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Craft/Hobby Room- Using Pegboard?

17 years ago

I have been lurking all summer and even went back and read at least 50% of the past posts starting with the last page and working my way forward (while still reading the new posts too!). I have learned so much already! Thank you all for being so willing to share your experience and tips!

My husband and I bought our house last fall (just 6 days after our wedding!) We have been living in an attached mother-in-law suite for the past year while fixing up the main part of our house. Now things are ready for us to move into the main house so we can start remodeling the mother-in-law suite. In the main part of the house I have my own craft/hobby room. I have a desk height sewing station and a counter height cutting/general crafting station. Along the back wall above these stations, I have pegboard (my husband's idea). Above that I have cabinets and built in shelving. In the house I lived in before getting married I had a small section of pegboard, but didn't really use it because I didn't know how to make it work for me. In this new craft room I don't have many drawers (except at the sewing station). I will need to use the pegboard.

My hobbies are sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, crochet, and just general crafts- any thoughts for how to make the pegboard work for me?

Thank you guys so much! I look forward to reading all your ideas!

bluejena in ohio

Comments (7)

  • 17 years ago

    First, how high can you reach? For areas above that, try shelving.

    Otherwise, start looking into all the pegboard accessories available--little bins, medium bins, lots of hooks, etc.

    You can get shelf brackets that let you mount an 8-inch-deep shelf on the pegboard. (you'll want to be sure the pegboard itself is secured to studs)

    You can get a 12'inch square wire basket to hold things; if they're small, you'd want t line the basket so they don't fall out. It could hold stuff like the pin cushion that won't fit on hooks (though it might be a tad deep for that).

    these guys have a bunch, including a 43-piece kit w/ little plastic bins, plus jars; I t hink they're wholesale only, but you could call and ask them if they'd got a retail or mail-order source you can get to.


    and a tape-measure and pencil holder, wowee! that has a little shelf sticking out AND a small drawer


    here's a clear bin that can be mounted on pegboard

    these, apparently, you mount a metal strip on the pegboard, and then lock the bins in place

    here's a mesh shelf--that would be nice for small things that can't hang.

    this can hang by grommets, and might be nice for boxes of pins, etc.

    another idea for a shelf--has a much lower front, for better access.
    Having one or two fo these on the wall to hold "the current project" might be really useful. Get it up off the work surface, keep it all together.

    this company has several baskets--deep, plus shelf-like as well-- that fit pegboards (and slatwalls)

    And they have this clear flat-sided jars.

    One nice thing w/ Pegboard; you decide later that your scissors are too far away.

  • 17 years ago

    Personally, I would not use pegboard--do you like it? Some people love to have everything out where they can see it.
    Tally is really organized, so I can picture her with this stuff.
    I can actually remember which drawer I put stuff into, but trying to remember where to put it on the pegboard would be awful. You can get cabinets that hang on the wall like Kitchen cabinets. In my case, I got a bookcase and put it into the closet of my studio and I am getting overhead cabinets. In my laundry room I got an 8 foot high cabinet that only comes out 14 inches. Doesn't take up much space at all, and holds lots.
    I like Talleys ideas and if you have nothing but wall space, thats the way to go.

  • 17 years ago

    darn-it! I typed out a reply yesterday and now it isn't here. I hate when that happens!

    anyways, I don't really care for the pegboard, it was my husband's idea. I had it before and didn't use it. The craft room was a gift from my husband for our first anniversary. I had gone to visit my parents for a weekend and when I came home- tada! a craftroom, complete with pegboard! He is a sweetie for trying, really! A few months ago we had discussed how to set things up and he mentioned pegboard. I told him I didn't use it in my last house, so I wasn't sure it would work in my craftroom. I told him I would think about it. (my thinking was we would forget about it! or at least get online and research it first to see what kind of options I would have) I had also wanted 2 drawer units under both sections of countertop (4 drawer units total), but unfortunately there was only room in the budget for 2, so we have shelves under the other set.

