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Anyone have Monarch Composite Decking?

16 years ago

After hearing all the negatives of Trex, we're looking at Monarch for a deck we're building. I know some people on this forum have used it and am wondering how it has held up.

Comments (58)

  • 13 years ago

    I installed some monarch in 2007. It has split onthe vertical surfaces and is expanding on the horizontal serfaces, closing the gaps between the planks. do not power wash!!! has anyone had a structural failure. yet? my lumberyard has filed a claim with the company that has purchased monarch. I'll post as info is recieved. I would not install a similar product untill the reason for the failure has been discovered.

  • 13 years ago

    We built a new house in 2005 and put on a deck with the Monarch composite decking. It is the worse decking I have ever seen. Ours is cracking, spliting, stained, and we put an outdoor rug down, not rubber backed, and it is stainde where the rug laid. I would never recommend this product to my worst enemy. Does antone have an address or email address that I could have, it would be appreciated.

  • 13 years ago

    I called to day to follow up on my claim with Biewer Lumber the distributor for Monarch Exotic Decking. I had a claim that they agreed they would replace last Sept 2010 but they never settled on what they were going to send and now Monarch is out of Business and Biewer Lumber is not supporting the warranty either. They made a profit selling so I'm looking ot get me deck replaced.

    Any update on the class action lawsuit?

    What is the new company's name that took over the Monarch?

  • 13 years ago

    I think the company that is making Monarch also makes PC Ultima.

  • 13 years ago

    I purchased a home in September 2010 and quickly learned that the Monarch deck, which was added to the house in 2007, is a piece of crap! The deck is completely warped and all of the deck boards have expanded to the point of closing all spaces between the boards. It appears now that all water that lands on the deck, sit on top of the boards until fully evaporated...or shall I say, sit in the 1/2" dips in each board that are a result of the warping. All of this water retention could be the reason for the incredible amount of mold and mildew too.

    I power washed the deck and it did not resolve the mold issue. I'm looking into a cleaning agent to help, but the short story of my deck is that I won't even let my kids out on the deck because the boards are sticking up so badly that someone is bound to stub their toe, trip, or worse.

    This product is TERRIBLE!!!

    If anyone locates any class action lawsuits, new company ownership or warranty information, please pass it along.

    Perhaps we should start a class action lawsuit of our own?

  • 13 years ago

    What absolute junk - we were talked into using this product from a rep at Home Depot. The worst of it is our 1x6 expensive facia we used to wrap around the deck. Within 1 year the facia has bowed out in several areas at least 3 to 4 inches spanning about a foot. In fact all the boards are now warping to some degree. Mold? yep Scratches? yep Junk? yep Its obvious why they went out of business.
    A class action? Count me in Good thing no one can get screwed by this company anymore.

  • 13 years ago

    Same issues!! Installed Monarch composit decking August 2006. Have terrible splits in the boards. mold issues...we have found best cleaning method is Tilex mold/mildew sprayed on decking,(easier to put 8-10 bottles in pump sprayer) wait few minutes and brush in with shop broom then spray off...pray next day is sunny and use roller to apply a coat of Superdeck brand composite deck sealer (will ship to local Do-It-Best hardware store). Works pretty good, we've been cleaning/sealing spring and fall.

  • 13 years ago

    Same issues here as well. Our original deck, which was not Mondarch, was installed in the fall of 2006 by Archadeck. It failed and Archadeck replaced it at no charge to us in Dec/Jan. of 2010 using Monarch this time. It is now failing just as everyone has described. I would be more than happy to join a class action suit.

  • 13 years ago

    I've had problems for several years with Monarch and my deck and finally last year at the end of the season they came out and said they would replace the bad pieces and I could wait until this season to do it and I called them and find out they are OUT OF BUSINESS and their warranty is useless!!! I'm SO READY FOR CLASS ACTION. Who wants to file and where do we go?? I've had my fill of this and we paid BIG bucks for this junk.

