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POLL: Shower or Bathtub?

8 years ago

In some places, a shower is a must. In others, people don’t want to live in a house without a bathtub - even a very tiny house has a bathtub instead of a shower. Which one is more important to you, or do you want both?

VOTE and tell us about it in the comments!

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Comments (148)

  • 8 years ago

    lol...calgon needs a new marketing strategy based on these poll results....

  • 8 years ago

    I enjoy a soaking bubble bath in the winter months too much to give up a tub in the house. Husband used the tub when he had hemorrhoid issues and discovered the value of it at that time.
    I do stand up and rinse under the shower head as the water drains from the bath.. to rinse off any soap as well as rinse out the tub after it's use. We have found the suction cup grab bars very helpful
    as you can move them as needed and they are strong. Just need to remember to check them from time to time to make sure they are still secure to the tub surround. The whole bathroom smells nice after a bubble bath using Moonlight Path from Bath & Body :)

  • 8 years ago
    About to redo master bath and add a nice deep tub with bubble massage, I don't think I'll regret it. Looking forward to long soaks. Chose a model with grab bars so as we age (in early 50s now) we can continue to use. I have recurring back
    Issues and think it'll be great addition.
  • 8 years ago

    Two person steam shower in the master with hot tub on master deck. Bathtub/shower in the kids' bathroom just for possible resale should we ever want to sell the dream home.

  • 8 years ago

    I just don't understand how people find a porcelain or cast iron tub to be comfortable and relaxing? it's hard, not inviting to me at all, not where I want to spend time reading or drinking a glass of wine. It has its uses of course, and we do have one in the guest/hall bath.

    We were in our last house for 7+ years and I never stepped foot into the deep soaking tub in our master bath (it was difficult for me to even get in to clean out the dust occasionally) Instead of taking it out and replacing it with a big shower (ours was quite small) we moved (for a variety of reasons.)

    Present master has a two man shower (saves water) and another ridiculously huge tub nobody's ever yet sat in in 4 years.

  • 8 years ago

    We just redid the master bathroom and got rid of the "garden" jetted bathtub because I was tired of dusting the debris out of it. (It went to a good home with Habitat for Humanity.) Now we have a large shower that is a pleasure to use. There is still a tub in guest bathroom in case someone just has to have a bathtub, but it has never been used during the 4 years that we have lived in this house.

  • 8 years ago

    We have both, but I prefer the shower. I have used the big old fashioned claw tub in the upstairs bathroom, but as stated above, as you get older it's harder to get out of the tub.

  • 8 years ago

    It seems by this poll that if there is space for both a large shower and a tub, both are preferred, even though for most it seems a tub is seldom used. If having to choose between a small shower and a tub or a larger shower, it seems most would sacrifice the tub for a larger shower, especially if there is a tub elsewhere in the home, and in some cases, if permitted by code, even if there isn't. There are some who would never do without a bath, but it still seems that for most a shower is a necessity where, a tub is a "nice to have". Even though we build/renovate our homes for ourselves, someday the house will be sold and it is always desirable to have the highest number of potential buyers who could move in and make very few changes. But these are our very personal spaces first and foremost and they should be designed according to what is most important to each us.

  • 8 years ago
    We built our house and moved in January 1992. The master bath has only a large walk in shower and the first bath has a shower/tub combo. The tub never gets used. Even when washing the (BIG) dogs, it's easier in the shower with the handheld shower.
  • PRO
    8 years ago

    I advise my clients to have at least one bathtub in their cottage. I ask them, "Where do you expect your kids to keep the fish they catch?".

  • 8 years ago

    Mark.. that gave me my snicker for the day! Thanks!

  • 8 years ago

    We just remodeled our rather small master bath. We went round and round on the bathtub/no bathtub issue. I finally realized that our dream hot tub, was just that--a dream. So, I opted for a very nice Kohler whirlpool tub plus an enlarged walk-in shower. The shower started out as a minuscule 32" x 32" and ended up a nice modest 34" x 48". We stole some space from an adjacent closet that was just used for storing junk that should have been tossed. We removed the oversized garden tub (60" x 40"), and installed the standard 60" x 30" whirlpool (with heater). It's amazing how much visual space 10" can actually give you. Now I have a cozy little nook with my marvelous whirlpool bath. It's just the perfect "get-a-way without leaving home. And my husband adores "his" shower and insists on showing it to anyone he can drag into our bathroom.

