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painted bench

16 years ago

i just found this forum,i have been in the garden forums and decided to check out others,i just finished painting and sealing my bench and am waiting for it to completely dry...i would like you all to comment on it,this by the way is my first project of its kind,i would also like some ideas of other things to do







Comments (6)

  • 16 years ago

    Oh Sassy - I LOVE it!!!...then again I'm pretty partial to anything having to do with grapes, wine, etc.!! Did you use exterior paints or just regular craft paint? You should do some coordinating stepping stone/pavers to go with it if it's going in the yard. Thanks so much for sharing the pics!!!! Keep up the great work!!

  • 16 years ago

    thank you paintinfool for the compliment and the great idea about the stepping stones.i think i will experiment with that idea answer your quwstion,i used acrylic paints and put a sealer on it afterwards,i am waiting for it to dry before moving took me about a week or so to come up with the colors,like i said this is the first time ever that i have done this!!!!!

  • 16 years ago

    Welcome Sassy~ great job on your first project! It looks terrific. Love the colors you chose and I like all the colorful butterflies you put in there. Was the bench a find or did you buy it with this in mind to do to it? I like paintins idea of the stepping stones. That will look great. If you haven't checked out Garden Junk forum, check it out. It's another of my favorites. And of course come back here and show us your next project!! :) ~Anj

  • 16 years ago

    thank you anjabee,actually my husband bought it for me last year and because it started to mildew alot and it just seemed so ugly i painted it white then i wasn't satisfied so i started to experiment with a little drawing then decided to paint the whole thing....

  • 16 years ago

    Good way to make that bench that was not the way you liked it into a great piece you can enjoy again. And I'm sure it's more special to you since you did it yourself! ~Anj

  • 16 years ago

    thanks anjabee but it seems to be taking forever for the sealer to dry???i don't know if it's the humidity or if i done something wrong!!!hope not,it took me awhie to do this!!!!