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Modern Home Designs - Are They Creepy To You?

I just don't get a lot of the modern home deigns that I'm seeing here. They mind as well be called NSA approved homes because they seem to have such a lack of privacy. Look at the image below, you can see right into the bedroom from the street. Do people not feel uneasy about that? I'd feel so uncomfortable with windows that large that the whole neighborhood could peer into most rooms in the house. How do you feel about the majority of modern home designs that have large windows in many rooms.
Yes, it is very creepy.
No, embrace the future! There is no privacy.

Comments (14)

  • 9 years ago
    I think it depends on the type of windows you put, you can have windows that people can't see through at night or even put up sheers. We close them at night with curtains and have sheers there during the day. Also, if you have large windows in the bedroom you can just partially open them.
  • 9 years ago
    It's hard to judge from pictures like this -- they may have a large property such that nobody can see in from other houses or street, or they might have curtains they pull across the bottom of the windows in the evenings... But honestly, I live in a city, and glimpsing bits of people's art and ceilings is one of the joys of walking around . . .
  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago
    Not a huge fan, we have a Federation style home ( for US readers a craftsman house) but are soon to be building a new home, it will be modern but nothing like this. We will incorporate some large windows as we do have a beautiful out look into a park and the bay with no neighbors to obstruct our view. Also living in Australia we spend most of the year outdoors , so that is a major consideration in our build.
    So I did not vote for either as I don't think the modern home is creepy, just not my taste.
  • PRO
    9 years ago
    "There is no privacy"...that's definitely true for those who carry their smart phone everywhere including to bed.

    To the 24 of you who voted to embrace the "no privacy future"...when will you be taking the locks and doors off of your houses? Passwords off your phones and computers? Giving everyone free access to your bank accounts?
  • 9 years ago
    @RiverValley -- oh come on, there wasn't an option for "I think it's perfectly fine, and your life can be kept private despite windows"
  • PRO
    9 years ago
    It doesn;t for the most part bother much...but I do like having options...for reasons like unexpected guests coming over, or night privacy, and even sun protection...versatility is the key.
  • 9 years ago
    I happen to find it quite freeing to bring the outdoors in and vice versa. You can have windows and have curtains. :) As I've said before, that's why we each have our own home to do as we wish. :)
  • 9 years ago
    My guess is that the lights and wide-open window are intentional staging for the photo. Although I prefer cute little bungalows and wouldn't choose to live in a home like that one, I don't find it creepy. Different strokes ...
  • 9 years ago
    I find the lack of window covering disturbing as I can't stand the idea of being watched at night when I have the lights on. My mother doesn't have many window coverings, and it's downright creepy staying with her sitting where all the world can see us. She gets claustrophobic with too much on the wall including window coverings, but even still, I find her house very disturbing to stay in without them.

    And I agree with RVCW. There is no privacy. Everything we do is being tracked and compiled so that if it's ever needed, it will be there. We live in 1984.
  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago
    @acm If I lived in a city and I was a criminal I would love these modern style homes. I would know exactly what things to steal, what rooms normally have people in them, and when to rob your house. You bring up a great point unintentionally when you said: "But honestly, I live in a city, and glimpsing bits of people's art and ceilings is one of the joys of walking around"
  • 9 years ago
    @totalnoob Do you think that a criminal doesn't know there's plenty of good stuff in there just because it's a multimillion-dollar mansion? I think neighborhoods speak for themselves in that regard, and most thieves break in for the big TVs whose flickering is plenty visible at night even through curtains and in regular neighborhoods.

    As for the rest, of course big cities select for residents who don't mind living in relatively close contact with other people. But that's not at all the same a saying that they/we don't care about privacy. Everybody with first-floor windows has curtains, and most folks have at least cafe curtains on upper floors too, so I don't think the only option are "creeped out" and "privacy is dead" -- there's also just "people in a house like that [original above] have either a big lot or curtains they can close," which is what I said in my original post.
  • 9 years ago
    I don't think there's anything about modern styles which necessitates a lack of privacy. Modern homes are about clean, open layouts, and incorporating lots of light. We have an extremely modern home, but it's very private. We have 2-story windows that open onto a secluded back yard. The front is separated from the street by an atrium and garage. Privacy is not an issue at all.
  • 9 years ago
    Like several folks, I didn't vote because neither option applies. I love contemporary design with lots of huge windows. I want to bring in as much natural light as I can, and embrace the nature outdoors. If privacy is an issue than hang some curtains. But if your windows look out into a private courtyard or backyard, then even curtain-less windows are just fine in my book. Its short-sited to condemn a design choice as "creepy" because of a misconceived notion of how it's used.