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Miele Dishwasher Bad Smell

12 years ago

Hi everyone, I have brand new Miele Diamante II dishwasher. It has a very bad smell--like gas or broccoli--I know, that sounds weird.

I emailed Miele, was told to add cup of vinegar to cycle. Have done that 3X to no avail. The smell comes back--it seems to get intense while the door is closed and d/w is not running. And it feels a little steamy inside when I open the door.

Anyone have the problem? (By the way, I have not even cooked in the kitchen yet so it's not food debris. I rinse my dishes pretty well before they go in.)

Thanks for any help.

Comments (77)

  • 5 years ago

    Hi everyone - as I was the one that started this discussion, I should give an update on how I eliminate the "smell" problem which is so embarassing when your guests open your "high end" dishwasher and get a whiff of that disgusting smell. After every wash, I remove the filter, take a toothbrush and use dish soap to wash the filter in and out. You have to wash the inside and under the handle as well as it not only collects debris but grease as well. This cures the smell nicely but who buys a dishwasher which requires filter cleaning with a toothbrush and soap?! I checked an appliance store yesterday to see if they have made any design changes in the design, only to find the exact same filter as the past five years. I guess they don't seek or listen to any feedback from consumers.

  • 5 years ago

    This does not sound right. I don't prerinse. I don't clean my filters more often than about once every couple of months. And my Miele dishwasher, by all accounts, really is just set and forget. No problems with any smells whatsoever.

    Although it might be noteworthy that we run it pretty much daily. Maybe things would be different if it was only run a few times a week?

    I'd really try to experiment more, if I was you. Having to recondition the dishwasher to factory new condition after each run is not expected

  • 5 years ago

    You might be right about the number of times per week - sometimes I only use it twice a week - will keep an eye on it. I also do not pre-rinse my dishes before loading them as all my past Miele dishwashers washed any pot, plate or utensil no matter what was left on it or how long they had been left.

  • 5 years ago

    If you are only using the unit twice per week (every 3-4 days) and dirty dishes are just siting in there, I'm not surprised that it smells even after the wash cycle.

    I am on my 2nd Miele since 2010, and I've always run my unit each night. Even if it is only a small load, I run it on the Quick cycle. I believe this is key to any dishwasher being cleansed and having no odors.

  • 5 years ago

    I don't run my dishwasher every day, don't prerinse, and it has no odors. I use a detergent that has chlorine bleach (instead of enzymes) so that may be the reason.

  • 5 years ago

    Hi I have the same problem. Brand new used once and then 6 empty cycles to get rid of smell. I can't use my dishwasher as the plates smell. Miele know about this problem. There is something faulty in the materials used is my guess. it is over to Miele to fix the problem.

  • 5 years ago

    hi had another thought if you say you have isolated the smell to the filter it could be a reaction between the filter material and detergents/ food deposits that cause the smell ask Miele to try a different filter and see if that works.

  • 5 years ago

    Get the Miele Dishwasher Freshner-really works

  • 5 years ago

    I find this fascinating. I had one Miele from April 2010 to Jan 2018, and then a new model since April 2018. I have used the Miele tabs (half) and Method Smarty Unscented tabs (half) and never had a issue with smell. The unit is run every night (mostly on the Pot/Pans or Sanitizer mode) and I check the filter once a week (most of the time it's empty). Also the drain hose needs to have a High Loop under the sink.

  • 5 years ago

    Hi all, my wife and I moved into a new development in NY in September. A Miele G6880 was installed in all the units and we've had smell issues from the very beginning. It's not there every time we run the dishwasher but it is most times once the cycle ends and the door opens. Sometimes however we can actually smell this funky/metallic smell in the kitchen while the DW is actually still running. Miele came and looked at it 2 times and replaced parts they said had rusted and eventually replaced the machine. The replacement has still had the smell issues from the beginning as well and it leaves dishes smelling terrible usually. We thought we noticed a correlation between putting metal pots/bowls in the dishwasher but we're not 100% certain. We've used Miele DW tablets and also Finish and there's no difference. We've also used the Miele DW air freshner and it didn't help much. I noticed the drainage tube had not been in a U shape but I did that recently and it still smelled. It's driving us nuts and makes us worried something is wrong.

