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Bertazzoni gas range comprehensive review

11 years ago

So I've seen this question presented a few times, and the answers seemed to only kind of gloss over everything without giving a comprehensive review of the unit itself. I wrote this in the other forum, but I figured it would be more relevant and better archived in here.

I have had my 36 inch 5 burner Bertazzoni gas range for almost two years now. I can safely tell you it's an awesome cooking machine, but as with any range it has ups and downs which I will try and relay to you.

First, the burners are awesome. They light easily and burn with a really smooth clean flame. I love the layout of the burners as well. I find myself using the front left burner generally the most. I do use the center burner occasionally for big pots and such, it has great power, but in reality the tiny 1 inch center inner ring burner doesn't really make sense to me the company should have just made it one burner complete burner instead. The control of the burners is pretty great, and the low settings can go very low on the smallest burner (think melting chocolate or something without burning). The other feature I really like about the burners is that they can be manually lit, which as of this past week was a godsend since I didn't have power. The burners are the best feature on this range by far. They are easy to operate, and super easy to clean.

Secondly, the oven. Now, this oven is great for flatter dishes like casseroles and stuff. It can handle things like a turkey and what not, but this oven is obviously wider and flatter than some other ranges. This is due to a design where there is a fold down cabinet below the oven. Part of me wishes they had just done away with that storage space and made the oven taller. This I feel like is the ranges biggest limitation, fortunately for me I have a wall oven as a supplement. The oven is very even, but it does heat up fairly slowly, and there is no thermometer inside the unit so you'll have to put your own in. One quirky thing about the oven is that it has a "fan failure" light, which seems pretty weird, and mildly worrisome that a manufacturer decided to put a failure light on it. The oven also CANNOT be lit manually, I tried and tried, you can get gas to come out into the oven, but I believe the temperature gauge is electronically controlled. Just an FYI the owners manual says you should NOT attempt to do that, it was a desperation attempt since my power was out for days due to hurricane Sandy.

The build quality is very good, I really enjoy the fact that the burners can be removed and there is a single pressed stainless top to it, making it extremely easy to clean. The oven however is not self cleaning, and requires some elbow grease (or have your maid clean it if you've got one ha ha ha). Another oddity of this range (which my friends have now learned to deal with) is that the burner knobs need to be turned "downward" to turn them down. It's not a big deal once you realize how it works, but it's funny to see someone who has never used this range before try and turn the burners down. If you're not understanding my point, the burners don't go left to right, the highest setting is 90 degrees to the left and straight down toward the ground is the lowest setting.

Now, the reason I purchased this range over the other options were as follows. I am not by any means a professional chef, I cook for myself and entertain a lot, but I didn't need 22,000btu burners and stuff. I wanted something that just worked, and looked nice doing it. I also thought the price point seemed much more reasonable when compared to the 'high end' brand names. I also picked this because my friend owns a Viking range and it has been absolutely nothing but trouble. I went out on a limb buying this range, and the bert wall oven even further since I couldn't even buy that through my local Bertazzoni rep, I ended up getting it online. I wanted something unique and I think I got that. It's also a plus that the oven was built in Italy.

However, there are some serious drawbacks with this range. Minus the oven stuff, there is one thing I am very concerned about, which is that there is no way to lock the burners, especially the oven burner/ignite switch. People tend to lean in this area of my kitchen and it's happened so many times that someone will bump their butt into the gas on oven on switch. This causes the range to start ticking and it freaks people out, it also starts the oven releasing gas. The burners also cannot be locked *they need to be pushed in but only a cm or so to allow them to be turned thus releasing gas*, and they are very easy to move and operate (a plus for the chef) but a major downside when my 2 year old niece is around and pushing buttons on everything in my kitchen. I wish to death that the range had a lock feature for these. My old Jenn-air needed to be pushed in and down to unlock the burners, a design which I felt was much safer. Another upside/downside depending on how you look at it, is that the racks inside the oven are exceptionally heavy, these are by far way too overdesigned. They probably weigh 8 pounds each, which means they won't bend ever no matter what you put in there, but moving them in and out of a hot oven is going to require two people with mittens. The oven when operating also blows warm air into the kitchen, which in the winter is amazing for me, but in the summer it's kind of a drag if you're cooking something for 3 hours, it'll heat up the kitchen space by a few degrees.

