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Inspiration for a contemporary exterior home remodel in Portland Maine
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars1 ReviewView Profile

The GO Home Passive House

Contemporary Exterior, Portland Maine

The 1,500 sq. ft. GO Home offers two story living with a combined kitchen/living/dining space on the main level and three bedrooms with full bath on the upper level. Amenities include covered entry porch, kitchen pantry, powder room, mud room and laundry closet. LEED Platinum certification; 1st Passive House–certified home in Maine, 12th certified in U.S.; USGBC Residential Project of the Year Award 2011; EcoHome Magazine Design Merit Award, 2011; TreeHugger, Best Passive House of the Year Award 2012 photo by Trent Bell

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sadieloulou added this to lake oconeeNovember 14, 2024

Red with no white trim❤️