    The real head scratcher came two times when I decided to hand wash something in the kitchen sink and immediately noticed the same smell on the dishes or coming from the faucet. This terrified us and made us think something is wrong with the water. We had an environmental specialist come check the water and it was fine. I've seen online that hydrogen sulfide build up in a water heater could cause funky water smells but I'm not sure that's an issue for us because then why aren't other units having this issue or as much as we are? I tried pouring lemon juice down our garbage disposal/drain and the lemon skins followed by bowling water and running the DW in the DW Cleaner cycle empty just with Miele detergent tab. When I opened the DW it smelled OK empty but once I put dishes in again they smelled. When I run a paper towel on the inside walls of the DW it'll often smell too. I wondered if there could be an unsealed P-Trap somewhere feeding into the DW as the building had the issue in other rooms/apartments but I don't think that's causing this issue.

    I am STUMPED and so frustrated. Other than doing that crazy seeming multi step process someone posted a few years, )which frankly if you have to do that to make a DW not smell, makes that DW and the brand not actually good or worth it at all), has anyone had any luck lately? When I called Miele again today the rep again sounded stumped saying she's never heard of this issue. Clearly Miele must know about this... HELP!

  • 5 years ago

    We had an environmental specialist come check the water and it was fine.

    I've seen online that hydrogen sulfide build up in a water heater could cause funky water smells

    Hydrogen sulfide is super easy to test for. You can either ask a lab to do it for you, or you can use a at-home test kit. Has the specialist done of that? That should conclusively tell you whether you have an issue with H2S or whether that's a red herring.

  • 5 years ago

    The specialist didn't test for it but we tried a test we got on Amazon that resulted in no H2S being found, though admittedly it was an involved test that I could've messed up. That said, my building has not shortage of vocal owners angry at a variety of issues plaguing their apartments so there was H2S or something with the water, I would think we'd be hearing others complain. A few said they'd had some smell issues but Miele came and did something and it was better or they used the freshner which helped. None seem like they're as bad as ours nor do they know what exactly Miele did to resolve the issue. But two machines both being funky makes it seem unlikely it's the machine no? Though anecdotally I did hear 6 units had their machines replaced for different reasons.

  • 5 years ago

    We believe since the dtrain is on the side of the dish washer and not the bottom anymore there is residue sitting in the bottom and rotting. Miele does know about this for sure. I will never buy a Miele dishwasher again and I will research what dish washers have drains on the bottom.

  • 5 years ago

    I had two Thermador DWs installed last year on either side of our kitchen sink and had the same problem. When I opened the DW after the load had finished, I was hit in the face by the stink. I dumped two boxes of baking soda into a flat tray and placed it in the closed DW that wasn't being used that day and did that for several months. I also started using the Sanitize cycle on every load and leaving the DW open for several hours after unloading which I still do. Eventually the smell dissipated. I use Finish or Cascade and occasionally soak the filters in Dawn, but I think that using Sanitize is the key to keeping the smell away.

  • 5 years ago

    Same problem with my Miele . Very disappointing we went with high end because of all the bad quality dishwashers that are out there.

  • 5 years ago

    How frequently are you using the washer? What cycle are you using? Which detergent? Which rinse-aid? How hard is your water? Has the rinse aid been adjusted for that? Do you let the DW dry out when it is done washing (except for the residual water in the sump)?

    These are all the initial questions that anybody should be answering.

  • 4 years ago

    I also have a Miele dishwasher, the second one, and it also has the smelly issues and smelly dishes. I was told to use the powder detergent verses the pods Miele claims the pods ruin and clog the motor. Still have the smells.
    I am concerned about putting vinegar in the dishwasher.
    The first one never had smell issues but this one does.
    I must agree with some of the posts it must be the parts they have used for the new models.
    Very very disappointed.

  • 4 years ago

    I've git a fairly new Miele and I use pods, plus do a rinse-aid thing every so often. No problems after 3+ years.

  • 4 years ago

    This is a common problem and not just with Miele. It is NOT always caused by lack of a high loop. That didn’t solve our problem. We switched detergents and that worked, plus air drying,

    But what works for one person may not for another. Again, it’s a common issue. Hopefully, the Link below goes to the many Houzz threads on this issue. if not, just search the forun for ” dishwasher smells” or ” dishwasher odor”. or Google it.