  • 8 years ago
    I have a bathtub and a shower in my master bath. The tub I rarely use. In the guest bathroom there is a bathtub with a shower head. Guests always take a shower there. I'm planning to remove the tub in the guest bathroom and install a large shower. There would still be a tub in the master bath for resale value. Having two tubs is useless.
  • 8 years ago
    If you own a house in a suburban area, a bathtub is a must! When you want to sell your home, young families require tubs, and your house will be the one they would rather choose to buy..
  • 8 years ago

    needed at different times and occasions.

  • 8 years ago

    A shower is a must have. My ideal space would have a large walk-in shower room, with a bench, hand-held adjustable shower head, and a heated light overhead to keep you warm on chilly nights. I have barely used my master bath soaking tub over the years. It just sits there staring at me, wondering when I will ever use it.

  • 8 years ago
    sauna then shower repeat
  • PRO
    8 years ago

    In a master bath I usually suggest a shower only unless there is a to of room. I like to make sure there is a tub somewhere in the house for resale purposes.

  • 8 years ago
    I voted both, and that's what we did in our master bathroom remodel a few years ago. The shower is used daily, the tub occasionally. However, I learned after living in an apartment for 10 years with a shower only (no tub) that sometimes I just want a long relaxing tub.

    We do have a tub/shower combo in the very small main bath, but the tub is short and shallow, so it's not comfortable and so it is never used as a tub. When we remodel that bathroom, we will remove it and put in a walkin shower.
  • 8 years ago
    Luckylinn I plan do the same in my guest bathroom.
  • 8 years ago

    I prefer the Japanese style of bathing.. wash to clean with a Navy or other shower, then soaking tub of hot water. now that I live in the tropics, I need showers several times a day to cool off. I have asked my husband to build an outside shower, using a rain barrel.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    I like to know there is at least one bathtub in the house and also decent storage with each sink. In my old house we were on well water, so when the threat of losing power happened we would fill the tub with emergency water. It is also good for washing the dog and or other situations.

  • PRO
    8 years ago
    We are seeing more and more homeowners in our area ripping out their master bathroom tubs and going with a large shower. If you are a tub person (Cara's hand is raised) - having a separate tub and walk in shower is the way to go. It makes both activities more appealing and increases the beauty of each when they are kept separate.
  • 8 years ago
    I use an 80 gallon jacuzzi bath tub every morning for 30 minutes. It is where I have my coffee, read my devotional, pray, think, and come alive before beginning my day as wife, mother, and mortgage banker. I often am at the office 10-12 hrs a day, but that 30 minutes keeps me centered.
  • 8 years ago

    My husband and I prefer showers, personally. Luckily, our place has two full baths, so we can have the option of a bathtub for guests who prefer a good soak. ( We are looking into turning our bath/shower combo into just a shower area.)

  • 8 years ago

    Moved into our house 11 years ago with a jacuzzi tub & separate shower in master bath. After 9 years & the tub being used at the most 12 times, we removed both & remodeled with a large walk-in shower - no regrets whatsoever! There is a tub/shower combination elsewhere for anyone who does want a bath

  • PRO
    8 years ago
    I'm a fan of the cast iron claw foot tub. We have both but after staying at a BB in Placerville where they had one with a curtain for the tub I was happy with it and that's less cleaning for my wife and no chance of mold behind the wall.
  • 8 years ago

    I voted for both; I'm totally ok with a tub/shower combo. Regarding a separate set-up, I favor a walk-in, curb-less shower, and the tub doesn't have to be over-the-top, a standard size will do. In a previous house I had one of those huge soaking tubs that took up a corner in the bathroom-it used every drop of what was available in the hot water tank and I had to climb into the thing to clean it. I hated that thing...I used it all of two times in the six years I was there. In my current house I have tubs that are nice, but they are way deep-about double what a standard is. They're ok for now, but they will be replaced with something more practical-their sides are too high for someone to comfortably climb into, and you can't bathe a kid in them.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Both! Shower is great for everyday. Tub is definitely a luxury when it comes to adults. However, anyone with kids will tell you a tub is essential. Something very important to keep in mind for resale purposes.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    I préfer the morrocan Hammam

  • 8 years ago
    Hammam, Spam, Sam I Am....
  • 8 years ago
    Both! Who does not want a shower and a bathtub!
  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Freestanding tub and a separate shower, in an ideal world!

  • 8 years ago

    My soaking tub is the best feature in our home!

  • 8 years ago

    Roll-in shower (fully accessible) on main floor; old claw-foot tub for sore muscles or chilled bodies upstairs. The one thing missing is a steam shower. I would SO love one of those!!!

