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My $1,400 total rehaul pics done, thank you everyone!!!

14 years ago

First off thank you everyone who was so sweet and helpful when I was having fits coming up with what to do with this kitchen! It is not 100% finished because the DH unexpectedly lost his job halfway through! Eventually we would like the base moldings finished, crown on the cabinets on the left and baskets in the open pantry.

Since the DH was job hunting during the whole reno, I ended doing almost everything in this kitchen myself with the help of two of my friends (also ladies who had never done any kind of construction) so it was a huge learning experience from start to finish!

The first three pics are before and the rest are afters :) Originally it was a dining room attached to a galley kitchen which we expanded into a larger eat-in kitchen and moved the dining room to our sunroom.
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Comments (102)

  • 14 years ago

    I don't remember who it was...but someone wanted to do black cabinets and white appliances...and many were nay-saying. I would contend that your kitchen proves them wrong.



  • 14 years ago

    You did a fantastic job! It looks like you spent way more money than what you did. I have added a link to a light that I thought was pretty and somewhat matched the style you are going for while still keeping the galvanized theme and matching the style of the light you put over the sink.

    I also love that you have a hanging basket over the table, though it looks like it is green plastic. I would re-pot the plant in a galvanized bucket and hang it with chain. You did an excellent job and I hope your hubby finds a new job soon!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Light

  • 14 years ago


    I think what you decided to do with the refrigerator is sheer genius; you got it out of the space it dwarfed but didn't leave it looming forlorn elsewhere. The whole thing is just brilliant, and a badly needed inspiration for those of us who are trying to transform small kitchens with limited resources.

    So you may keep "enigma" but you have spectacularly outgrown the quandry part. Hope that the economy starts treating you and yours as well as you deserve.

  • 14 years ago

    Congrats! I love this-loving the shirted sink.

    Good luck to DH.

  • 14 years ago

    Have to add my congrats to your inspiring remodel. My DD & SIL are (fingers crossed..) soon to be owners of a Cape w/ a kitchen similar to your "Before." I have made them aware of this link.

    Love so much of your design, but especially the black cabs/brackets & beadboard backsplash.

  • 14 years ago

    Yay for capes!

    I'm trying to decide if the overhead lighting should be more farmhouse or mix it up and go a little vintage...any thoughts? Thanks!

  • 14 years ago

    Awesome job! And though it wasn't part of this reno, I LOVE your floor tile - do you know what they are? I want to re-tile my floor in the next year, and those fit the bill!

  • 14 years ago

    Really great job. It just goes to show that you don't need to spend a ton of money to get a fabulous kitchen!

    Such an inspiration!


  • 14 years ago

    the floor is the one thing that the previous homeowners had done, we do have extras and all it says on the bottom is "made in Italy". I would imagine that they probably got it at Lowes or Home Depot or something. It has a pinkish hue and is hard as a rock, I hope you find what you're looking for!

  • 14 years ago

    What a great transformation! You should be very proud on everything you did. I love the dark cabinets and the sink area.

  • 14 years ago

    looks great! Where did you buy your barstools?

  • 14 years ago

    lovetoshop, I actually got them from a friend who bought them at some going out of business place. I'm sorry I don't have any more info for you!

  • 14 years ago

    What a phenomal rehaul for the price!!!!! VEry impressive. It really does look lovely!

  • 14 years ago

    I was thinking about these lights for replacing the flourescent ones, does anyone have any thoughts on these? Are they toooo old fashioned or just vintage enough? I can't make up my mind :)
    {{!gwi}}From house

  • 14 years ago

    enigmaquandry, You did an amazing a transformation on a limited budget!

    I love the black cabinets that update the look of the kitchen. I love the counters and the beadboard backsplash. But most of all I love the wall you built around the refrigerator.

    You and your helpers should be so proud of yourselves doing such a great job!

    Thanks for sharing. Hoping your husband finds a job soon.

  • 14 years ago

    Moving your refrigerator was a great idea. Your kitchen looks brighter now with black cabinets!

  • 14 years ago

    You should be so proud! It is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  • 14 years ago


    I wanted to add my congratulations to everyone elses. I keep coming back and looking at it! It looks like you've taken the best possible route with your options and really made an amazing transformation. SO well done. You should be very proud.

    Do you have over cabinet lighting on the left?


  • 14 years ago

    enigmaquandry --

    If you want a diffused light at the ceiling for your kitchen, I think the schoolhouse-y fixture is a great choice.

    If you want to preserve the warm cozy look of your wall-mounted farm light, however, you might want to look at a similarly designed fixture (i.e., with an opaque hemispherical shade, so that the light is more focused downward) or recessed lighting.

    I recently bought a very reasonable pendant from Lowe's to go over a table where people both work and eat. It has the advantage of being able to be installed at different heights. I plan to put in a bright bulb and a dimmer switch.

    Whatever you do, I am sure it will be the cat's meow. You have the eye as well as the resourcefulness.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Inexpensive hanging

  • 14 years ago

    OMG, I love your kitchen. I think that's tremendous, and courageous! And I think that schoolhouse fixture is perfect, but I may be biased because I have 2 of them in polished nickel. I bought from Schoolhouse Electric, and they are a great company, and they give great light.

    Beautiful job! Reminds me of Layla's kitchen at the Lettered Cottage.

  • 14 years ago

    Wow! What a wonderful transformation! I love the black & white color scheme, the farmhouse sink with the burlap curtain under it, the wood counters, open shelving, etc... everything!!! and on a budget, no less! You and your friends should go into business together! Congratulations and I hope your DH finds a job soon. Enjoy your new kitchen!

