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It's a Finished Kitchen!!! with pictures!!

14 years ago

Hi Everyone! Although we're about 90% done with the kitchen, I just can't wait any longer to show you the results! The only thing I'm waiting on is the lower part of the island is supposed to have butcher block for its countertop. My GC is working on it but I figured, this is good enough to post. Thank you for all of your advice and support!

Not to assault your eyes but here is the very 1969 BEFORE:


Let me just add that we purchased the home this way...I did not choose those finishes of the "before" kitchen :)

Oh wait, and just so you can get the full effect of the ugliness that was---here is the dining room (notice the green and gold FUZZY wallpaper!)...we removed the wall between the kitchen and dining room to make one great room. I will include a picture of the final dining room as well (hope you dont mind!)


And after a year of procrastinating (we weren't yet living in this house) and about 2 months of labor....ta da!...

This picture is from same vantage point as before shot #1

This is looking from the kitchen into the dining room. Looks a little better without fuzzy stripes, right? :)

I'm not sure why the before pictures showed up huge while the after photos are all tiny! :(

Some basics of what I can remember:

Flooring--Oak Hardwood

Cabinets--Schrock, Galena style, Wheat color.

Countertop--Granite, New Venetian Gold & butcherblock (any day now)

Appliances--microwave and stove are GE. Fridge and Dishwasher are Sears kenmore Elite (got about $1000 off the price of the DW due to a small dent!)

Cost breakdown (rough)

Cabinets: $7,211.25

Granite: about $3500

Appliances: about $3500

Flooring: maybe $1000+ installation

Lighting: $600

Labor costs: approx $5000 (not sure as we had our whole house renovated so things run together...)

APPROX Price of kitchen reno: $21,600

Price of me loving my new kitchen? ...priceless. :)

Comments (20)

  • 14 years ago

    Whoa, welcome to 2010!! What a beautiful transformation! You must be so thrilled with your new kitchen. Wishing you many happy meals there.


  • 14 years ago

    What a great job! I'm sure you are thrilled to be near the end too!

  • 14 years ago

    So much lighter and brighter...Better on the morning mood, I'll bet! I would love to see an angle that shows how it looks from the dining room. And the dining room is really lovely, too...Especially so after seeing the 'before.' ;-)

  • 14 years ago

    The space looks so much bigger. Very nicely done! Would love to see a closer picture of the granite. I think you can resize your photos. Maybe someone else can tell you how.

  • 14 years ago

    Wow; what a transformation! Congrats on your lovely new kitchen.

  • 14 years ago

    What a great job, an amazing change! Thanks for sharing. I'd like to see the granite better also. Show us more when you have your furniture in, won't you?

  • 14 years ago

    It looks like a great improvement. The old place looks like it must have been quite a cave to work in! That island looks like it's a fun shape? but its hard to tell. Do you have any pictures of the island as a whole.

  • 14 years ago

    Karin, lovely transformation!! I would love to see bigger pics of your beautiful & functional kitchen. I had to lol when you talked about the "fuzzy" wallpaper. Years ago I helped a good friend strip rooms & rooms of that type of wallpaper off--what a lot of work and we were wondering the whole time what would possess a person to choose this stuff. But the beginning transformation of her house (dark fuzzy walls everywhere to clean, fresh painted surfaces) was amazing. Your dining room is so fresh & light now! You'll be smiling every morning when you enter your new kitchen & dining room. Enjoy!

    Please be sure to have it posted to the finished kitchen forum with all the details! Thank you for sharing.

  • 14 years ago

    You did a really great job with your budget--a total transformation! My eyes are so bad these days, I can't tell if you have tile backsplash or granite--would love to see your wonderful work bigger.

    I too had yellow flocked wallpaper and yellow linoleum and yellow cabinets and yellow curtains....the woman who had the house before us must have been sunny yellow! We opened up our dining room too.

    From Menlo Farmhouse

  • 14 years ago

    Congratulations! We have a similar "before" floor. It's very comical...unless you have to live with it ;)

  • 14 years ago

    Great transformation and at a reasonable cost! You did a wonderful job picking your materials. I would love to see more photos of your beautiful granite and floors. I also love your bar stools and table & chairs. You must be really enjoying the new space! Congratulations!

  • 14 years ago

    Beautiful!! Enjoy your new kitchen!!

  • 14 years ago

    What a beautiful kitchen. You did a great job. Enjoy!!!

  • 14 years ago

    Just wanted to post more pics really quick--I will try to resize them later...couldnt figure it out right now and i have to get to work! sorry!...


  • 14 years ago

    Light and lovely!

  • 14 years ago

    So glad you love your beautiful new kitchen! Congratulations! The transformation, as you said, is priceless. The backsplash is unique -- lovely.

    My mil has the fuzzies with no plans that I know of to replace it.

    Thank you so much for sharing. We can help with the resizing but you may need to upload your pics again.

    Don't forget the FKB when you are able! (Go ahead and give your permission to starpooh now and you can work on the details later.)

    Here is a link that might be useful: Thread on submitting to the FKB

  • 14 years ago

    I feel like I can breathe again after seeing your new kitchen. Great job in opening up that space. I think you're going to be very happy in your new kitchen & DR!

  • 14 years ago

    Augh!!! I rearranged my albums in photobucket and now my pics on this blog went missing! Not to mention the fact I cant resize them due to my limited computer skills...

    I did submit my photos to Starpooh's finished kitchen blog so hopefully people can check them out there. Nothing like spending 12 months checking out this website daily to not being able to post your pics a) big enuf for people to see and 2) or they go completely missing!

    I'll try to repost some of the pics here:

    The before:




    Here is a link that might be useful: photobucket album link (hope this works!)

  • 14 years ago

    That looks like such a great space. I really like the way the island looks. You did a wonderful job!

  • 14 years ago

    What a difference a wall makes! MUCH better. I found just eliminating the peninsula made my kitchen twice as big.