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Need help with choosing a vinyl fence color

9 years ago
Hi, We just put in a new RV pad on the side of the house and would like to install a new vinyl fence. The pictures I've included are not the completed project yet of the cement work as you can see it's roped off in the front still. My husband has installed brick pavers down by the curb in the open dirt areas since I took these pictures which I will submit shortly. In the meantime, we have a dilemma with what color of a vinyl fence to put up. I've included the color of brick which is almost like a whitewashed pink.... White fence on white house? Would that be too sterile? or maybe 2 tone or? Please give me your opinion!

Comments (26)

  • 9 years ago
    Do you think something like this? This has really been hard with this ugly color brick. The vinyl out there has a lot of yellow undertone in it so I keep going back to white. Then I Keep thinking STERILE HOUSE with STERILE FENCE! Here is a sample of some of his colors. Do you think the darkest one?
  • 9 years ago
    Where’s the fence going?
  • 9 years ago
    The fence will start right at the edge of the front of the house and go out 30 feet to the property line. It will have a 15ft gate for our RV and a 5 foot walk thru gate. Also, will be installed on the other side of the house. We are debating to go all the way to the back of the lot which is a pie shaped lot. The largest part of our lot is the very back of the yard which is up against a canal. You can see our neighbors white vinyl fence on the other side of the canal in the picture.
  • 9 years ago
    Yes, I think the darker one that will pick up the roof, which is darker.
    I would also paint your garage a similar color to brick. It's not a feature and you
    want to get away from that. But you do want to feature the front door - paint it a different color than white - maybe a very dark grey - almost black.
    Lablover/Tina thanked Angel 18432
  • 9 years ago
    I would go with the khaki as it's the most similar to actual wood. The white is way too stark, and sticks out like a sore thumb.
    Lablover/Tina thanked hayleydaniels
  • 9 years ago
  • 9 years ago
    Do you think a total privacy style so it will hide as much of the RV as possible or maybe a decorative like above?
  • 9 years ago
    Rather than either of the choices you’re showing, I’d try to find a color similar to the brick for the fence and I’m with Angel, with her choice of colors for garage door (who needs to highlight a garage door?) and paint your front door the same color as your roof.

    You wouldn’t have a white couch, and a brown chair, and a brick floor, with black curtains - you’d want something more cohesive.
    Lablover/Tina thanked karelina
  • 9 years ago
    Personally, I love the scalloped picket fence. I prefer vinyl, but depending where you live it could be challenging. The vinyl has gotten better, but it isn't perfect. Vinyl will need washing and upkeep because it will attract green mold. Of course houses do now as well. Wooded fences will need painting and, over time, you posts will rot. Don't let them tell you any different.
    Lablover/Tina thanked cajunsma
  • 9 years ago
    Here is another which is available as an option but not sure about the color. It looks like wood too. Sorry for the poor images. I'm not very computer lit and had to take a picture of the screen. LOL
  • 9 years ago
    These are all vinyl fences. And I agree with the front door. We are getting a new one this spring a Craftsman with windows. The roof is kinda washed out being 19 yrs old. It's supposed to be black. Probably re-roofing in the next couple of years or so.
  • 9 years ago
    That's another reason we are having a new fence put up. You can't see in the picture but it is a cedar fence which was taken off in the front to put down the concrete. I know our house is in desperate need for an uplift. We have trees only on one side of the house which makes it look lopsided. We just had 3 huge 50ft trees removed from disease in back and on the right of the picture. Unfortunately we have had a lot of hot sun on the house this summer from removing them and had to put up patio covers on the deck. If you have any other recommendations for a facelift send them this way. Thanks!!
  • 9 years ago
    I do like the decorative gate you showed us. It's something different.
    Lablover/Tina thanked Angel 18432
  • 9 years ago
    That gate too is solid Khaki color
  • 9 years ago
    Angel18432 are you thinking the picket gate or the grey wood look?
  • PRO
    9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago
    I'm in favor of open fencing in combination with dense shrubbery or grasses. its friendlier and not "in-your-face" confining or breeze stifling especially when considered for the entire property line.
    Lablover/Tina thanked Scott Design, Inc.
  • 9 years ago
    Also, I'm confused as to what to paint the garage to match the brick color? I really don't like the brick and don't want a pink garage!! I don't know what options I would have other than pink?
  • 9 years ago
    Hi, have you looked at wood grain vinyl fencing? I looked at one called Grand Illusions vinyl wood bond.
    Very pretty color and texture.
    Lablover/Tina thanked Stacey
  • 9 years ago
    Think of it as brick colored. I think you’ll find that it’s not really pink and you could choose a darker shade of brick and it will still pick up the color. Get some color square at the store and see if you can be happy with what works with your bricks.
    Consider also the possibility of choosing a color the same as the mortar, as Scott Design suggested for your fence.
    Now that she’s mentioned it, I agree with Scott Design also about preferring more open fencing combined with shrubbery. You’re not so close to the street or your neighbors that privacy is much of an issue. I don’t know where you live, but I really like a breeze blowing through the yard!
  • 9 years ago
    I was just thinking of privacy to hide the eyesore of our 5th wheel that will be parked behind the fence. I was thinking it would give it a more clean appearance in the front. We live in Utah with snow and that was another reason I wasn't sure to go with white. Also, our house in right on a curve in the street. We get high winds and usually end up with neighbors roofing and siding all over the yard when we have these winds. So, maybe we should consider a more open design and not worry about the RV which will still be a lot higher that the fence anyway.
  • 9 years ago
    It would be so much easier if there was some kind of software to put your house picture in and try the different colors of paint on your house/fence styles and colors . :]
  • 9 years ago
    There is software online. You can even upload a pic of your house. Try: There’s a place to register at the top.
    Lablover/Tina thanked karelina
  • PRO
    9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago
    The idea of camouflaging the RV with a fence and gate is a good idea but you don't have to run a fence down your property line. Just end it at the outside corner along with an evergreen similar to what you have there now or a mix of evergreens... holly trees, maxi rhododendrons, etc... and continue the evergreens down the property line to any point beyond the RV. There are no restrictions on tree height like there is for fences so the RV will eventually disappear from sight. An evergreen hedge row allows for cross ventilation and is neighbor-friendly. For that matter, you can interrupt the heavy masonry and fencing view from the front with a casual grouping of portable planting devices in front of the fence that can be moved when necessary. Then the fence is no longer a large expanse of white, beige, khaki, etc. etc. and works well with the left side of your home.
    Lablover/Tina thanked Scott Design, Inc.
  • 9 years ago
    Thank you Scott Design, Inc.! I like your idea but with our large labs we need to keep them from getting out to the front. Right now we are using a temporary chicken wire until we can get a fence up in front. As I mentioned earlier we have a cedar fence but it is 18 or 19 years old and too much upkeep. With the new RV pad, we wanted to bring it to the front of the house so we can park things behind the gate when we go away. We wanted to go with vinyl which pretty much every house in our neighborhood has. I was able to get a vinyl company to photoshop a style in for me. The color is still up in the air. White or Clay? The photo looks yellow but she said it should of showed as white.
  • 9 years ago
    Another angle from straight on