bit dirty because it’s work in progress….i don’t “need” to cover the steps, however I live in Michigan and the exposed steps AND the area where I added the brick would wear and rust- looked horrible. It constantly needed sanding and painting. I love the rails - just wondering if anyone had “ANY” I ideas for the steps

    Stone toppers is where I was headed but limestone is so pricy right now that I wanted to see if anyone had ANY other suggestions -thank you

  • 2 months ago

    This pic is from 2015 when the steps were first added. We don’t have grass under the steps

  • 2 months ago

    Charlene, the limestone topper looks really nice & the entire set up - added brick on sides, topper & black railings looks great. You live in snow country so a question comes to mind. Would adding a top to the steps make them much more slippery & risky to navigate when covered with snow & ice? Even though the exposed metal steps require some maintenance to keep them rust free & nice looking, is that need every few years or so? Isn’t it safer & easier to have snow fall through the steps & less surface on steps themselves to freeze up? My vote would be to leave as is, especially since what you’ve just done has improved the look so much & they look great.