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Does your home have a name?

18 years ago

I'm thinking of giving my home and garden a name and began to wonder if anyone else has done it? I don't want to sound pretentious or high hat...just sort of like the idea of giving it identity and character. Have any of you named your cottage garden?

Comments (151)

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Boondoggle, I'm not exactly sure about the Topanga Canyon lifestyle you're talking about, but I think I know what you mean. An art colony sort of thing? That's not really the case where I am living, but it sure sounds like it would be fun to be surrounded by the hippy-dippy art crowd. Yup yup, I could see myself doing just that.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Madhabitz, yes, a combination of artists, crystals, ponytailed grey-haired old guys in VW get the idea. It all looks like so much more fun than being a staid housewife.

    Romando, Massive Disaster?

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ohhh, I have enjoyed this thread!!! Thanks,y'all. I bought a 2-story, yellow frame house, 2 large maples in front, 1 in back by large shed where previous owner/ builder kept a pony for his daughter when she was small. There's almost an acre almost all flat land, and since I sold old house year after dh passed 2 years ago, I've really enjoyed diggin' and a-plantin', startin' new plots and paths, with arbors, round patio with short circular path, archwayw/swing further out under maple tree, etc. Had quite a few rose and lavender paths, arbor w/rose and morning glories, and kidney shaped gardens in old house in the suburbs, but youngest son moved with me and we live by the Kiski (short for Kiskiminetas) River in western PA, farm and wooded hills behind, plenty of geese, deer, few groundhogs and rabbits, hawks, wild turkeys, other birds, and all those wild things. Of course, our sibling cats love it here, too. Have thought of putting a plaque out front that says "Heaven on Earth". What do y'all think? Too corney?

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello all!

    What an appropriate thread for my first post as a newbie to gardenweb. My fiance and I recently purchased the home I've been renting for about 4 years. The summer my daughter and I first moved in here our back wall was COVERED in ladybugs. We'd open the back door and ladybugs would fly into the house and get everywhere. There are still ladybugs in the drop ceiling panels in the kitchen. So of course we named our new home "Ladybug House".

    My fiance wants to rename it "The Killing Fields" for all of the mouse and rat presents our cats leave in the gardens for us. He's even taken it a step further with his desire to label sections of the gardens on the same theme... "The Grapes of Wrath" for our overgrown grapevine, "Day of the Locust" for the front locust tree...

    I like Ladybug House. And, if I ever get around to gifting or selling the fruits of my garden labours I'll label them "Ladybug House Creations".


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I should call mine "The Morning Glory House". I have the perennial variety all over. It climbs up the back of my house via a cable the cable company left hanging there. It's climbing over the garage roof now. Rampant but it sure is lovely.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    Hubby was interested in the names, so I put them in list form, hope I did not miss any, might be if you want you can use the clippings feature to the right.

    Maine Cottage and Red Cottage are what we are thinking, around town there's Poverty Rock, Wren Cottage, Tree Top Cottage, Gull Cottage, Far Away...From Away.


