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Planting Jade Cuttings

17 years ago

I finally got brave and whacked down my jade plant, now I'm hoping for the best! I was wondering if someone can explain to me how to plant my cuttings. I have heard a couple different versions and would like to make sure I do it right before I do anything else. Please help!! jade is an indoor plant.

Comments (26)

  • 17 years ago

    It should grow back very fast.
    The cuttings should be allowed to dry a few days to seal the cuts. Set into slightly damp soil, then stand back and let them grow roots, wait about 2 week (this will depend on how dry your humidity is) then water. They should be rooted by then. The little cuts just set on top of loose soil, and let them root down. Don't fuss, and don't overwater, too much care may kill them. I forgot make sure there is plenty of air circulation. I am giving you these suggestons without knowing where you live and what conditions you grow you plants, this season is the time of mealies, molds, black flies, etc.

  • 17 years ago

    I have about 6 jade plants (Crassula ovata). They all come from cuttings I took off a single jade I was given while on a field trip to a conservatory in the 3rd grade. They are 27 years old now!

    There are two ways I have done it, both successful. One, cut off a small stem from the original plant. Put it in a glass of water so that the cut part is about 1/2 inche below the water line. Put the glass with the jade in a sunny window for about two week. Check the water level each day. You should get some good root growth fairly quickly. Then you can plant them in normal cactus soil.

    The other method that also works is to take a cutting and plant it directly, right away. Give it some support so it can stand upright. Water normally. This method takes a bit longer to establish, but it offer higher protection against root rot.

    Jades are sensitive to root rot, and need some good air circulation. But I have found them to be very easy to propogate via cuttings.

    Enjoy and good luck! When you get the new little guy establish, post a picture for us!

  • 17 years ago

    I would respectfully disagree w/ the 2nd poster. When potting them up, do it DRY & then don't water until you see new growth. The thick stems & leaves of this plant (Jades, or Crassula ovata/argentea) will hold enough water in reserve w/out watering them in whem planting or shortly thereafter (as this can quickly lead to rot).

    When you see the first signs of new growth, then it's safe to water, otherwise if you're a person who feels they MUST water, I'd lightly mist the mix only (not the plant).

  • 17 years ago

    I would second pirate girl on that. I know that rooting in water is done and it is quicker at producing roots, but I have also heard that it grows a weaker plant. I would follow the first suggestion. Let the wound heal a bit, two to four days. I leave mine out for a week, but I am in Houston and it is very humid. It takes that long to scab over. Plant them in barely moist, well-draining soil with lots of aggregate to give the roots lots of air as they grow. I do not water for at least two weeks, but rather I put an ice cube on the soil maybe twice a week and let it melt. It doesn't take long where I am. I know it sounds strange, but it gets the soil to that barely wet state. It has worked for me thus far. Once you start a regular watering schedule, I wouldn't use ice water though. It will shock the roots.

  • 17 years ago

    Thanks for all the info everyone. My cuttings are pretty large like 6 - 8 inches each and I pulled off the bottom leaves on them and laid them out. So after a week plant them and wait for them to grow before watering. I want to make sure I got this right.

  • 17 years ago

    For those of you w/ several cuttings, you could even try an experiment w/ these just to prove what Mr. Subjunctive says is true, that Jades will root in almost anything (as long as it's fast draining).

    I've seen this done w/ both Jades & Aloes: works fine & will NOT harm the plants.

    Just stand the cutting up in an empty, unglazed terra cotta pot & leave it there for a week or 2. W/ no mix, no water, no nothin', preferably in indirect light (& protected from any rain). After a time, you'll see roots coming out of the bottom of the stem & you can then pot up the plant; once you see new growth, you can water it.

  • 17 years ago

    If the stems are pretty good size, I would definitely give them a week or two before potting. It will take that time to callous. I like pirate girl's last post. You could do some of each. Put one in water. Stand one in its own pot. Put one in cactus soil right away. Let one callous then pot up. You have to find what works best in your neck of the woods. Different humidity levels will change things for different people.

  • 17 years ago

    I didn't realize the first method I mentioned was going to be popular. ;^)

    Obviously both methods will work. I've done the water method a few times and it worked great. It may not work for everyone, maybe.

    But to the poster that said the water version would produce a weak plant... all I can say is I have a plant that is 27 years old, and two of the cuttings from it are over 10 years. The two 10-year old plants are about 24 inches tall and very sturdy. Certainly not weak, nor were they every weak. Once the roots started, I moved them into pots and they grew just like normal happy Jades.

    I have another that is about 5 years old, that I also used the water method, and two others that are under a year that I put right into a pot. All are doing fine and growing well. In fact, the two that I started this April each came from a single leaf.

    Jades are easy to propogate via a cutting. I'll agree with subjunctive on his comment that they would probably root in just about anything.

    Just because the water method goes against conventional wisdom does not mean it's bad. It's just different. I would not suggest it for any other cacti or succulent, only for Jades.

  • 17 years ago

    I've never experienced it for myself. I read it here in a post a long while back. That's why I said, "I heard." I guess I should have said, "I read." I think it would definitely produce roots a lot faster than the other method. Everyone always advised against it because of the rot issue. Obviously, that wasn't a problem for you. I can't imagine that it would make a difference where you are since humidity would not matter to a plant that is in 100% water. ;0) I think I may have to do an experiment.

  • 17 years ago

    Actually, *roots* produced in water tend to be weaker...not the plant itself. Water-produced roots tend to break off easily and are replaced by dirt-grown roots. It is an acceptable method for rooting though not quite as efficient (since those roots have to be replaced).

  • 17 years ago

    Rat Rink: About 8 months ago, I had a problem with leaves falling from my 10 year old Jade, every day.
    Since then the problem was solved, with the help of many members.
    It was overwatering.