I also see now that Bertazzoni is offering a stainless griddle that can be rested on top of the center burner, or burners depending on the model. I wish the company had included that with the unit, as it does seem nice to have. And I'm a little iffy about spending the $375 dollars to have such a small griddle, even though it is matched to my range.

Overall, if I had to buy purchase a range again, I would choose bertazzoni over the other brands. The price simply cannot be beat for the features you get, I think I got mine for $3,100 and the next comparable pro-style range was $6,000+. People automatically assume it cost much more than it actually did ha ha. However, if I were to do a remodel again, I would have gotten a larger range but unfortunately bert doesn't make a 42 inch, the next biggest size up from 36 is 48inch, so I settled a little. But it performs just as well as my friends Wolf and Viking on the burner front, which is what I use it for the most anyway. It looks beautiful in my kitchen, and it's a good conversation piece since not many people have seen this brand before.

I have the feeling that in the next few years this range will go up in price. I think Bertazzoni is a "budget pro-style range company" but I believe with the continued popularity and the presence in high end installations, their price will gradually increase. I saw that the 48inch model is currently (2012) priced at $8000. I would not be surprised if next year the 48 inch model is $1000-1500 more, and the 36 $500 extra or more. Hopefully I am wrong, because this is a great (nearly amazing if only the oven was taller) range for this price point.

I hope this review helps anyone who is considering purchasing this range.

Here is a photo of my beautiful range in my kitchen!

Comments (71)

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We purchased a 48" Bertazzoni gas range last year.
    1) Does anyone have any recommendations for cleaning the electric griddle? We seasoned our's after purchase and have used it a bit, and it seriously needs to be cleaned.
    2) Bertazonni recommends using Simple Green to clean the inside of the oven. We tried using this product and, after several hours, we hardly made any headway. It was not strong enough. We use our oven often for roasting and it gets fairly dirty. Any suggestions for cleaning products?

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi- bumping this thread. I'm considering the Bert 36" cooktop and plan to take a look at it today. Anyone care to make some more recent reviews? Right now it's between thermador, electrolux and bertazzoni. Thanks!

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi, I am doing a complete remodel and would also appreciate seeing an updated (2014) review of Bertazzoni products -- specifically the 36-inch cooktop OR rangetop. I'm debating going for the pro-style product that is also a very good price but am a little concerned about some of the negative reviews (that mostly seem to center on the oven, not the cooktop).
    Updates? Feedback? Please?

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I see that this post still has some traction to it here and there so I'm going to go ahead and post a video review I did after this written review as well.

    You can see the range in action, I go through all the burners and show the capabilities of the range.

    Linked below here is the YouTube video review I created.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Bertazzoni video review

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi jgopp -

    Thanks so much for the awesome review. It helped me decide to purchase my Berta :) It's been installed for a week, but our kitchen isn't complete yet, so I've only been using it in small amounts here and there. One thing I noticed is the manual says there are 5 different rack levels, but truthfully the top rack is completely unusable as the rack itself can't even go into the track due to the components on the roof of the oven cavity, and the next highest rack below that is pretty pointless, too. I'm wondering if that's normal, or if something was put together incorrectly.

    Also, the one thing I am having a hard time accepting is the oven temperature control is so vague - I know everyone says to use a thermometer in the oven. That's something I've never had to do before - I always had an oven with a knob that had exact settings (as exact as you can get without being digital) - you know, the old-fashioned knob with the line on it that lined up with the little spokes all around it :) It seems like this will be the biggest drawback for me, like it'll take extra time to heat the oven all the way, check the temp, then adjust accordingly and wait again for it to stabilize. Is this not as time-consuming and annoying as I'm anticipating?

    Lastly, there are two extra pieces of grating that I can't figure out what their use is. I know you mentioned a "simmer plate" - so I'm assuming the small flat one is that, and it gets placed on a burner. However, I don't know how to use it, per se. And the other item looks like a wok grate, maybe?