  • 4 years ago

    I have the exact same problem. Did you manage to fix your problem. i would never buy another Miele dishwasher. Mine stinks.

  • 4 years ago

    No cannot fix it. My husband believes it’s because the drain is on the side and not the bottom so water sits there and rots. Will have to look ata Bausch next time and see where their drain is

  • 4 years ago

    Our's is mostly better and I believe it had to do with p-traps not sealed in our apartment building, despite everyone telling us they weren't related. But once they were sealed and stopped weird smells different units had, our dishwasher also improved. It's still smelly sometimes if we ran dishes that had eggs or fish on it but it's generally better.

  • 4 years ago

    ALL dishwashers (and washing machines) retain some water in the pump and hoses. The pump can't push 100% of it out the drain hose. Many dishwashers have what's called a "high-loop" in the drain hose on the side of the machine to help prevent siphoning of water from the plumbing connection back into the machine. The drain hose also should be arranged on a high-loop under the sink such that it routes up to beneath the countertop, then down to the plumbing connection.

  • 4 years ago

    90% of issues are related to install. Not level, square or no high loop. Not running the DW "enough" during the week to clean out dirty water and general water quality are most of the rest. Miele, Bosch et al sell 10s of thousand of DW every year. The odds of having an inherently faulty design from any. of them is low

  • 4 years ago

    barbhayden9 Did you try the MIele dishwasher freshner? It is great

  • 3 years ago

    I have exactly the same problem! it seams to me that the machine lacks ventilation. I think its a problem for the way it was designed. Too bad for us that chose this supposedly "very good brand".....

  • 3 years ago

    I have the same problem with my G6875 SCVi SF Futura Lumen from day one of install. Took me months of running vinegar and dish washer cleaner through it. Filters are clean... the dishwasher just smells. It is good for about 2 weeks then I have to run the dishwasher cleaner through it when my glasses smell like fish when I get a drink of water. Never had an issue like this my whole life. I contacted Miele at the time of install and they acted like they never heard of this. Liars!!!

  • 3 years ago

    On my end we think it was linked to building wide p-trap issues developers had not handled properly (new building). Once some random ptrap somewhere in the building was fixed the smell went away. Sometimes randomly it returns but very rare now.

  • 2 years ago

    I have had the exact same problem from day one and I run the washer daily

  • 2 years ago

    Verify that your installer put in the required high-loop and/or an airgap under the sink. Take out the backflow valve from the sump (it's user replaceable; I think there are instructions in the manual). There should only be minimal amounts of water in the sump when the cycle has completed, and the backflow valve is there to ensure that. It can't do its job, if it somehow was contaminated or damaged.

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    I have had this issue since I opened the door of the dishwasher - before ever running it. The first time I opened the door there was a mildewy smell and it was steamy/humid inside. I also have used vinegar and it helps for a few hours, but as soon as I open the door again after it's been shut, the same smell and humidity returns. There is no water sitting in the dishwasher. I have also gotten the Miele fresheners, but that just makes it smell like a chemical-mildew odor. I've started to leave the door cracked open when it's not running, but that's a ridiculous solution for a high-end appliance. I'm going to contact the installer and then go to Miele, but based on others' experiences, I'm not hopeful.

  • 2 years ago

    I have the same “fish” odor in my new Miele. I actually have two dishwashers, but the problem is only in one of them - so far. After reading through this blog, I do see that the one with the smell does not have the return hose fastened high on back wall under the sink. That must be the cause! Will call the kitchen installer/plumber But don’t have high hopes of getting them back here since they’ve been paid.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Too much dishwasher soap causes this smell. the soap builds up inside the machine. use citric acid inthe sanitize cycleto clean the buildup and only use a teaspoon of drergent

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Yes I have the same problem. I used the Dishwasher conditioner but, smells the same the smell does not go away. It feel I made a wrong purchase. I owned a Miele diswasher in the 1990 untill year 2000, it never had that smell. It was perfect When I moved I bought another Miele dishwasher and smells bad; sometimes it does not open thge door for ventilation when the cicle finish. I am very disapointed and it bothers me alot.

  • last year

    Make sure the filter on the bottom is thoroughly cleaned and then try using Affresh dishwasher cleaner o the longest, hotest cycle. You might need to use the Affresh a few times to remove years of gunk on the insides of all the components.