    The Rose Cottage
    Plum Cottage
    Echoes Echos
    Echo Lane
    Critter Cottage
    Heartland Gardens
    La Casa de (our last name would go here)
    Chez (last name here)
    Ma Stratton's Home for Wayward Animals
    Penny Cottage
    Garvey House
    Stratton House
    Ward 81
    Electric Garden
    Teacup Cottage
    The Happy Farm
    Fuchsia Villa
    Tulip Villa
    Phuong Nam Villa
    Song Truc Villahuong Nam Villa
    Song Truc Villa
    Saigon House
    Dalat Villa
    Dang Gia Trang (meaning "the living place of the Dang family
    Tuy Son Vien (meaning "The garden in Tuy Son
    Dragons Den
    Pennywort Cottage
    Country Cottage
    Wildflower Cottage
    Country Estate
    Wildflower Estate
    Poverty Gulch
    Fern Cottage
    Cookiecutter Cottage
    My Starter House
    80 Mile Beach
    Skeldale House
    Morning Glory Farm
    German School - A.D. 1868
    Paid Off
    Peaceful Oasis
    Midnight Farm
    The Clarkarosa
    Firefly Cottage
    Hillside Cottage Gardens
    Barefoot Cottage
    Barefoot Manor
    Barefoot Gardens
    Moondom cottage
    Cincinnati Cape Cod
    Evenside Cottage
    Daisy Cottage
    Lemonade Cottage
    Jardin de Rouille (which means Garden of Rust)
    Iona Place
    Garden of Weedin'
    Citrus Grove
    Yellow Hill
    The cottage
    Permanent Vacation
    The Egg Place
    Belly Acres
    Bobo House
    Maison de cheval blanc--House of the White Horse
    Maison du Jardin--Garden House
    Skye View
    Skye Garden
    Skye Grounds
    The Dollhouse
    Weathering Heights
    Thrushcross Grange
    Amy's Garden
    Sycamore Cottage
    The Demmon House
    Angel Feathers and Critters Cottage
    die Flederhouse
    Wren's Nest
    No Vue
    Mantis Manor
    Windy Hill
    Crow Hill
    Fox Run
    Quail's Nest
    In Over My Head Acres
    I can Chew Meadow
    Nine Acre Hill
    Lakeview Acres
    Meadowcrest Farms
    The Cabin
    Turkey Run
    Almond Joy
    Heavenly Pines
    Spruce Spread
    Martins Grove
    Grove Cottage
    Cranberry Cottage
    Cricket Hill
    Maple Hill Cottage
    Journeys End
    Frog Hollar
    Cottage Cheese
    Star Wood
    Kent Cottage
    Dancing with Weeds'
    Hundred Roses
    Deer Salad Bar
    Foxes Earth
    Work in Progress House
    High Elven
    Weathering Heights,
    Mockingbird Cottage
    Frogs Haven
    Mount M...(our last name)
    A House of Happiness
    Angel Lane
    Eggplant Flower Bed
    Meditation Retreat
    Peaceful Path
    Enchanted Forrest
    Secret Home of Fairie
    The Flower Bin
    Last Nickel Farm
    Lake Louise
    Tumbleweed Cottage
    EromitromMortimore backwards!
    Arbor Lea
    (Last Name)" Hotel
    Mon Petite Giverney
    Monet's Grande Allee
    Tin Box
    Topanga Canyo
    Massive Disaster
    Heaven on Earth
    Ladybug House
    The Morning Glory House

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Our farm is called White Star because being so far out, at night you can look up and actually still see the stars. Our nearest neighbor is 1/2 mile in any direction; completly out of sight during the day, with only two of those damned yard lights barely visible from one corner of the yard during the winter. Now that everying has greened up, we don't even see those.

    Just a dark sky, and white stars.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Leasa ~ How thoughtful of you to put our cottage names in list form. It's wonderful to see them all. I love it and reading the stories behind each one has been fun and interesting.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    When I first moved into the place I'm in now, I was married, and the consensus was that the name would be either "Peace Rose" or "Pax Rosa", since we intended to plant as many varieties of Peace as available. Well, not only did that prove unworkable, but the place proved to be anything but peaceful, both within the house and without. The name never stuck and after the divorce I began to refer to the house jokingly as "The Squid" -an indication of how likeable and cozy it had been for me, although just as often I call it "Calimari", which sounds a little better. Now I'm getting ready to move, sooner rather than later, I'm hoping. I'm thinking it likely I'll call my next place "No More Tears" -and hope that it sticks.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Besides being gardeners and passionate rosiers (is that a real word?, can't come up with a better one-sorry!)here, we collect a certain type of porcelain head/composition body doll(s)here, and the doll Bleuette has a French origin. So for years on the Bleuette doll groups postings I've referred to our little house as 'Le Petit Periwinkle Maison' - where we and the dolls all live! DH and I built the dolls a 1:6 scale bookcase doll house that has a yellow exterior color (to match the living room wall its on), but the doll house has no name as yet, just a number.

    I've also referred to our home over the years as the Rose Tree Tea Room, as we have over 100 roses and we are a serious tea party family! We have large scale (G scale)and O-scale trains, we call our trains the 'TeaRose Garden Railroad'.

    I have a wooden painted sign by the front door that says "Salon de The'", but our gardens and home are definitely English Garden Style not French!

    to see pics of our gardens, roses and recent landscaping projects, ck out my Picture Trail:


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have two garden bunnies and my husband makes fun of me because I INTENTIONALLY bought and spread clover seed in parts of our lawn for the bunnies to eat. :)

    I've been thinking of naming it "The Clover Bunny" but I also LOVED the name "The Rose Rabbit" that someone else suggested.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    When I was little, we lived in England, and all the other houses in our neighborhood had names, but ours didn't. I wanted to name it "The Cat House" because I loved cats. My parents wouldn't let me, but they wouldn't say why... it was only years later that I found out "cat house" is a euphemism for a house of ill repute. Boy, did I laugh!