    Any info you can provide about these things would be so appreciated!!! The manual doesn't cover a lot of the details I've grown accustomed to with American products (the manuals are like books). Thanks so much!!

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Peachmarie: As far as the rack issue goes, it sounds like the rack holders may have been installed upside down. I know there is a decent gap between the top of mine and the first rack level, unless they've changed that design. You might want to just double check that, I think they simply unscrew. Just make sure you put something in the bottom before you take the screws out in case you drop one.

    As far as the oven settings go, I think it's just something you're going to have to get used to. I just set it roughly where I want it to be on the lines and once it's heated I adjust it from there. What I did was install a hanging thermo in the oven off one of the racks so I can see if through the glass door without opening the oven. Simply turn the light on and you'll be able to read it. Once you get used to the amount of time it takes to heat up and stabilize you'll get pretty good at knowing where to set it. Kind of annoying, but hey, can't do much about it now.

    I'm not sure which piece you're talking about for the simmer plate...if it's the one that is a circle with 4 central connections then yes that's just to raise the pots off the burner a little more, use this one if you're trying to hold butter at melted temp. The other one is a wok grate, I don't do any wok cooking so I can't speak to the functionality of it.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi again, jgopp! Thanks for the info - I'm figuring things out as I go along :) I'm loving my Berta. As far as the rack being installed upside down, that was my initial thought as well. But upon inspection, it seems as if regardless of how it's installed, it'd be the same. It's very symmetrical. I've attached a photo - is this how yours looks? I looked to see if there are additional screw holes as well, like maybe it was just installed too high, but there are no others. I'm thinking of contacting Bertazzoni and asking them about it. Would you be able to take an inside shot of yours and post it? I'd love to see it, maybe it'll shed some light for me. - p.s. I just previewed this message and the photo is posting sideways - I don't know how to straighten it out! So please bear with it . . . the top of the oven cavity is to the left. Thanks!!

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi - I just took a second photo, which shows the rack in the second-to-highest position (since I can't even put the rack in the highest position). As you can see, food would certainly touch the components at the top even from this position. Plus, all that stuff up there lessens the actual cavity volume. I don't know why I didn't notice this in the store when I looked at it! Maybe I never thought to look up at the roof of the cavity . . .

    Lastly (and I promise this is my last question! haha . . . I see something in the specs that says I should have one telescoping rack, but I don't. Do you have one in yours?

    Thanks so much for all your help!!!

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Apologies if I have missed out on a final answer to this question (am looking at Bert, vs Bosch):

    Can the Bertazzoni (gas range) be ignited if electricity is not available.
    Many thanks

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    peachmarie: first off, SORRY it took me so long to get back to you. I'm sure you probably figured it out by now. I looked into my oven and I don't have the same overhead components as you do. I just have a broiler unit up there which runs along the top of the oven. I think they redesigned the oven a little bit since I got mine 3 years ago now. I do not have a telescoping rack, that also might be a very new addition to the ranges. I think maybe they make the rack hangers for every range they make (gas and electric) and they just fit that way these days. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

    gemcap: the oven CANNOT be lit without electricity. It says specifically not to try this. I tried because I was desperate and it didn't work. I recommend you DO NOT TRY THIS because it didn't work for me at all and probably released a whole bunch of gas. I think it has an electric temperature sensor and electric ignition. HOWEVER the burners on the range top can be lit without electricity without issue.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Is there any modern gas oven that can function without electricity? I really think not. The range I bought 20 years ago (in Eastern Europe if that matters) did have no temperature control and an oven knob just like the ones for the burners, but in US I think that this style has been out of fashion for decades.

    The oven regulates its temperature by either turning on and off the gas supply, hence needing an electrical igniter to relight it, or by dynamically adjusting the gas valve, thus requiring some electrically-driven mechanism.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    jgopp -- I'm not sure it's fair to complain about the size of the Berta oven. It's adequate for many people (I catered a party for 50 people using that oven). An oven that size doesn't take as long as larger ones do to heat up. And the price point of the range really requires some forgiveness. It's not a Wolf wannabe but it does fit up to an 16-pound turkey.