  • 8 years ago
    I love using both. We have a large soaker tub, no jets. Too many years of watching gunk come out of the jets from not using frequently. The best decision I made was installing a hand held spray on the tub. It helps with the cleaning immensely.
  • 8 years ago

    A word of warning to those thinking of ripping out their tubs. I am still very active in my mid-60's, but would not be nearly so if I did not have a tub to soak in. I put in about a quarter cup of Epson salts and even if I garden all day it will take all the aches and pains away so the next day I do not notice any. My grandmother did this and I started doing it in my 40's when I literally could not get out of bed in the morning after a 15 hour day of gardening!

  • 8 years ago
    I vote for a shower for myself, but for resale one needs a bath for kids.
  • 8 years ago
    Shower only. Will be doing a master remodel soon and have gone back and forth on whether to include a tub. Our current tub has born used maybe 6 times in 25 years so serves mostly as a dust catcher. Considered installing one of those beautiful free standing tubs but decided no after using a few in hotels. Very hard for an older person to enter and exit without major injury. Placement can be a problem for cleaning. I almost drowned while using a spectacular granite tub that was egg shaped. Kept slipping down. Not at all relaxing. I will stick to a shower with a moveable teak bench and hand shower which worked great after knee surgery. That is relaxing and invigorating as well as hygienic but each to their own. Go for what you and your family like and forget about resale unless you plan to flip your house. I plan to add a bench and chair where tub sits now. Theoretical future buyers can add their own tub later.
  • 8 years ago
    We have been back and forth on whether to include a tub in our renovation. We have plenty of space for a large shower and tub. We considered a free standing tub, but they are difficult to clean around and not as ergonomic. It is nice to have a deck to sit on to safely swing legs in.

    I use my tub mostly to soak my feet.....seldom to bathe. And the edge will be my shaving ledge. I would not have a tub if I didn't have the space, so we will, even though we will seldom use it.
  • 8 years ago

    I just remodeled the upstairs bath in my 1930 house. Since I had a 1922 cast-iron claw foot tub that had local historic connections, I had it refinished and installed. It's lovely -- has a nice, flat, wide bottom that's easy to stand in to shower. It's not hard to get in and out; I have good grab bars and a low stool besides (though I've never used the stool.) I'll be 77 next month and hope to use it for years; I figure as long as I can manage the stairs I can probably enjoy the tub too.

    I'm now enlarging the closet-sized bath downstairs into a real bathroom; it will have a nice walk-in shower. The best of all possible worlds!

    If I had to choose just one I'd choose the shower, but the historic tub deserved a good home (I got it years ago for $50.)

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Glass shower enclosure and stand alone tub :)

  • 8 years ago

    I don't understand why a tub with an integrated shower has gone out of style. It seems like a pretty efficient use of space to me.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Master: Walk-in glass-walled shower w/ fold-down teak seat & grab bars for washing. Small, deep ofuro-style freestanding tub for soaking (NOT washing). Fill tub while showering, then move over and relax. Large soaking tubs take too much hot water and too much time to fill.

    Hall Bath: Replaced old std. tub/shower with glass wall shower, fold down teak seat on end wall, grab bar, adjustable hand held shower on slide bar + extra holder at seat.

  • 8 years ago

    Definitely a shower. I insisted on putting in an old clawfoot tub in master bath when I built a small house in our hay loft. I have used it three time in 10 years. I never seem to have time to take a bath.

  • 8 years ago

    I almost opted for a huge shower only in my master, but decided I'd really miss a tub....not so much for baths, but I use it mostly to soak my feet for a pedicure. (I'll still have a 6x7 shower.) Who knows, maybe with the air feature we added, I'll enjoy a nice soak more often. If I had to choose only one due to limited space, I'd choose a shower, or a combo.

    I converted one upstairs bathroom from having a tub/shower combo to a separate tub and shower. There is nothing worse than having to clean the tub from showering just to take a bath. This bathroom will be used by our daughter, but will also serve the guest bedroom and bonus room.

  • 8 years ago

    I take showers and when I have time to relax, (Sunday's only!) I will.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    A few things to consider before committing to either!

    RESALE: Both

    Age 65+: Both

    Over-sized Bathroom: Both

    1 Bath in Alternate Room: Shower

    1 Shower in Alternate Room: Bath

    Villa Katsura, Virgin Gorda, Little Dix Bay, British Virgin Islands · More Info

  • 8 years ago

    We have a small bathroom and we're adding a deep tub to the shower for me. I've spent an hour or more in a tub with a good book and I miss it.

  • 8 years ago

    I take showers. Periodically I love to just soak, listen to rock n roll and sip champagne. Cant do all those in the shower. Indoor heated spa tub is nice and so is the outdoor spa. Also, I think about eventual resale. I believe there needs to be at least one tub for bathing children and pets.