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My garden house had the name "Condo E" Named after a Condo my sister and I were invited to go to after a wedding-(where the fun was). But we have just moved to a place overlooking the Skagit Valley, tulip fields, farm land and bay, and we have named this place "Living on the Edge" because it is up on the side of Little Mountain.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My husband named our place "Gnome Manors" he thinks that's very witty :) So for his birthday we got him a garden gnome(only one!). He also named our homemade wine "Turpen-wine" and believe me some of it was!

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    During spring thaw or heavy rains, it has to be "Riverrun". We have a creek that nearly crests; quite a sight! In normal times, it just does a slow flow with a little waterfall my friend's son made with the stones.


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We call our place 4 M Acre because there are 4 in our family, we all have first names starting with M, and we have an acre. Not very original.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love this thread! What great names. I've always wanted to name our place, too. We have a tiny yard that we describe as the size of a postage stamp. I've jammed in gardens every place I can. I'd probably go with Postage Dew. should I leave it as that or add; garden, cottage, estate, or?

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Great thread!
    ...and here I thought I was the only goofy one to name my house..LOL

    I had thought about HAPPY OURS...but the house spoke to me...*snort!...told me his name was... JOLLYMON.

    So...JOLLYMON, it is.

    BTW: Our boat's name is BOTTOMS UP

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Everyone, I'm new to the cottage garden forum (been lurking for too long) and I just sent some pictures to the gallery. Please check them out.. I have named our home Pinkrosechateau with over 400 roses, mostly pink and my decorating style is French shabby chic. Have a great weekend~~kathee

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    GREAT post... for the past few weeks, I 've been thinking about naming the house - I will soon inherit. I'ts a 1850's-ish wooden white federalist on a 3/4 acre village lot in upstate in. I grew up in it, then moved back 6 years ago with husband and kids. Gardens,- pond, fruit, vegtables, roses, flowers, fountains, gazebo,, sun and shade and weeds. I've got it all..but nothing stands out. But as I've been gardening, I was thinking that if I had time to write a garden journal or blog, it would be called "The barefoot gardener". So...I really like the name, Barefoot Gardens. I am also inheriting a camp in the Adirondacks... mom called it Moss Bluff... but I'm liking Loon Watch. -


  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No name yet, but a few I have been thinking about

    5th Acre Farm (our entire lot is just under a fifth of an acre)
    Section 8 Station
    Procrastination Place
    Book and Blossom Bungalow

    last year it would have been either
    The Bunny Buffet
    The Deer Diner

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I named our bright-blue house "Dragonfly Cottage" because it is the color of a dragonfly I saw our first summer there.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, and it comes from personal family history. Any property I live in (with the exception of one NH home that came with its own historical name: Peaslee Park) has been named "Fayrehale" .. old English spelling of "Fair Hall" and an early reference to "the big house" centuries ago in England. Back then the eldest son inherited all and other sons set off into the world. Thus we ended up in America. And our surname is derived from Fayrehale as well though it now bears no resemblance Fayrehale / Verrill

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    fayrehale, I love the story of your name and your property name. What a great history.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mine is "Bantersville" because it used to be a schoolhouse and was called The Bantersville School. No one knows why, because no one can recall anyone by the name of Banter ever living in the area nor was there ever a community by the name of Bantersville anywhere near or in the entire county.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi all.

    I have friends in England and they name their homes. My last home was under a lot of trees, so I had named it ShadowHouse. I moved to my current house (1.25 acres) about 6 years ago and at the time I had initially named the place HollyHouse for lack of a better idea.

    When I decided this past July to turn the property into a bee & pollinator sanctuary, I pondered long and hard for a new name. Then, not long ago I was watching one of my favorite SF BBC series: Doctor Who. In that episode when he asked his companion if anything unusual was happening to Earth, she replied that the bees were disappearing. The Doctor determined that the bees were all going home to their own planet: Melissa Majora. Well, there you go! You can't get any better than that and so I've renamed the property to Melissa Majora.

    I'm adding new beds and turning old beds into more bee- and pollinator-friendly than before. Another member from another forum even encouraged me to start blogging the progress so I'm doing that now too. Gives me a chance to put my gardens/gardening to good use and give something back so to speak.