    Actually, I prefer the smaller oven to having the oven so low it's practically on the floor.

    The storage space below the oven was very handy for my griddle and baking sheets.

    Anyone who wants/needs a larger oven won't buy the Berta.

    For a range at that price point -- that really is a relevant issue -- the cooktop is exceptionally good. It does have sealed burners but there is plenty of power, as you note very well. And it's great to point out that it looks far more expensive than it is but I love me my bang for the buck.

    Since you say in the video you aren't sure what the center area of the largest burner is for, let me suggest a purpose. Because there is a very valid one. Cooking anything with both sections of the burner turned on will give very even heat across the bottom of a large pan. With the center off, there is a dead spot.

    Even heat distribution across the bottom of a pan, plus power equals great cooking performance. It's one reason why the open burner folks argue about burner configuration.

    This post was edited by rococogurl on Sun, Nov 2, 14 at 14:10

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    rococogurl: I definitely understand where you are coming from on most of the points. I have a 30 inch Wolf at another property of mine and I really like the 'tallness' of the oven more. But that's not to say that the Bert doesn't get it done just fine.

    Maybe this is a first world problem for me, but I have a ton of cabinet space around and near the range which I can store pans and stuff so I don't use that under storage space ever. I do agree that the higher oven door is a bit nicer since you don't have to bend over so much. I honestly don't think the oven being smaller is a huge issue, I would consider buying another Berta again if I needed. Especially considering the fact that I have one of their wall ovens as well.

    I think it's a perfectly nice range. I really do enjoy cooking on it and entertaining using it. And as you say, the bang for the buck cannot be beat. I'm not sure what they are charging these days, but I think they've gotten a little more expensive than when I bought it. Believe me I love a good deal too! One of my favorite things is to tell people how inexpensive it was when they ask if it cost 10 grand or something ridiculous. Why overspend when you can get pretty much all the same features as a hugely more expensive range.

    I can now see what you're talking about for the center burner. I just haven't used mine in that capacity before. If I'm using it it is generally for a large pot of water or stock for something.

    Anyway I hope I didn't come off as too critical of the range in my reviews, video or write up. I do love this range, it's a quality piece, and I'm absolutely not disappointed in buying it at all. It has never had a single problem in the almost four years of owning it.

    gigelus2k13: I'm not sure, I would assume that it most this way for all the more modern ranges. I haven't tried manually igniting the Wolf, but I doubt it can be done either. Seems like everything these days has safety feature after safety feature. And that is a good thing in my opinion.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hey jgopp - Thanks for the response! It's ok that it took awhile; I did a ton of research on my own and basically came up empty-handed and decided it is what it is. So far, it hasn't been an issue. I only have two racks anyway, and really don't need anything to sit up that high in the oven. I'm sure over time it'll be fine. At this point, I'm just curious as to why they even bother putting in those rack grooves if you can't put a rack there, in addition to saying there are five rack levels in the specs. I think it'll remain one of the great mysteries of the cosmos.

    In terms of the telescoping rack, I did find the piece lying around in my construction mess where the plumber left it. He didn't install it, but apparently from what I've read on other forums, it's easy to put in. I just haven't gotten around to playing with it yet, as I'm still attempting to move back in to my finally almost-finished kitchen!

    I've been actively using the Berta now for a few weeks, and love it. It's a wonderful piece of machinery to cook on and in. No complaints!

    Thanks for all your help!

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bumping for additional reviews, as I'm close to purchasing this brand

  • 9 years ago

    Thank you very much for the helpful review! Purchasing Bert 30" pro. Was using Viking, but failed twice in 2 years, and each time, cost me so much just to fix small parts, so decided to buy a new instead of wasting another $1000 for parts&labor for Viking. After reading this article, I'm now excited to use the brand new Bert!

  • 9 years ago

    I have my eye on a 48" Berta Gas Rangetop with griddle (no oven) - pricing is great IMO at $2729. So many of the reviews I've read here have convinced me that it's a great machine at a fabulous price.

