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Joy! It is raining all over northern California

16 years ago

I'm sorry that some places have been deluged with too much rain, and do realize that it causes serious problems. But here in San Jose area, we only got ten inches of rain all of last year. In southern California it was worse. Periodic droughts are normal, but I have been concerned about the lack of rain. Now it has been raining on and off for about 36 hours, heavy rain for a couple of hours early on Wednesday, then light rain on and off ever since. I am so delighted. I keep humming the cheerful parts of that misery-celebrating song "I'm Only Happy When It Rains". You really have to pick and choose to get happiness out of that song!

I had started my winter pruning and have stopped for now. With the holiday preparations bearing down on us, I may not get back to this annual chore until the end of the month, but all is good. My garden needed rainfall more than it needed me to get the pruning done early.


Comments (14)

  • 16 years ago

    I have to say I'm glad to be getting this as well. I hope Central and Southern California get a nice soaking rain, without landslide-inducing deluges, and we can make up for some of the low rainfall down there over the past few years.

    I just came back from Hawaii yesterday. It was the first time I'd ever been there, we went to Maui. It was really an amazing Island, with so much climate diversity. The night before and the day of our flight they got pounded by high winds and heavy rain, knocking down trees and knocking the power out at our friends' house. Still, everyone seemed to be taking it with little concern.


  • 16 years ago

    It's raining in Southern California too, for the second time this season. Perhaps this winter won't be as dry as everyone had feared. Wouldn't that be the greatest Christmas present?


  • 16 years ago

    What does the song say? "It never rains in California, but girl, let me warn ya, it pours, oh it pours!" Congratulations on your rain and have a happy holiday as a result. We can sense your greening up all the way in the north and are smiling more as we clear the river off the highway. Now if only we could send it down around Camarillo...


  • 16 years ago

    Alas! In the end, SoCal got about what I thought we might get.
    Less than 0.25-inch. :-(
    It served to do not much more than wash off the foliage, and -- now -- the wind is gusting hard from the West, as the front slides on East.
    From the weather maps, the substantial rain got not much further South than Fresno.


  • 16 years ago

    Have any of you put up rain barrels? Even with 1/4 of rain, you can collect quite a bit of run off. I've managed to keep my sensitive plants watered this fall with just the water collected from the few rains we've had.

  • 16 years ago

    I'm delighted you have rain! Please send some to us :-)


  • 16 years ago

    I am glad that it is suppose to be coming to Arkansas. I think we are about 10 inches behind for the year. The neighors all look at me funny when I water dead looking plants and it is barely above freezing outside.

  • 16 years ago

    Hi Gregg, yes Rosefolly has it right. "Let it rain, let it pour, let it rain a whole lot more, cause I got those deep river blues...WAHOOOOOOO!"I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain, what a glorious feeling, I'm happy again tra la la la la. Hope you get yours, I love every squishy step, every muddy footprint, every gluey bud and drooping bloom. Which just goes to show that you can get some satisfaction! (Cartwheels).

  • 16 years ago

    All my rain barrels are full. We got about .45" here, for which I am very thankful. I did think about installing a 10K cistern when we moved in, under the driveway. When I mentioned it, the landscape architect looked at me like I had antlers growing out of my forehead. Should have gotten a better landscape architect.

  • 16 years ago

    Just never, never, never put your plumbing under your driveway nor your cables. :)

  • 16 years ago

    Somewhere recently I've seen pictures of the homes in Austrailia with cisterns at the corner of every house to catch and save the precious rain. Why not us?
    In Europe the dishwashers use 5 gallons of water. Ours use 17 and a half. How many gazillions would that save us???

  • 16 years ago

    Tom and I talk about putting in a 10K cistern too, perhaps even a larger one. We should have done it when we remodeled six years ago. It would have been less expensive to do it then. I'm not sure rain barrels are useful in a climate like ours where all the rain comes in the winter. We need to store water to use six months later. The Australians have it right.

    Anyway, the rain is over for now. I'm not sure how much we got because the website I used to check faithfully has been taken down. I do miss it. tells me we are likely to have more rain next weekend. I hope that is true.

    (Patricia, something tells me you speak from experience.)


  • 16 years ago

    I'm glad to hear that it rained while we were gone. The pond isn't full yet but it's come up. There was no lack of rain in London or Paris(we really didn't mind)

  • 16 years ago

    We bought a new dishwasher, Bosch, which is European made.It uses 9 gallons for a full wash. It was expensive, but no more so than the other high-end dishwashers.