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'Spooky' Halloween Table

15 years ago

I participated today in a blog event called Tablescape Tuesday and submitted my Halloween Table for it. I just thought I'd share the photos here to for all of you who don't venture into Blogland...:)





Here is a link that might be useful: The Gypsy's Corner

Comments (13)

  • 15 years ago

    Thanks for posting the blog link - I can't view webshots photos here at work, but I checked out your blog (which is great, by the way).

    I love that's spooktacular! Love the orange "sugared" skulls too - did you make those?

  • 15 years ago

    Very cool and look at those stacking plates!! Are you sure you didn't steal these from a magazine??????? LOL

    Tam, I still get tons of compliments on my wallpaper & had a friend use it in her bathroom after seeing mine. All thanks to you for posting your wall & giving me the information on it! Thanks again!

  • 15 years ago

    Ooooooooo. It's wonderful! Too spooky for words. Where'd you find the glass bird?

  • 15 years ago

    Ok Tam, went to your blog, wow, did everyone know what a SEXY BLOND Tam is?

    One question, is there a way to see all the tablescapes from Tablescape Tuesday?

  • 15 years ago

    Oh, gosh, I just reviewed the pictures. That's not a bird, its the top of a witch's hat. What a dunce! Well, where did you find it?

  • 15 years ago

    Wow, what spooky and fun things. What a great job of arranging everything. - Gail

  • 15 years ago

    Thank you everyone...:)
    Gosh yachter it's been years since I've blushed but I am now...I forgot all about that silly picture ...LOL.
    And you are so very welcome about the wallpaper. I know some people hate wallpaper and some hate the faux walltreatment look and then there is others that say it's out of style but if you love it that is all that counts...:)

    I'm glad all of you enjoyed the photos of my Halloween table. Yes, I glittered those skulls. I LOVE the Martha Stewart glitter. It's much easier to work with then regular glass glitter and it covers really well. The silver Witch hat came from Joann's it was originally very pricey (I think $30) but it was on sale and I had another coupon that they honored. In the end it cost me $12.
    I'm listing the blog below that hosts Tablescape Tuesday. In her blog post the bold print names are actually links to the other people that participated.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Today's post on 'Between Naps On The Porch' Blog

  • 15 years ago

    Tam, that table is hauntingly beautiful! Love all the touches, and the web tablecloth!
    I went on to your blog and linked to Hydrangea House?...something like that, you had it posted on your blog. She must live near here as she had a pic of the beach in a town near here.
    I posted there and linked her back to this you know her??

    So now what's on the menu for that table?
    Ok off to check the one you linked...

  • 15 years ago

    Tam, I was just going to ask where you found that incredible silver witch hat. WOW. The little JoAnn's near me never has cool stuff like that. Its real small tho, and the only large one is too far for me to drive these days. I love that hat.
    I saw your table on your blog, its really cool. I am putting a pix in our Halloween album of course.

    hugs, Karen (who's long been crazy about that WALL)

  • 15 years ago

    Tam, I remember reading (? on your blog) that you wanted to do an "elegant Halloween table setting if such a thing was possible"....well, you certainly have done just that! It is "classy" while at the same time being spooky. The colour combination of everything on your table really makes it so vivid. My favourite is how the leaf plates under the skulls at each setting make it look like a "collar" for the skull which adds to the look. Your tablecloth is also fantastic - is it one layered over another?
    I so enjoy the Tablescape Tuesday that Susan at "Between Naps on the Porch" has been hosting and look forward to checking them out each week. If it was a contest, I think you would "WIN" this week! Thanks for sharing!


  • 15 years ago

    Tam, what can I say, as always, your tablesettings and vingettes are wonderful! I wish my JoAnns had more, the store in my area is tiny and lacks alot on the decorating accessories :(

  • 15 years ago

    It's splendid, Tam! I love the black theme.

    With so many wonderful pictures, not only in this topic but also in all others, I will find some inspiration to decorate my home for Halloween. Unfortunately, I haven't as many great decoration items as you all have, but I'll do with what I've found and will post here as soon as the deco will be done!

  • 15 years ago

    Yeepie! Yeepie! Yeepie! Yeepie!

    I got my silver witch's hat. And on sale too!
    I love tam, I love JoAnns, I love everybody today!