  • 9 years ago

    If by any chance you still read this thread, could you please tell me what brand/style your kitchen cabinets are? Thanks!

  • 9 years ago

    jennifer: They were custom built by a local cabinet maker.

  • 9 years ago

    Thanks! they're beautiful.

  • 9 years ago

    Just purchased the 36" gas...with the option of switching it to dual fuel before delivery date if I need to (at a cost of course). Any Berta range owners who are baking in their gas ovens? I bake a ton (Mostly cookies and cakes) and am worried. Should I fork out the extra for the dual fuel or can I make it work? Thanks!!!

  • PRO
    9 years ago

    I have a 30" range with gas oven (just installed this month), and I made a couple of pizzas in in last night. I used the convection setting and noticed that the oven did not get higher than about 475°, which meant it took 15 minutes to cook the pizzas even after parbaking the crusts for 5 minutes at 350. I use a pizza stone and noticed that the pizzas cooked very evenly and came out just as I like with, but with no char. Before, I was baking them at 550°, and they got done in half the time and did char a bit. I do not know if the pizza stone is necessary, but I always leave it in the oven.

    Here is my range on the cooking forum.

  • 9 years ago
    Thanks Lars. You make it sound delish. Anyone have input about cookies in the bert gas? My family will not be pumped if my cookies don't turn out anymore ;)
  • 8 years ago

    We are looking to purchase a 30" gas cooktop and it is down to Wolf (CG304T|S) or Bertazzoni (QB30400X). Really confused, as there aren't any reviews online about either, so wondering if anyone here has any suggestions that might help us decide. Thanks in advance!

  • 8 years ago

    Looked at at Bert 36" pro series today. I have a 36" Wolf from '89 now. Has back warming shelf, and you don't know anything about heating up a kitchen if you don't have this feature. I do not use my oven in the summer (isn't that why God made bbq grills?)

    My question is simple, my Wolf bakes perfectly, and I'm worried about the reviews on this product in regard to baking bread. Is this a problem?

    My Wolf has no broiler, and we have lived without, but a broiler would be nice to have...and the red color is spectacular. But I could not replace the Wolf for the price of the Bert, and wondering if I just leave well enough alone.


  • 8 years ago

    PS I live in Md. NO ONE to service unless they come from VA.

  • 8 years ago

    Hi, thanks for your honest comment. I bought a Bert in March 0f 2015. I have had nothing but trouble with it, starting with the oven burns everything. I finally was able to return it. I would just like to know how good is your oven at baking cakes,pies and pastries? Mine would burn every thing on the bottom and not brown anything on the top. I tried everything. From thicker pans to different rack positions to different temperatures. Nothing worked. The second issue was, the floor of the oven, curled up twice from the heat.

  • 8 years ago

    Hi Donna Doerfer, After they came to "Fix" my oven thats when it stated to cut off in the middle of baking. I really thought was a while in was me doing something wrong. I was so happy to read your comment. And I must tell you, I made the same mistake. I bought it because I liked the way it looked.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Thank you all for your feedback.

    We are sorry to hear about your experience with Bertazzoni. Please know that we take product complaints very seriously.

    Kindly send us a direct message at with your full name, number/email, and location so that we may help.

    Thank you,

    The Bertazzoni Team

  • 7 years ago

    We are sorry to hear about your experience with Bertazzoni. Please know that we take product complaints very seriously. We keep hearing this statement. If their is a problem with the design, they should have a recall like they do in the automobile industry.

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    Hi Paul,

    We appreciate your direct message. These allow us to address issues on a case by case basis. Please see the response to your message so we can assist you.

    Thank you,

    Keely— The Bertazzoni Team

  • 7 years ago

    I am now on my third rep at Bertazzoni. All I want is a nice toe kick, 30 inches. The dealers (3) in my area say that this is not something they can order.

    So I call Bertazzoni. After 3 people I am still hearing the same thing. Bertazzoni says talk to a dealer. They can order that. So much as I like this range my advice is to stay away. If you can't get something as simple as a toe kick imagine the issues if you need a real repair.

