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Two Entry doors. Need help on how to guide guests to the main one.

2 months ago

Here is a draft rendering of our addition. Our main door is a big glass door behind the privacy wall however our second entry into the mudroom is the single door next to the garage. How can we ensure that visitors know to go to the main door?

Note that we cannot make major structural changes at this point so looking for guidance around door design, landscaping and driveway/walkway design.

Comments (13)

  • PRO
    2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    IMO no walkway from the driveway or at least not where they come to the mud roome door first . I like walkways to the front door from the street but i have no idea how your home is situated .Also the mud room door the same color as the siding can help hide it why the privacy wall at all?

  • 2 months ago

    You make the walkway to the main door more obviously the main one. Currently, you have the same pavement. You could line the main walkway with flowers. You could have an interesting edging.

  • PRO
    2 months ago

    Use special plantings to signify that one door is the main door.

    Place the address numbers on the privacy screen.

  • 2 months ago

    keep the mudroom door locked, they'll figure it out

  • 2 months ago

    Do you use the mudroom door? If not, place container plantings in front of it.

  • PRO
    2 months ago

    Mudroom door should be a solid door with no glass and painted the stucco color.

  • 2 months ago

    Add matching privacy wall to the right of the main walkway over to the driveway with matching hedge. Add two of the small palms in front of the hedge. Place one to obscure the mudroom door. One large palm matching the one shown to the far left would also work to hide the door.

  • 2 months ago

    In addition to camouflage-coloring the mudroom door, be sure to paint the main entrance a bright color that draws the eye.

  • PRO
    2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    That's the issue with any privacy wall. : ) Not welcoming. Put bold black house numbers on the privacy wall, left of the main door. A heavy dose of colorful landscaping. A bolder different door color for the main, and stucco white for the mud door..

    Note: Your friends will come to the friends/ mud door, despite that. One reason why the mud door is often called the "friends " door. Rain? All bets are off.

  • 2 months ago

    Why do you need a second (front-side) doorway at all? Don't you enter the mudroom through the garage?

  • 2 months ago

    Don't plant a solid hedge to the right of the main door. Keep the area open and visible. You need to make it more welcoming--hard to do without straying from that design. Maybe a trellis and flowering vine, a seating area or a fountain in front of that plain section of wall.

  • 2 months ago

    I have a similar problem. Friends come to the mudroom door (closer to the driveway). Delivery and tradespeople come to the front door. Go figure. It's been this way for 20+ years. You have some good suggestions above (unfortunately won't work for my house).

  • 2 months ago

    For people to know which door is your front door, they first need to SEE it.

    As others said, get a plain flat-panel wood door with no windows for your mudroom door. Paint it to match the siding.