    I have heard many do's and dont's about Cutting's and being a sort of Rebel,
    I've tried my own way with success.

    I've grown plants from leaves and cuttings. Haven't lost any yet.

    What I did was to take a cutting and tie it to a branch from my yard,
    straightening the Jade cutting as I went up, to the top. The bottom was tied, without a knot, so that I could loosen it easily,
    when it was rooted and came time to remove the support branch.

    The support branch was longer, so it would go deeper into the soil and
    the Jade cutting would go in at least 2 1/2 inches.
    I stuck this into a pot of well draining soil. After about 2 weeks, I put in a few ounces of water and
    watered it later only when the soil was dry.

    This can be seen in the photo. I taped another on to the side of the pot,
    so you can see the support branch and how it is tied. It is ready to go into another pot.
    When the Jade is rooted, the string is cut away and the support branch is removed.
    I grew about 20 using this method and about 10 from leaves.


    If you would like,I'll put in a photo of one of the plants.
    I hang out in the Cooking Forum if you want to email.

  • 17 years ago

    Ditto on rooting jade cuttings -- it's hard to mess up. I've rooted them in water (with flowering sections I was treating like cut flowers in a vase), I've let them sit for anywhere from 1 to 30 days before potting, I've potted them immediately after pruning without callusing the stem, etc. Most of the prunings I throw out on the compost heap root all by themselves.

  • 17 years ago

    Again thanks to all for the advice. I planted the cuttings after one week (I hope I did not screw up) because they looked calloused. Now I'm just waiting to see what do I know when they are rooted in the pot and are growing okay and I can water???

    As for the original plant that I chopped off, I am beginning to see "nubbs" appear after only a week so I think that one is off to a good start.

  • 17 years ago

    Best way to know when they're rooted in the pot is when you start to see new growth. Then you know it's safe to water.

  • 17 years ago

    Karen you are so right, and you have it down pat. I just toss my cutting on top a pot of soil, and they root down, I don't fuss as much as the rest of you do. This water thing I still can't understand or do.
    I toss some of my cutting into an empty pot. I do that with my Echevieria heads as well, I cut them off at the neck, and set them in the pot. Wait a week, and lo and behold I have a shaving brush worth or roots, then I plant, that is what I did today. It's hot enough here now that it takes less than a week. Then after I cut off the head, I cut off a few short pieces (4") of the stem and set it into an empty pot as well, these will root up.

  • 16 years ago

    I wish I had found the advise on plant cuttings sooner. I had a leaf I cut from another cutting I did in March on a typical Jade plant. The story and pics can be seen at . After I did the cuttings and as a novice, I was learnig but I've always been kind of a "Devil may care"(If that's the correct euphomism) guy so I was experimenting and these leaves were huge I said I was a novice and still am. I had a plant that I grew as a cutting that I cut in March of this year. I got it to grow fast and big. The leaves were from the center of a 5 inch diameter pot about 3 3/4 inches long by about 2 1/2 to 2 3/4 inches wide ( pics on the Website). Well long story short...after cutting it I stuck it in soil about an 1.5 inches and then saturated the soil(I didn't know). Last night I walked into the shop to find it had kealed over from rot at the base. talk about disappointment. So I microwaved it. Anyway go take a look and look at the Parent Plant that I got it from. It has small leaves.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Data Recovery Link

  • 12 years ago

    My jade plant has a trunk about one inch wide. It is splitting from the other branches. Can I divide and replant all branches? Remember the trunk is 1 inch wide. If I cut off the other substantial branches do I let them callus and then plant in dry soil? I am in Arizona in the desert and the plant goes inside and out.

  • 11 years ago

    Can bury rooted cutting of my jade plant deeper intro the soil? My rooted cutting is not real stable ( it's tall and thin)!

  • 11 years ago

    No, it's a bad idea, 'cause it's likely it'll cause it to rot!

    The thing to do is prop it in place w/ rocks or other small clay pots to secure it 'til it sinks some roots.

    Also FYI, for best results it's always best to post a separate thread for a new question (rather than such an old thread which may not get many readers).

  • 11 years ago

    Rooting is all a practice of opinion really. A E.Lactea that I have was kept in a plastic cup for 1.5 years with water in a sunny window before it was given to me. It had a TON of roots and looked pretty healthy. I cut about 1/2 the roots off when I planted it and about 6 months later it started growing like a champ. Maybe thats because the roots had to re grow or maybe its that lactea need to learn to 'trust you' before they start growing, who knows.

  • 6 years ago

    Hello! Just wondering if anyone is still viewing this post?

    I recently had to chop my jade down to almost nothing due to rot. I believe the issue was bad circulation. I salvaged much of the branches and the 3” wide base stem I hope will start growing again. Has anyone had this issue and gotten an good outcome? My stem is about 2” out of the dirt and about 3” in diameter. It’s been reported and put back inside for better air flow.

  • 6 years ago


    It is usually better to start new thread rather than tag on such old one...that said, why don't you post photos of your plant?

  • 6 years ago

    Rina, I actual did start a new post when I noticed my guy going down hill but nobody responded. I can start anther one though, and I’ll upload photos of my guy in his current sorry state.

    (Here is my original post)


  • 6 years ago

    Ah - you should have posted it in this 'cacti & succulents' section. But now you are in the right place - a lot of jade lovers here. Please do start again. Post your older, original pictures and what the plant looks like now.

    It will also be helpful if you can post your growing zone and approximate location for us. Most of us edit it into our profile, like adding it to our name.

    I'll watch for your post!

  • 6 years ago

    Well shoot! That’s probably why I didn’t get any comments! I’ll do that-thank you!