  • 13 years ago

    Add us to the list of people with bad Monarch Decking. We installed ours in August, 2006. We also have a mold problem, splitting, and a coarsening of the surface. Ugh.

  • 13 years ago

    I've been on the phone with Home Depot since that is where I bought my deck and I know that the gentleman that was out here had an office inside Biewer Lumber out of St. Clair, MI. Biewer Lumber was the distributor of the product to home Depot. I have no idea where any of you are from, but if you are interested in getting in touch with your own distributor to find out of they get their product from Biewer then maybe we can all inundate them with calls and complaints. Don't know if it is the same distributor for all of us or not, but check with where you purchased, they will know!!! I've called daily since I got the number and if we all can bombard him maybe we can get something resolved. I am also going to be in contact with my State's Attorney since rumor is that they are still in business just under a different name. Whoever posted that needs to do some digging and find out their new name???

  • 13 years ago

    Same complaint with me. I have called lumber jack many times about this issue and sounds like the manufacture is not taking everyone's claims seriously. I would like to keep this thread going so that we can keep track how many people are having these warranty issues.

  • 13 years ago

    I have Monarch decking. I went on line to see if people were having the same problem I am having... split boards expansion, mold, stains. Seems we ALL have the same issue. The deck was beautiful for the 1st summer when I installed it ( 2008)- Now it is splitting and there are no longer gaps between boards. This deck was supposed to last 20 years! Add me to the class action suit.

  • 13 years ago

    Our Monarch Exotics deck was installed winter 2007. We have noticed increasingly serious delamination problems.
    In the middle of filing a claim with Monarch, they stopped replying and vanished. Add me to the list for the class action lawsuit.
    Our 2nd story deck is large and we're still paying for it. Meanwhile we wonder if it is crumbling.

  • 13 years ago

    As the others have noted in great detail...this deck is worthless in more ways then one! $10K custom made spliting, pulling away from the screws..etc. Count me in regarding any class lawsuit.

  • 13 years ago

    Unfortunately, I too have a deck with Monarch, installed about 5 years ago now. It has failed miserably similar to how others have described and I am told the company is bankrupt and started up under a different name. No recourse left since the company no longer exists. Please let me know if anyboyd hears anything...

  • 13 years ago

    We had this VERY EXPENSIVE deck installed in 2006 and it is a MESS! All the problems that people have written about - DISGUSTED! Would be happy to join a class action suit against whoever!

  • 13 years ago

    I've sent in a request to an attorney for a class action lawsuit to see if anyone would be interested in taking it on. I'll post any information I hear back from them so that anyone else can join if interested. I copied this website in the initial request so that they can see the complaints. Hopefully, we might be about to come up with an answer at least. I know that the distributor in our area says they are reviewing my complaint and will get back in touch with me. I've not heard anything in over two weeks!

  • 13 years ago

    I have about $6,000 worth of decking which Home Depot informs is Monarch. The earlier part of the deck (phase 1 is Fiberon and looks perfect). Phase 2 is Monarch and looks like everyone's descriptions on this forum. Purchased in 2007 Home Depot, 26 Mile Road, Shelby, Michigan. It was distributed by Biewer Lumber, St. Clair, Michigan. I called Steve there, after Home Depot gave me the information, and left a message. There was no return phone call. I am an attorney and I think that they can't waive fitness for a particular purpose. I will be suing them both if they try. I will be doing more research. If they come to an accommodation, e.g. replace the product, I can probably negotiate the same for others. Now the work begins.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Contact me. I am going to file suit and will have all the pleadings and research on the issues.

  • 13 years ago

    The lawyer that I had contacted said he could not do anything and to contact another lawyer for another opinion??

  • 13 years ago

    Add us to the list of dissatisfied (what an understatement!) Monarch customers.