  • 14 years ago

    I hate being late to the party, because it's mostly been said already! But I'll pile on anyhow: Black was a bold move and it paid off big time for you. What an awesome look you achieved!! I love that faucet, and I really like the pot rack. (OK, I'm a sucker for pot racks, I admit it). It adds the right amount of charm, without being overwhelming. What an amazing transformation, and all the more so at only $1400. That's just unbelievable. Don't tell my husband, OK?



  • 14 years ago

    Great transformation!

  • 14 years ago

    I am beyond words! I LOVE IT! You guys had some really cool ideas and that kitchen has such character. You should be so proud!! I know I would be.


  • 14 years ago

    Thank you so much everyone who has been encouraging and asked about the hubby's job, I'm so pleased to say that after three months of looking he is finally EMPLOYED!!!! Thank you again for your thoughts, I'm thrilled and finally we can get started on some more projects :)

  • 14 years ago

    Beautiful kitchen! I think it's all been said so I will just add "Ditto!" to all the above. Very inspiring.
    Congrats on the new job, And can't wait to hear about your new projects!

  • 14 years ago

    Hmmmm.. how did I ever miss your awesome remodel? I suppose I should search for the word "done", not just the word "finished"!

    Anyhow may I add your kitchen to the Finished Kitchens Blog? It's not often we see such a wonderful transformation on such a low budget!
    You can either give permission here in your post or send me an email:
    Then, when you find the time, please submit the FKB Category Checklist so I can easily categorize your kitchen.

    Here is a link that might be useful: FKB Category Checklist

  • 14 years ago

    starpooh, that would be great! I filled out the linked form, I hope that works, let me know if it doesn't!

  • 14 years ago

    I look at this kitchen EVERY time that it comes back to page one and it only gets better. Good to hear about the new employement and good luck!

  • 14 years ago

    What a wonderful transformation! Thank you for the inspiration. It's so neat to see what folks can do on a limited budget. I particularly like your sink/curtain. Very sweet! Enjoy your 'new' beautiful space!!

  • 14 years ago

    Bumping this awesome remodel!

  • 14 years ago

    enigmaquandry - This is exactly what i want to do with my sink.. I also plan to use the Domsjo double sink.. but wondering how to alter a sink base to make it fit????

  • 14 years ago

    Stylish and cute - on a shoestring budget. Excellent job on colors and updating the look. Neat way to make the frig work.

  • 14 years ago

    joyjoyjoy, this sink is so heavy I didn't think a customized cabinet would work for it. We just bought the Ikea cabinet that is designed to support it. Since we didn't have ikea cabinets otherwise we used the skirt instead of buying doors for them. The cabinet was only about $40 I think and if you had a sink cabinet before you could probably retrofit your previous doors on it. Trust me, this would be waaaaaaay simpler than trying to support this sink without it!

    Good luck and remember to get the little drains with the domsjo sink!

  • 14 years ago

    okay I will do that too. I just figured ikea boxes cant be any stronger than "real" wood cabinets but I suppose its made to fit so its best. I thought about having either a skirt or mismatched cabinet under the sink - so maybe once I'm up there i might find a door style that will work.


  • 14 years ago

    oh.. can you tell me what faucet you have? super cute!!

  • 14 years ago

    Your work in this kitchen is amazing! Bravo! The punch for the price is unbelievable. You should be very very proud.

  • 14 years ago

    joyjoyjoy, I got the faucet off ebay from a seller with a lot of them (I'm sure you could find it if you looked on there). However I really wouldn't recommend it, it's not very good quality and we will probably replace it in the not too distant future :)

  • 14 years ago

    What black paint did you use?

  • 13 years ago

    pinch_me, the place mistinted my color three times so I ended up with a "custom color" let's say :) It is really dark though, there's no gray in it really. It's an oil based paint in a semigloss finish so it's really easy to clean :)

  • 13 years ago

    Oh how lovely. I really like your faucet and the way your farm sink goes with your appliances.

  • 13 years ago

    Your NEW KITCHEN is fantastic and charming, now everyone will be asking you to re-do their Kitchen! Wish you were nearby, we can use your help and our budget is not much more! Congratulations for all your creativity, you should be featured on a DIY show! Rose

  • 13 years ago

    fantastic kitchen!

    i LOVE the black cabinetry with the butcher block counters! it looks great! you really changed the look and feel of your kitchen and WOW under $1,500 - that's amazing. i agree with the others - better than Design on a Dime!

  • 13 years ago

    You did a beautiful job!!! I am amazed at how much you accomplished for the money spent!!! KUDOS to you and your freinds!
    Could you tell me more about the drawer looking thingy (technical term there :^) beside the stove??
    Many thanks,

  • 13 years ago


  • 13 years ago

    Jaybird, that was a gift from my mom, I guess the best way to describe it is it's a shallow drawer with a cutting board on top...super useful for coupons!

  • 13 years ago

    Beautiful job! The black cabinets are great, and I also like the vintage light you're considering. By looking at the before and after photos I would never imagine that only $1400 was spent. Wow!!!

  • 13 years ago

    Came here from a link on another thread, and just had to say that you did a fabulous job! I, too, LOVE the black cabs! Bravo!

  • 13 years ago

    I am also here from a link from another thread. I don't usually post on old threads, but had to say I am in absolute awe. You should have your own TV show, because you not only did great work, but you were very creative. Looks better than some very expensive kitchens!

  • 13 years ago

    I used to have those tiles in my dining room. Mine were Italian and no, they weren't Box store specials. I had more money invested in that tile and installation for that one room than I had all the other downstairs rooms combined. Not elcheapos.