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    Hi @maggiemm,

    We are sorry to hear about this experience and thank you for your patience. If you could please send us a direct message here ( with your contact information (email, phone number, name), model number, place/date of purchase, and location we will look into your case.

    Thank you,

    Keely— The Bertazzoni Team

  • 7 years ago

    I called 3 of the dealers. The first where I purchased said they couldn't order it. The second said they would check and get back to me, which they didn't. When I called Bertazzonni I was treated like an idiot that didn't understand how to dial the number of a dealer. The rep kept repeating call the dealer. Here I'll give you the number. No matter how many times I said, I did call the dealer and they siad they couldn't order it, he just kept at it. So your dealers need to be better educated and your call center needs customer service training.

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    Hi Maggie,

    We apologize that you didn’t have a positive experience speaking with our customer team and the dealer. If you send us a private message with your contact information we can look more closely into your case and assist you. Thank you for your patience.

    Keely— The Bertazzoni Team

  • 7 years ago

    I'm considering the 48" Bertazzoni DF range. Any more recent reviews? Seems like most of the reviews above are positive except for the last ones. Anyone had this range for many years want to chime in on long-term reliability, performance, service? Also, is there any difference in the amount of heat the oven gives off in the DF model vs. the all gas version? I live in a hot climate so am a little concerned about this issue. Thanks.

  • 7 years ago

    Hi Bardzil,

    I could only tell you about my experience not only with the range itself, but with their customer service and repair department. First off, the oven has a very strange quirk. When you lite it you have to keep the door half way open or it will not lite. Second, the floor of the oven is very thin, and it curled up from the heat on me twice. Third, The thermostat in the oven does not work very well, the temperature control is very bad. While the repair guy was here and he had the oven set to 350 degrees, he put in his oven electronic digital thermometer and we both watched it as it fluctuated from 230 to 450 degrees. And he tried to tell me that was normal. Forth, It burnt every thing on the bottom and everything inside was raw. Fifth, Their customer service would not life a finger to help me. When I would call them, I would here them in the back ground making jokes and laughing. I want to remind you that this is a expensive range and I only had it for a few weeks. They would not replace it. If I did not have a friend that is an executive in the chain store that I bought it in, I would have been stuck with it. She made one phone call and all of a sudden I got a complete refund. As far as the burners on the top of the range, they are powerful and do work well. But they take long to lite, expect to hear a lot of clicking. If you do a lot of baking, I would go with a different range. Stay away from this one. It needs a lot of improving. And so does their customer service. Good luck!

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    Hi Bardzil,

    Thank you for considering a Bertazzoni! We would love to help you answer any specific questions you may have. Please feel free to reach out to us via direct message: We look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you,

    Keely— The Bertazzoni Team

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    Hi Charlie,

    We are sorry to hear about your Bertazzoni experience, but glad that you ended up getting a refund. We do apologize for the poor customer service and can assure you that since we have partnered with a new customer service team we have made it a top priority to assist customers.

    Thank you,

    Keely— The Bertazzoni Team

  • 7 years ago


    Can I use regular oven cleaner on the oven. I have a 36" Bertazzoni Oven and it is not self-cleaning. It needs a really good cleaning.

    Thank you,


  • PRO
    7 years ago

    Hi Gloria,

    Thank you so much for your patience. Please see the below information from our customer service team regarding the best cleaning methods for your Bertazzoni. We also have more detailed information in a PDF. If you could please send us a direct message ( with your email address we can provide this to you.

    Cleaning Products

    • Avoid: Easy Off or similar products
    • Suggested: Simple Green, a good degreaser with no harsh chemicals.