    I filed a claim in late summer of 2010 (deck was installed in summer of 2005). I obtained a contact name/email address for Monarch from a Customer Service Mgr. at Home Depot. in our area. I received a reply (letter) from one Kathy Pike dated Sept. 28, 2010 with a claim number (100946) and instructions on what was required (pictures/receipts/measurements, etc). I took pictures, copied receipts, typed a letter and sent it late March of 2011. It's now the end of July and haven't heard anything. I tried calling the phone # and get fax machine noises. I tried emailing both Kathy Pike and Kevin Dubay (Monarch Claims Coordinator) and both came back as undeliverable.

    Our deck is smaller than some of the other posters as our boards cost about $1,000.00. We're retired and figured that with a 20 year warranty, wouldn't have to worry about replacing the deck in our lifetime.

    How wrong could I be?

  • 12 years ago

    We purchased a home with Monarch decking, installed 2006. All the floorboards are split or molded, the rails are all split, the nails popping out or split through the rails. It is off of a 2-story walkout basement and is a major safety hazard. What a mess!!! All of the complaints above we've experienced. Please include us on a class action suit.

  • 12 years ago

    i am unfortunately one who has gotten screwed as well as all you others. if the product you purchased came from PLR Distribution in Oregon (PLR is the distributor that sells the monarch boards to your local lumber store that you bought the decking material from) and you live in Washington State (that's where I live) please contact myself. I have a lawsuit against PLR Distribution in Oregon currently and I have discovered some very disturbing things about PLR. The faulty Monarch product just might have a warranty after all. Hope to hear from you!!!!!

  • 12 years ago

    to expand my request a little further, if the product you purchased came from PLR Distribution and you live in Oregon or any other state, please include yourself in this request, BUT ONLY IF YOUR MONARCH PRODUCT CAME FROM PLR DISTRIBUTION IN OREGON. THANKS!

  • 11 years ago

    The parent companies of Monarch are still in business and still liable for the defective product. Despite claims to the contrary, they are all U.S. based owners. You just have to do some digging and you can recover.

  • 11 years ago

    I was amazed to find that the cracked, moldy and discolored condition of the Monarch decking we installed in 2006 is ubiquitous. As recommended by Lakeside Lumber in Oregon (where we purchased the decking), we have washed it annually with mild dish soap; however, the condition worsens each year.

    How can I start "digging to recover" as recommended by a recent posting?

  • 11 years ago

    Has anyone been able to get a resolution to this company selling a terrrible product and getting away with it?

    Let me know via email if you have any thought or ideas how to go after Biewer Lumber or Green tree Composites?

  • 11 years ago

    Has anyone yet been successful in obtaining assistance from their State Attorney General's office to resolve their claims about this inferior product?

  • 10 years ago

    Put monarch decking on a dock in 2010, completely warped and now where it gets direct sun the decking is failing where we are breaking through 16" centers. If there is anyone going after the insurance company i would like to know about it.


  • 10 years ago

    It look like there finally may be a class action!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Class Action

  • 10 years ago

    It looks like there finally may be a class action!

    It looks like there finally may be a class action!

    It looks like there finally may be a class action!

    Contact Seeger Weiss now!

    Posted July 31st, 2013

    Here is a link that might be useful: Monarch Exotics Class Action

  • 10 years ago

    385-SF Deck installed in the Summer of 2006 and despite diligent care and maintenance, deck is cracked along the length of most boards. Boards are swollen and uneven throughout. Swelling is very evident at the ends of the boards. Monumental failure by Monarch. I'm working with the lumber company I purchased my decking materials from (Dunn Lumber) to find some sort of recourse. If I find something useful, I will post further details. I've tried the link, posted previously in this thread, to a class action atty and get an error message for that page. There is info regarding a class action lawsuit against LP decking, but it doesn't appear to be related to the Monarch company that went bankrupt (for reasons evident by this thread.) Good luck everyone!

  • 10 years ago

    Green Tree Composites, a Michigan entity, the owner of the Monarch composite decking brand is out of business. Premium Composites, LLC of S. Dakota that actually manufactured the product using dies provided by Green Tree is likewise out of business.

