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High Heels and Wood Floors...Yes or No???

8 years ago

We have beautiful wood floors upstairs. I would like to keep them that way. I vacuum twice a week, spot clean, only wear socks, bare feet or running shoes. My husband says high heels are ok to wear.

Need advice from hardwood floor experts....does walking in high heels hurt the floor?

I once read "you would not take a hammer to a wood floor, thus you should not walk in high heels on wood floors"

My husband and I are at odds? What is the opinion of Houzz folks?

Also, any tidbits of keep a wood floor looking good is appreciated.

Thank you.....I don't have a real good picture of the floor but this will give you an idea

Comments (23)

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Anything sharp or spiky has the potential to damage most surfaces. If you don't like wearing heals on your flooring, then don't wear heals on your flooring.

    Personally I've seen 300 year old wood floors in European "Palace Museums" in German, France, the Netherlands, etc. They've had millions of feet pass over them and a few have had heals on.

    A dark hand scraped engineered hardwood like yours will have more concerns with heals then 300 year old oak...but the concept is the same. It is all about protection. The human who loves them will have to "live" with damage if it occurs. If you get anxiety attacks at the thought of your wood being damaged, then it becomes a "no heels" type of wouldn't be the won't be the last.

  • 8 years ago

    Why would someone want to wear high heels indoors anyway?

  • 8 years ago

    Well, myself, I hardly ever wear shoes in the house anyway. When you've got nice wood floors, why let shoes come between your feet and the floor?

  • 8 years ago

    I think it depends on the shoes. Have had hardwood floors in all our houses. We had a gathering where we didn't realize one of the people there had spike heels and it left small round holes in the floor. I don't think the problem is regular heels, however, spike heels are a problem and can damage floors.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, walking in high heels, especially stilettos, does hurt the floor. At least mine:) But we also have walnut, which is a softer kind.

    When we host parties sometimes, it happens that lady guests arrive in high heeled shoes. I'm not going to tell them to take them off though, it's part of their ensemble, and guests are more important than my floors. Even though I love my floors:) At first dings irritate you of course, but then you just don't pay attention anymore.

    When it's not a party most people will suggest to take their shoes off, but I usually assure them that's okay. Unless they really want to.

    I come from a colder climate where changing shoes was a must for half a year, so now when I live in a much warmer place I'm happy being bothered less with all the shoes issue..

    I myself change shoes of course..just a thought of wearing outside clothes and shoes in my home is highly unsettling for me. So my upbringing definitely left its black mark..:)

  • 8 years ago

    I know this will pit me against a lot of people, but this is, to my mind, as bad as the people who make you take off your shoes because they have a white or beige carpet. Floors are meant to be walked on, for pity's sake, wear what you want to wear. Just keep the floors clean and let nature take its course, you know? And on a personal note, I can't wear heels anymore, health related, and it's miserable. Enjoy what you can enjoy while you can enjoy it!

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    I would not be walking with heals on wood floors in my house. It can damage the floors depending on the wood. There are many products made specially for wood. Home Depot carries one by Bruce for hardwood also Bono makes one for hardwood.

  • 8 years ago

    Anyone who wants to confiscate folks' party shoes at the door and hand out pedicure flip flops probably isn't going to be the most popular person on the block. If you can't live life in your own house, and spill your wine, and dance in party heels, then where are you going to live? And who on earth would you live it with but another stick inserted slipper wearing 7:00bedtime grumpier than me person?

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Life is short, and the best parts of it far tooooooo short!. Worry on something else. Walk your floors, clean when dusty,eat when hungry, sleep when tired yada yada. Honestly , if you did the floors to spend your life admiring them I can't see the point. Walk and don't worry. Jitterbug too. : )

  • 8 years ago

    If you have any samples of flooring leftover from the installation, you could try walking on it or banging on it with something pointed. My friend did this before she purchased any wood flooring for her house and as predicted, her floors looked brand new 10 years after purchase. Mine on the other hand, not so much.

    cieradavies thanked luvbeautifulthings
  • 8 years ago

    I would never ask a guest to remove their shoes before walking on my floors. I just don't wear heels myself. I personally like to walk on wood floors barefoot (but I do live in a warm climate). I think the OP is only asking whether she should wear high heels in her house, not whether her guests should - and she should do what she's comfortable with. Maybe stay away from the stilettos, though.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Spike heels might cause an issue if walking in them regularly....but that would be a very unique cituation.....any regular heel shoe is not a problem unless they are pine floors. I walk in heels on my floors..has been no issue....just enjoy the wood and don't worry!

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Have you noticed the difference in wear where there's a rug, and where there isn't? This tells me, yes, traffic/shoes/heels will wear a floor.

    I'm a wood floor aficionado (okay, I have no skill, I'm just a peasant snob) about my heart-of-pine floors. NO SHOES ARE WORN INSIDE: 1) it's more sanitary and 2) it spares the floor joints fron heels and debris. The TIME to clear a room for refinishing floors is as (or more) expensive than the cost of refinishing. Rule of Thumb: #ShoesOffInside

  • 8 years ago

    Thank you....I agree, #shoesOffinside.

  • PRO
    8 years ago
    High heels exert more psi than an elephant on a wood floor. Total no-no unless you want them ruined in short order.
  • 8 years ago

    Thank you....

  • 4 years ago

    Absolutely do not allow anyone in high heels into your home on your wood floors......they will destroy your floors! Rude, Rude, Rude and thoughtless to wear them to someones home!

  • 4 years ago

    This is an old old post! Do you still have the same problem?

  • 4 years ago

    That’s just crazy to ask your party guests to remove their shoes! If you’re really concerned you should have picked a different floor or friends.

  • PRO
    4 years ago

    Old post 2016!!!

  • 4 years ago

    Ok this is my feeling on damage to flooring: I want to be the one doing the damage. I am trying very hard not to freak out with subs having no concern or respect for my wood floors. We put down protection and so how it gets ripped up and removed. All right I will take a breath and let it go. We need to finish this build and move in

  • 4 years ago

    Well, if you are curious, my wood floors are still beautiful, AND I never wear heels on the floors. It was my silly husband that loved "heels in the bedroom" !!! : )