    There are cabinets above the strip of pegboard. They are higher up on the wall, closer to the celing. Invision celing to floor: A cute country border, the cabinets (6 doors) and a section of shelves all going across the entire length of wall. Then below that is the infamous pegboard, my counter tops. On the left (the cutting/crafting station) there are shelves on either side of the countertop. On the Right is my sewing station and on either side is drawer units purchased at a building supply resale shop. They were made for a vanity, but we cut them down for desk height.

    Thanks for all the helpful ideas, I will try to take pictures so you can see it and maybe offer any other suggestions.

    bluejean in ohio

  • 17 years ago

    You can get those Sterilite drawers to go on the lower shelves. Or save up and buy drawers to go in bookcases (

    I prefer drawers, usually--like Marge, I can remember what is where--even to whether it's in the front or the back.

    And I like the visual calm.

    But, since you have the pegboard, maybe you can make SMALL use of it--in other words, don't put EVERYTHING on it.

    I only really have office stuff and sewing stuff, so I'm going to use them as examples; think of how OFTEN you use things, whether they're part of a "set" when you use them, and also what size and SHAPE they are (for example, in sewing the transfer paper and the marking wheel get used together, although they're such different sizes that I don't store them together; the wheel goes in the tools box, and the transfer paper stores on the side of the cabinet by itself)

    I'd put scissors, ruler, hole punch on hooks.

    I'd have a short, shallow shelf about 6 inches above the work surface to perch the tape, stapler, and maybe glue or other stuff I grab often.

    I'd have one of those basket things for stuff like pin cushion, tape measure. They're more likely to fall off a shelf, so I'd want them more contained.

    Then, for stuff I use less often, say rubber stamps and stamp pad, I'd put those 8" shelves off to the side and up a little bit (kitchen-cabinet height, so I can reach them when I stand), and buy photo boxes to put them in.

    Just because you have a wall full of pegboard, don't think you have to hang every tool on it. It'll be easier, I'd bet, to just have a few things out.

    But using those accessories (esp. the shelf brackets) can make it really easy to put up shelves wherever you want. Esp. if those cabinets are hard to reach when you stand up at the desk.

    And I *do* like the idea of getting a bigger basket that you designate for "current project"--say you're doing a scrapbook, and you want rubber stamps and a certain set of paper. You get that stuff out of the cabinets and off the shelves, and spread it out on your workspace. Some of it gets in the way, so you stick it up in the basket--handy to reach, but UP. When you stop for the day, you decide you want the work surface clear, so you stash it there. Then, if you need to sit at the desk and sew on a button, your current project isn't in the way, but isn't lost either.

    (Of course, you do have to put all that stuff away when the project is done....there would be my problem)

  • 17 years ago

    For quilting supplies, you could certainly hang most of your rulers, maybe even cutting boards if you have several. That would make the pegboard look really used. I've never cared for pegboards, because I can't reach anything when they are over a desk or counter. At 5'4", I need them on a plain wall. I have yet to have a space where they worked for me. Usually, I've found them in my classrooms and I just covered them up with a bulletin board. So, hang a small bulletin board over part of it and make it your inspiration spot. I enjoy looking at the colors of my fabrics and threads. You could hang one of those pegged spool holders on the board.

    I think once you start working and moving in the space, how to adapt it best will come to you in stages. Don't feel like you have to assign everything a permanent home. A craft area is like a kitchen. Until you've cooked quite a few meals, you don't always know exactly how you want to arrange things.


  • 17 years ago

    Look for a long circular piece of wood (can't think what they are called, dowel?) with a dimension that would fit into the peg holes. Craft stores carry the really thin ones. Cut even lengths of the wood and glue the pegs into the peg holes at a slight angle - with the exposed end going up. I did this for the back of my sewing armoire to hold all my thread. Works like a charm.

  • 17 years ago

    I have 1/4" pegboard 4ft all around the garage. It holds shovels, saw horses, even the hydralic jack. I just got a bunch of plastic bins in many small sizes. I'm looking for hooks to put them on the pegboard. Thank's in advance for the help!!!