    There is no one left to sue. Sorry.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago


  • 8 years ago

    my first time commenting on here, but I also have ruffly 325sq. ft. of MONARCH decking. installed in 05' that is fading, cracking, swelling on the ends and breaking screws! Im completely disatisfied! Ready and willing to join a class action suit. has anyone contacted the seeger- weiss law firm? my email=

  • 8 years ago

    Purchased Monarch composite decking about 5 years ago. It has faded, warped, split, crack, etc. on most of the boards. Is there any recourse? Any class action lawsuits? I live in Minnesota and purchased from local Home Depot.

  • 8 years ago

    Anyone PLEASE does anyone know the month and year Monarch went bankrupt.

  • 8 years ago

    double decker

    I built a three tier deck one summer using the original Monarch material. Within 3 years it went bad and the Monarch representative came and authorized the replacement of all decking material. I spent the spring removing and again redecking using the new material with the grooved edges and fastening to the 16" on center floor joists with the clips provided. It's been 3 years now and I noticed 2 years ago the decking is expanding in width and now I have "ZERO" spacing between the boards where they are exposed directly to the weather. Where the decking is covered it is less of a problem. The result is large pools of standing water (frozen now) which if not corrected will cause permanent damage. I'll be redecking again in the spring.


  • 8 years ago

    I also am having the same issues with my monarch deck . cracking on edges . noticed it few years ago but now it is getting worse . would join class action suit if one is possible with monarch going out of business. My deck was 14000$ and now looks like crap.

  • 8 years ago

    Also looking to join a class action suit if one is possible. Same Issues everyone else is complaining about. Sad, Sad, Sad, replaced at twenty year old wood deck with this junk, and it needs replacing again!

  • 8 years ago

    ANYONE know when Monarch went bankrupt? FCusumano I live 20 miles east of you. You have ANY LUCK YET. I BOUGHT MY DECKING DIRECTLY FROM Biewer DO I HAVE ANY CLAIM AGAINST THEM?

  • 8 years ago

    I have the same issue as everyone else. I had a 20'x30' deck with railing installed in late 2005 and in less than 3 years there was extensive mold growth and board warping and buckling. Today my wife was nearly injured when a board broke under one of her feet. This product is truly sub-par for the cost. Has anyone gotten relief to replace this faulty product?

  • 7 years ago

    Please add us to the list for a class action against Monarch. Our $15k deck is almost unusable from the splitting, moldy, warped decking.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    On Friday I received a call from the Smith Law firm 314-725-4400 and they stated that they had settled a class action suit involving Biewer lumber of St. Clair, MI concerning people that purchased monarch composite lumber. They were supposed to e-mail on how to file a claim but haven't yet. I believe this is for real as the number on my caller ID in Michigan showed it to be the Smith Law firm. That's the best I can do folks. Mr Smith himself called me and said he had to keep our conversation short because he had more people to call.

  • 6 years ago

    I have a Monarch Deck and it is warping and may have to be replaced. Am I too late to make a claim against Monarch Decking (Green Tree Composites).

  • 5 years ago

    Have used them for 25 years ....Upper decks and rear lower. GREAT work. I have a lot of area. They are awesome. Where are they, I need them

  • 3 years ago

    Unfortunately, I am too late for the forum. I purchased Monarch decking in 2009. First year was great, then progressively has gotten worse. Waves, buckling, warping, discoloration, mold just to name a few. I also purchased it at Home Depot. I have to replace the whole deck. At first, I thought it was the builders, nope. If there is any new information on the class action suit, please advise.

  • 2 years ago

    I have a monarch deck and is a mess . i can get o help from any one . it was put in in 2007 wish they had it back.

  • last year

    If anyone is tearing out a Monarch Exotics Brazillian Walnut deck and has a few boards that are not swelling or deteriorating I would be interested in purchasing them. In Michigan. Thanks.

  • 2 months ago

    I will add to this thread I purchased Monarch Exotics Mahogany in 2005 and now need to replace a couple of boards if anyone has any to sell