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Okay to fertilize in extreme heat?

13 years ago

I've been skipping the fertilizer in this heat. Is that a good idea or no? Previously, I gave my plants a weak solution of fertilizer once a week when I water their containers. I can see pros and cons to doing that during a heat spell, so I'm unsure which I should do. Does anyone know the correct answer?

Comments (10)

  • 13 years ago

    Thanks, Mike. You're right about fall. It's close.

  • 13 years ago

    well hi yaaa Mikieeee an all, this heat is terrible here in the 90-100's every day but plants are really enjoying the sun have a gr8 day all...

  • 13 years ago

    I think it depends on how you fertilize. I do withhold fertilizer when day temps are above about 85*, unless the plants are in full shade from mid morning to mid evening. High soil temperatures cause plants to go semi-dormant, so they use only very small amounts of nutrients. The higher the level of EC/TDS (roughly the level of solubles/dissolved solids in the soil) the more difficult it is for the plant to absorb water and the nutrients dissolved in the water, so a low level of EC/TDS when soil temperatures are 80*+ is a good thing. Additionally, high soil temperatures often kill a considerable number of roots, especially on the south and west sides of containers. High fertility levels promote larger populations of the bacteria/fungi that cause root rot and can increase the likelihood and severity of that disease.

    During the summer, I usually fertilize every 1-2 weeks (when temps allow) with solutions at or just above the recommended strength, even though I know frequent applications of weak fertilizer solutions like many of you are using are no where as potentially problematic as full doses. It's a time thing - I fertilize by hand & I just can't mix the solution and fertilize some 300 containers every time I water (daily); so, if you do continue to fertilize during the dog days - reduced solution strengths until soil temps are sure to remain below about 80* for most plants would be a smart tack.


  • 13 years ago

    That's interesting. Thank you, Al.

  • 13 years ago

    I do the same as Al.

    I fertilize every one to two weeks, using a full dose or just a tad above (for citrus, for example).
    My maples and conifers are fertilized closer to every two weeks.

    Now that the temps are high, I've reduced the amount of fertilizer solution that I apply.
    Same concentration, but half the volume watered into the container. As always, I'm watering
    the container mix before and after fertilization.


  • 13 years ago

    Are there other situations when you reduce or eliminate fertilizing?

    -rooting cuttings
    -young plants
    -planting seeds
    -plants compromised from shipping/dehydration

    Or any other situation I didn't think of where you shouldn't use fertilizer or should use it at a very dilute rate...

  • 13 years ago

    Yes -
    reduced nutrients for seeds/seedling, rooting cuttings, transplants, and re-pottings for sure.
    When you want to encourage rooting, use a media with low initial levels of fertility.
    I hold off fertilizer for two weeks after root-work/re-potting.


  • 13 years ago

    I don't fertilize cuttings until I'm sure they've rooted because of the impact solutes in the soil solution have on water absorption and the cutting's ability to remain hydrated.

    I don't think there is any credible evidence that the fine roots responsible for water/nutrient uptake, once they form, are any more likely to react negatively to normal levels of EC/TDS if they're attached to newly formed roots than if they happen to be tertiary, quaternary, quinary, senary ...... bifurcations eventually leading back to older, lignified roots. I've seen newly formed roots grasping both granular and controlled release fertilizer prills/pellets as they dissolve with no ill effects on the roots or the plant proper. The work horses are ALWAYS young roots, so if the belief that newly formed roots are more fragile held water, the age of the plant would still have nothing to do with the age of the roots doing the heavy lifting.

    I don't fertilize seedlings until the first set of true leaves appears. Until that time, the plant gets it's energy from carbohydrates and nutrients stored in the endosperm.

    I've found that even when plants are dehydrated/wilted, I've done no observable damage when fertilizing at very low rates. I wouldn't apply fertilizer solutions at the rate suggested on the package, but the approximately 1/8 strength doses I use at every watering during the winter haven't presented any issues.

    I DO withhold fertilizers when actual soil temps are likely to be much above 80*, and I never knowingly fertilize when average soil temperatures are expected to be below 55*. I also don't premix CRFs into soils I don't intend to use within a short time.


  • 5 years ago

    Hello -

    just to clarify ... many of my plants are on a hot balcony and I assume it is over 85 degrees most of the day (even with an umbrella blocking a decent part of the sun).

    Would it be okay to fertilize during the evening, if I make sure to use a low dose *and* to flush, beforehand, every time (which I pretty much have to do anyway to make sure the soil hasn’t begun rejecting water the way it can when soil gets too hot/dry ... hydrophobic? I don’t recall the term ...)

    My plants are barely speaking to me, and I think maybe they might like some food. Even the jasmine is having a tough time.