    I'm enjoying all the advice and tips I read here. Thanks!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Frogview Cottage

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I loved reading this thread.

    A few friends and I went to a nice daylilly farm this summer and they had a daylilly named "duke of earl". I had to have it!

    My last name is Duke and I live on Earl. People also make reference to a song, with Duke of Earl in it.

    That would be a fun name for our home.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We named our "The Greengate House", since we live on Greengate drive. Our house is currently blue and doesn't have a gate - but we will fix those details in the coming year. We have the colors picked out, and now we wait for dry weather.

    We got the idea to name our house from my cousin in the UK, where a lot of houses have names.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We have a little Victorian cottage in Newport,RI and we named it "Lily Pad." (I love the Lotus, and my Husband's late grandmother was named Lily.) Though I admit the name was more apropo before we re-painted, when the house was still green. :-)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It didn't take me long to name our house Castle Jinx since all of our projects are stalled by unexplicable problems. At first we stressed out and blamed our DIY skills, but it became obvious it was the house causing mischief. We're so accustomed to it now that if a project starts to go smoothly, we feel suspicious and think "Wait for it..." We fully expect every project to bedevil us in some unanticipated way.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow, how funny to see this thread come back up!!! My old 'identity' is way back there in here. I have my new home now, and no longer care whether the neighbours think I'm eccentric, so I must put my mind to this. Hmmmmm, I have a bungalow, with green shutters, in a cedar bush. Cedar Cottage might be OK....


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Our century-old farmhouse got its name, inadvertantly, as I was standing chatting with the old geezer from next door, shortly after we moved in.

    It was early spring, and we were suffering from a three day's blow of ferocious, 35-40 mph straight-line winds out of the south. I'd already lost a dozen shingles off the roof. My flimsy cedar arbor had blown over and smashed to bits. My HEAVY teak Luytens bench had even been flipped over, like it was nothing!

    I was standing there, holding onto my hat, shrieking over the noise, noticing that all the power lines were buried (for the first time! Three months after moving in! Not very observant, am I?) and that the windmills in the distance were turning furiously.

    He just chuckled at my dismay, and said, "yep, shure does get blustery up here on Windy Ridge."

    So, for better or worse, that's where we live: Windy Ridge Farm.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, our cottage has a name. We named it 5th Place Cottage because it is the 5th place that my hubbie and I have seemed fitting and we love the name!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Once I find out the history of my house I will probably name it after the first owners, circa 1850. This was one of the first homes in the area and the whole neighborhood belonged to the original owners, but it was forest and farmland. Then they built houses for their kids and parceled that land off. The land was sold off piece by piece and now we have just 1.25 acres. Maybe we should call it Last Slice Cottage. Or PITA Parcel, as it's been a PITA lately. No hot water today, have someone coming by Monday to replace the water heater. Slowly 40 gallons are emptying into my basement. Maybe What's Next Manor or High Maintenance Maison.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Funny this thread came back around as I was just thinking a few days ago about naming my house. I had been thinking Rose Cottage because of all the roses in my garden and my love for them. At the same time I was thinking of a name for the new chicken coop that is being built this Tuesday. Then it hit me! Instead of naming the house Rose Cottage (which I thought might be too orginary anyway) I thought of the name I was thinking of for the coop and make it the name of my house...The Henny Penny Cottage! I thought it sounded too cute. I also have a love for chickens about as much as I do roses so why not! Though my husband won't admit it I think he really likes the name. lol :O)~Meghan

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm happy to see this thread come around again. I was the OP and I'm still at Evenshade. :) Henny Penny is darling!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That's cute. :-)

    I have a herd of deer that eat breakfast at my house every morning. Hmm... Deer Gardens, Deer Cottage, House of Crazy Lady Who Does Not Chase Deer Away and Therefore Losses Half of Her Plants Every Year... the possibilities are endless.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My house actually does have a name, too. I live in the historic district of my town, and our local historical society has a plaque program for researching the history of the homes in the district and naming them. In conjunction with the historian, I recently named my house the "Anna P. Evans House" after the first homeowner/occupant.

    I am the third owner of the house since Anna P. Evans (1912). The next owners bought it from Anna in 1931 and lived here until 1954 when they sold it to the family who lived here for 54 years before I bought it two years ago.