  • 9 months ago

    We have a new Miele, June 2023. When the dishwasher is opened after a cycle there is no smell but when the dishes go cold they smell terrible. I have researched this with no answer other than the person who says it is mild contamination of water with bacteria which when dry give off an odor. We have tried everything under the sun. Our filters and interior are spotless. There is little point in masking the smell with any kind of freshner. We have taken up the issue with both Miele and the appliance company. We had a Miele in our previosu house and no smell at all.

  • 9 months ago

    Check the programmed settings for water hardness, and for amount of rinse aid per cycle. Avoid only ever washing in "eco" mode. Every so often, you should use a hotter cycle. Open the sump and check that there isn't anything trapped in it. Clean the filters and the backflow valve. Verify that the "high loop" for the drain pipe is set up properly. Change the brand of detergent and/or rinse aid. Consider using the built-in water softener. Always keep the door cracked open a little bit, instead of sealing in moisture when the dishwasher is idle.

    If all of the above still fails to make any difference, send your tap water in to have it analyzed.

  • 9 months ago

    Thank you for your comment. I have heard all these suggestions 100 times. our water is softened. our dishwasher is spotless inside as are the filters. we pretty well know what the problem is now having done numerous experiments. a pipette of water taken ftom the sump and allowed to dry on a clean plate reproduces the smell. similarly with water from the hot tap on a clean plate produces no odor. the rinse water is not clean. How can this be when the dishes have been washed and rinsed several times.

  • 9 months ago

    Judging from both my personal experience and from what I see in this forum, this is not a common problem. So, if it's any consolation, It does not appear to be an intrinsic design flaw and you should be able to get years of use out of your dishwasher -- if you can figure out and fix your current problem. But undesirable smells undeniably do happen, as this thread show. And unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a single root cause.

    The reason I listed all these different things to try is exactly because everybody runs into a different problem, but they all confusingly manifest in bad smell. As a symptom, it doesn't help much in narrowing down the diagnosis.

    Too little or too much rinse aid can both cause issues. And water hardness, as a first approximation, determines the amount of rinse aid that you need. But hardness is only a single number describing water chemistry, and it oversimplifies all the things that could be going on with your water.

    This also means that different brands of rinse aid or detergent can produce very different results, depending on the details of your water chemistry -- and none of these brands tell you which types of water they are optimized for. Heck, they don't even tell you which combinations of detergent and rinse aid work and which ones are incompatible. So, you'll have to do quite a bit of experimentation to try to discern a pattern.

    Water treatment either at your house or in the dishwasher is another problem, as it changes more than one parameter at once. As a rule of thumb, you generally want to filter your water and to reduce hardness. That's why Miele has you replace salt every so often. It regenerates the ion exchanger that they use for softening the water.

    But I distinctly remember an experiment where my family decided to fill an entire swimming pool with softened water, and the results were a big let-down. Green, smelly, and slippery water. Turns out, removing hardness also messes with pH, and that can have unexpected side effects. I am not saying the same thing is happening to you, as that really depends on the water chemistry that you started with; but it's just an anecdote to show how complex these questions are.

    And that of course leaves out all of the mechanical issues of trapped water, back flowing water, clogged filters, etc. All of those can have surprisingly non-specific symptoms. That's why I suggested you double-check the more likely mechanical failure points.

    Good luck. This is going to be a bit of a journey, unfortunately.

  • 9 months ago

    It is true. Some people have build-up in their dishwasher so when a brand new dishwasher has a problem then you have to look elsewhere. I think the answer is definitely that the suggestion that the final rinse has some bacteria in it which when dried creates a smell. There is no smell when the dishwasher is opened only when the plates dry. We have decided that we cannot run on eiother of the two lower cycles and must do a pots and pans cycle each time in order to prevent any bacterial build-up. Our water is softened with potassium which may have some chemical reaction with the detergetn but does not create a problem with hand washing. We continue to experiment.

  • 9 months ago

    Can you by-pass the whole-house water softener when supplying the dishwasher with water, and instead rely on the dishwasher's built-in softener instead? Without knowing what your plumbing looks like, this could either be a very simple experiment to try, or it could be prohibitively difficult to do and require major plumbing work.