    Cleaning Method

    • If grease is baked on, it may be difficult to clean
    • DO NOT USE a scouring pad or anything abrasive as this damages and scratches the porcelain coating

    Thank you,

    Keely— The Bertazzoni Team

  • 7 years ago

    I have had a Bertazzoni 36" gas range with 5 burners for about 7 years now and I absolutely hate it. It replaced a 5 year old Thermador which kept breaking down. When it worked, the Thermador oven was fantastic and the temperature incredibly accurate. My Bertazzoni is quite the opposite: the oven temperature is not calibrated, unless I have a thermometer in the oven, I have no clue what the temp is, I cannot rely on the outside knob, it's inaccurate. My cakes are often burned on the outside and raw on the inside. The bottom of the oven has been curling up, it seems quite flimsy. The igniter broke twice and now, I cannot use the broil setting because it will not ignite. The top burners are ok, the largest one (2 part) is practical for very large pots (we are a large family, we often utilize larger pasta pots) but it still takes for ever for water to boil. Cleaning the burners is quite challenging, especially if liquids boil over. One of my oven lights burnt 2 years ago and no one was able to help me purchase a new one. Customer service at Bertazzoni suggested I go to a lighting shop for a bulb, they were not able to sell me a replacement one. I did just that and was told by 3 shops that they do not carry this type of light bulb. All in all, I would not recommend this gas range. I am now in the market for a new one, does anyone have any recommendations?

  • 7 years ago

    Hmmm, interesting. I find the gas burners great. The double burner is rated as two separate burners which in my building code allowed me to not upgrade the exhaust and install a room air exchange and still get a high BTU. The low end of the burners is steady and constant. My Wolfe couldn't do that. They are easy to clean. I use Wiemans stainless on the range bed and just wash the burner and burner covers with Dawn.

    Yes even with the electric oven I use an oven thermometer. Perhaps the preheating cycle is too short since I always wait another 10 minutes or so before Iget the temp. But it holds the temperature much better than the LGs that I cook with at friends. It does not have a computer and a probe and all of that but that 's not how I cook so I wasn't looking for that.

  • 6 years ago

    Hi all, I think a question related to this was posed before but I didn't see an answer. Any opinions on the gas vs electric oven? Maybe the gas preheats faster, but the electric one has less of a waste heat issue coming through the top in the back? No idea. Just wondering what my tradeoffs are here. Replacing my 30" (gas) with a 36" but need to decide on gas/electric (duel fuel). Thanks!

  • 6 years ago

    Thought I'd leave a comment here in case it is helpful to others. After realizing I couldn't put off cleaning the inside of the oven anymore I searched around google and decided to try the Simple Green recommendation. My oven was bad enough that my last meal had to be cooked with both the kitchen exhaust and the kitchen back door open with a floor fan by the oven. I cleaned the oven with a 1 to 3 ratio of simple green using a microfiber auto cloth with hot water. I scrubbed 1 hour (including the glass panel) in which I got a significant amount of gunk off and rinsed all surfaces with water. I couldn't get it all off but I felt I got enough off to cook safely. I also put both racks in my dishwasher by removing the top DW shelf. I then tested it by turning on my oven to first 300 then 500. In short was a success. A little smoke for the first 2 minutes then it stopped. Also my racks cleaned up really well but a second run in the DW would have made them look perfect.

    My takeaway is that the simple green works but I will have to do it more frequently to get spotless results . (This is the first time I ever cleaned the stove so I shouldn't have let it become this dirty.) another good thing was there were no fumes.

  • 4 years ago

    I was considering a bertazzoni or fisher paykel 36” gas range. Comments I have read about the oven floor curling leave me worried and perplexed (what does curling mean?). I would appreciate any advice.

  • last year

    We bought a house built in 2014 with a Bertazzoni 48” range. It was converted to propane from natural gas as we aren’t on natural gas. I’m having a horrible experience trying to cook on the stove. The burners will not get low enough even on the lowest setting. I have all clad & cast iron cookware & everything scorches. Any advice on using this range?? I have wolf/ subzero appliances in our other home. Any help will be appreciated.

  • 8 months ago

    We have a Bertazzoni oven and whenever we turn on, some smell is coming out. We called the gas company and there is no gas leak but their equipment are sensing carbon monoxide. Any idea what could be wrong with the oven.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    our bertazzoni oven was installed in 2020. When we turn on the over, gas smell is coming out. We called the gas company, there is no gas leak but their equipment picked up carbin monoxide. Any idea what could be wrong?