    People who grew up in the house have come by to admire the gardens, including one man who was born in the house in 1932. One woman who grew up here came to visit and brought a potted mum. We sat on the front porch and she talked about how much her mother would have enjoyed the gardens.

    I wish I could track down the descendants of Anna P. Evans and let them know that she has been memorialized through the house she once owned. As a single woman homeowner myself, it gave me particular pleasure to name the house after her.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    pfmastin, I think Evenshade is a very pretty name! :O)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, our retirement home is called Willow. It has a long drive way and at the entrance to the driveway there's Weeping Willow. Not very original, but we like it.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My garden is called The Mole Hole. For obvious reasons... ; )

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I haven't been one to name things, but this has me thinking! We have a rock retaining wall on three sides of our front yard, maybe I'll name our place Rock Cottage.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well my Garden is "Wren Garden" which is the origin of my screen name here. I saw a Western movie a long time ago and one of the female characters name was Awren. I loved it. I looked up info on the Wren birds and read of their tenacious nature, intelligence and courage in defending their families. That cinched it. It was also encouraging to think of this little brown bird with such heart. Don't let the cover fool you, under those tan feathers beats the heart of a warrior. It helped too that I found those little birds at a time in my life when there was an overwhelming pile up of crisis in my family that lasted 5 years. I have a collection of photos,ornaments,and gift cards featuring Wrens tacked up all over my sewing room. Always a reminder of a great spirit in a little package as what is possible.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a fun thread. I'm so glad that it has been bumped up. We are still laughing at some of the names and you have inspired us to try to class-up our little corner of heaven with a name too. Our city repair people "fixed" the street in front of our driveway so that it is quite a bit lower than the driveway and water accumulates there with every rain or snow. My DH teases with the neighbors on our flat street, far from any lake, that they're jealous because we have Lake Front property. So, of course, that leads to the name "Lake Front Place" - nicely pretentious for our unpretentious street. But now DH has come up with, "God's Little Acher" and leaves me to choose my favorite. What a conundrum! Are we entitled to a separate name for the house and the garden? I plan on using "Allee View" for the backyard as it seems to be a source of interest to people driving down the alley peering through the fence.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wonderful topic. Think this was one of the first threads I read when I came over to the CG forum, so have had this question in the back of my mind for awhile. I've gone back and forth over whether it would be silly to name my garden, since it isn't anything too special.

    My mom always suggests "The Enchanted Garden", but that may be a bit overused I think. I kind of like "The Tipsy Tulip Garden", since I adore tulips and have almost thirty types planted. I got the idea after saying last year on this forum that 'my tulips were tipsy'- after they had been bent over from a late frost.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I really like this thread! For our home, I was thinking Foxglove Cottage, as I have numerous types of foxglove out front (not out back where the dogs could get to them if so inclined), but I googled it and it's the name of a Thomas Kincaide painting. Not a fan. So maybe Foxglove Manor, Foxglove Fields or Foxglove Acre, although I'm not sure if it's fitting to name something as long-standing as a house after a biennial. Perhaps bad luck, even! We have an older home (circa 1850) and I may look into the history of it and see where that leads me. There used to be horses on the property, before the surrounding acres were sold off, and we have a hay barn turned garage/wildlife hotel out back. Perhaps Maison du Chipmunk.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Have enjoyed reading this revitalized thread. It's very interesting to see what people name where they live and why.

    Our family tends to name everything, from our farm, parts of the farm, name it.
    We named our farm "Windy Knoll" when we moved here 33 years ago, and you can figure out why! Our house sits on top of one of the knolls. Funny, as a child i pictured living in a white house on top of a hill! Then when we married,my husband and I would go on drives and admire white farm houses with green shutters, and without really a grand plan, ended up in one. And we think we can't create!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The original name of the house was Penrose gardens and people thought it was a garden center, so I change the name to Penrose cottage,because the house is a 1922 crafts man style home and it does have the cottage look to it, the yard is packed with all types of flowers for a cottage feel

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes it does have a name. As mentioned by others it is a common practice in the U.K. I have continued that here in Ontario Canada Our property is Called " Selkies Rock " there is a flagpole and below it is Selkies Rock. We are located very close to the water and the name seemed to fit the moment we took possession.

    We now rent the property out during the summer , fall and winter and many people ask us why the name Selkies Rock. We usually tell them to look up the description of the Selkie in any of the search engines.