    But if it is easy to do, it's absolutely worth a try. It would be a good way to rule out one of the variables.

  • 9 months ago

    It would be impossible to do. Today we used the pots and pans cycle. Same smell. I blame the fact that this Miele has a different non return valve from the ones they show on the internet. it must be in the pump somewhere and not visible.

  • 9 months ago

    Make note of what is your rinse aid dosage setting for reference, then set it to zero to see if the odor is reduced or eliminated over the course of several loads. If so then raise the dosage progressively one step at a time up to the original dosage and note if the odor returns … then back off again to keep it below the trigger level.

    Zero rinse aid dosage setting typically causes the final rinse temp to increase to compensate for the lack of it on drying performance.

  • 9 months ago

    I’ve had a horrible smell from day one on this piece of junk. I found that I have to run the dishwasher every night to keep the smell at bay. If I don’t run the dishwasher every night the smell returns and then I need to run vinegar through one cycle or maybe two to get rid of the smell. For as I’m concerned, there should be a class action suit against Miele for $2000 + dishwasher that is a piece of junk due to the smell. Everyone calls their support line and they pretend that they heard of this problem before with a bunch of crap. It washes dishes great but what good is that if it makes the dishes smell and your water you drink taste like crap , smells like fish when you drink it from a glass. I’ve tried all different solutions over the past five years, and I can’t find one other than running the dishwasher every night.

  • 9 months ago

    I forgot to add I have a proper high loop from the dishwasher to the disposal. The only thing I have not tried is instead running the dishwasher directly into the drain pipe bypassing the disposal. However at the same time the dishwasher had that horrible smell while it was being installed right out of the box. Installer convinced me the smell would go away… I was stupid to believe them. My take on this is there is a material that Miele is using that leeches into the water that’s causing the smell. They won’t come clean on their choice of material.

  • 9 months ago

    Another week of getting nowhere with our fusty smell. we tried several detergents and all the cycles but we have discovered that the model we bought does not have a check valve as many other models do. i guess thst means that all the water in the pipe going up to the high loop will run back. One day we tried disconnecting from the waste disposal and into a bucket. it seemed better but we need to do a week of it. i am still unsure if whether the installers did a good enough job With our loop. anyone like go comment on this?

  • 9 months ago

    Yeah, that's not much of "high" loop. It's bit hard to tell from the picture, but I wouldn't be surprised if any time you operate the garbage disposal, you drain some amount of waste into the dishwasher.

    You might want to add the traditional counter-mounted air gap, instead. It doesn't look as pretty but it is very effective.

  • 9 months ago

    Hi I had the same smell 2 years ago. It is rotten egg gas, the type of science experiment we annoyed our science teachers with. I had a Miele for 20 years and replacing it seemed logical after 20 problem free years. After going through all that everyone else has done with their smelly dishwashers i began my research into plastics, their interaction with chemicals and the results of the interaction with the components of dishwasher detergents. I came up with different kinds of polymers that are components of plastic. When certain polymers interact they give off rotten egg gas (Hydrogen sulphide). It stinks. Replacing the baskets stopped the odour, but the plastic water hole is another story. It is a haven for a fungus the likes of which I have never seen. Rinsing the filter after every wash is the only way out of that one. It is Miele's responsibility to have the components of their dishwashers manufactured under better quality control.

  • 8 months ago

    I had a Miele in my last house and loved it. I had the smell issue, but we only used the machine 3 or 4 times a week. It was usually smelly after several days. I came to the conclusion it was an installation issue. I would some times start the dishwasher for a minute, allow it to pump out what ever water was in the trap and as soon as I heard water being pumped in I would shut it down. I have heard that in many U.S. jurisdictions, the local building codes stipulate where the dishwasher’s waste line is connected back into the sanitary waste pipe.

  • last month

    12 years later but I FIXED THIS!!!

    I tried ev-er-y-thing here for a few months. Spent probably $100 on different products recommended around the internets. Couldn't beat it. It was so gross — my dishes smelled, my house smelled every time I ran it — if I hadn't loved my previous Miele dishwasher I would have given up.

    ANSWER TO FIXING STINKY MIELE DISHWASHER: Run it on the hottest cycle 3x using "Finish dishwasher hygienic cleaner". The end!