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Wok cooking on induction vs gas

6 years ago

Hi, everyone. I'm in the process to get a new range top / cook top for my kitchen reno. I have done a lot of research on the internet. Induction cook top seems getting a lot of praise. However, there isn't much info on wok cooking on induction cook top. Few videos has talked about the wok cooking but it seems way different the cooking on gas. Does anyone have experience on both cook tops? What's your opinion on it? I have also talked with couple sales, neither of them recommend induction if I do wok cooking a lot ( btw I am a Chinese, yes, wok cooking almost occupies half of my cooking). Some website recommended induction redeay wok, but will the side of the wok get heat up as well? Please share your opinions. Thank you! Also, if gas cooktop is the choice, would you go for sealed burner or open burner? Does 25,000 btu make a lot of difference compared to 18,000-19500 btu? Thanks

Comments (16)

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Hi Lin. If you are going to buy Capital or BlueStar 25KBTU open burners, that's probably a very good option for wok cooking for indoor domestic setup. I have no such experience for such a high power indoor gas hob here in Australia.

    On the other hand, if it is for sealed burner at lower BTU, induction wok hob will win hands down. I use AEG induction hob with standard Chinese carbon steel round bottom wok. It works great, just need to find 14" one with the right curvature for the hob.

    Have a look at some videos from Jeremy Pang, school of wok, London. If that does not convince you, then stick with open burner gas hob.

    Lin Lu thanked Chanop
  • 6 years ago

    I stir fry in a 12" skillet rather than a wok. It produces the same results and avoids the issue of round pan vs flat surface cooktop. Two extra bowls are dirtied (glass in my case) as the ingredients are transferred during cooking, but that's a minor issue and you likely have the bowls anyway, so no extra cost or storage space used. (ATK is where I learned this method.)

    Lin Lu thanked Jerry Jorgenson
  • 6 years ago

    I would love a Wok induction hob. I have a 30" Miele Induction cooktop and 15" Miele Gas Wok burner. I rarely use the Gas Wok burner any more. I bought is a backup scenario for power outages and for Wok cooking originally.

    I am not Asian but I stir fry a lot. I use both round bottom woks and flat bottom wok. For the round bottom wok, I used Chanop's suggestion and got the Induction Wok ring that came with the DeBuyer Wok. It works wonderfully. My first couple of uses, I charred everything I made:-) The garlic disintegrated because the induction burner was on Super boost. I cook on lower temps and my meat is perfectly seared.

    For the Miele Gas Wok burner, when I do use it, it works just as well as the Miele Induction. I have no complaints at all.

    I make a recipe from Breath of a Wok called Uncle Langs's Three Teacup chicken, and on my previous Dacor, it was very hard to control the temperature so that the liquid did not burn. It comes up delicious on the Induction as it does on the Gas Wok burner.

    This is my flat bottom Wok: Demeyere Flat Bottom Wok

    This is my Round bottom Wok: DeBuyer Carbon Plus Wok

    DeBuyer Induction Wok Ring

    Good luck!

  • 6 years ago

    homepro01 Thanks for the comparison. There are many on-line photos of a top view of the Miele Gas Wok burner, but none that I can find of a side view, or any specification of the ID of the support ring. Would you mind reporting the ID when you have a chance to measure it?

  • 6 years ago


    When I get home on Sunday I will try to take some pictures. I may have some pictures on the phone of the Wok burner before it was installed too. I have the 15" unit.

    Lin Lu thanked homepro01
  • 6 years ago

    Hello. I can comment on the cooking surfaces, but not as they relate so much to a wok. I owned both a gas Viking open burner and a DeDietrich induction at the same time. The gas top was horrible to clean, and the induction was total heaven. They were both powerful in boiling water and general cooking. Induction to me is far better. I have not had the closed burner system, and that might make a difference.

  • 6 years ago

    I have a flat-bottom cast iron wok, so there's no problem using it with an induction stove top. Works great! I'm sure it would also work as well on a gas burner, but then I'd have more heat and dangerous flame.

  • 6 years ago

    The old open burner Viking stoves were a pain to clean. Would not recommend at all. On the other hand, the Bluestar open burners are probably the easiest to clean gas burners ever. I love them.

  • 6 years ago

    I believe this was alluded to in another thread on this forum, but when we consider wok cooking, we need to recognize that Asian cooking has been performed successfully with coal stoves, very modest home and apartment burners, as well as the 100k to 150k BTU per burner modern Chinese restaurant stoves. I am relatively certain that experienced home cooks can be successful with 18k BTU gas burners as well as 30k BTU equivalent induction woks.

  • 6 years ago

    A good goal stove can get crazy hot. Chinese stoves frequently have "bricks" of coal that are perforated with lots of holes. Blow air through the holes and you have a miniature blast furnace.

    I have used my exact same wok on both a 15kBTU and on a 22kBTU burner. The former is an exercise in frustration. Yes, I can make it work if I use really tiny batch sizes. But it's easy to mess up and saute my food. And it takes forever. That 50% extra power makes quite the difference.

    If you wok cook on a regular basis, it absolutely makes sense to find a high power burner that fits a wok

  • 6 years ago

    Toronto Veterinarian, I was considering a cast iron wok for the induction when we get it installed, but realized I do all my wok cooking in a large CI skillet (and actually prefer it over previous woks) - would there be any improvement to get the CI wok?

  • 6 years ago

    Here's what the older Miele modular wok burner (presumably) looks like

  • 6 years ago

    " I do all my wok cooking in a large CI skillet (and actually prefer it
    over previous woks) - would there be any improvement to get the CI wok?"

    Well, if it's working for you, you might not want to change......but one of the reasons for the wok shape is so you can move items in and out of the hottest zone (the base) on a cycling rotation, kind of tumbling the food over on itself, so that nothing overcooks in the hotter bottom area and everything cooks evenly.

  • 6 years ago

    Thanks Toronto Veterinarian, apparently it's been a quite a while since I used a wok because I remember now about moving foods up onto the sides. I do remove food completely and return as needed while using the CI skillet.

  • last year

    Thanks Toronto Veternarian. Another advantge of a rounded bottom is that you can quick cook everything with super hot oil on the bottom, thus preserving the flavor. And then you can let the oil drain from the food on the sides. A wok with a small flat bottom can achieve the same thing as a rounded bottom wok,, but one with a flat bootom that exceeds 6 1/2" will necessarily have the sides be so steep that food will slide down. By the way, I would love to have someone who have used a 15,000 BTU butane burner and a 1,800 Watt induction burner compare the two for wok cooikng using a 6" diameter flat bottom carbon steel (or cast iron) wok.