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How to store roses until planting

6 years ago

Hi I’m new here and trying my hand at planting roses this year, I’ve read to soak bare root roses in water for about 24 hours before planting (which I think I’ll be doing tomorrow) as well as mounding dirt on top to keep them moist and protected..does that sound about right ?

now for potted own roots

can I keep them in their tiny plastic containers that they came in until the danger of hard frost is passed? do I keep them next to a window or in indirect light? And do Any of you successfully plant own root potted roses before the last hard frost ?

thanks in advance and looking forward to learning and growing from this forum

Comments (9)

  • 6 years ago

    You don't say when your frost date is or how long it will be before you are able to plant but if the roses are still dormant just give them some water and leave them alone. Put them in a cold, dark corner of the garage until planting time. As long as they stay dormant they should be OK for a few weeks. If they are already leafing out you can keep them inside in a very sunny but cool spot for a while but they will need extra humidity around them and will need to go outside as soon as possible.

    tarynamii_6b thanked seil zone 6b MI
  • 6 years ago

    Hope your new roses all do great!

    It's always best to get your baby own-roots repotted promptly or put directly in the ground. They are very vulnerable in their tiny pots.

    Most nurseries will let you request a shipment date appropriate to your area so you can receive those baby own-roots when the weather has settled.

    tarynamii_6b thanked barbarag_happy
  • 6 years ago

    If still dormant, the roses are completely frost proof (frost is not the same as a hard freeze!!). Waiting for last frost is recommended for temperature sensitive plants like annuals or tender perennials, not woody shrubs like a rose.

    In either case- dormant or not - I would pot them up.

    tarynamii_6b thanked gardengal48 (PNW Z8/9)
  • 6 years ago

    Thank you all! I’ll be potting them today for sure, and they’re grown in the north thankfully as I’m in Idaho, I purchased these six from northland rosarium. Though i have a few coming from the south soon (antique rose emporium) thanks again for your help..I did request a shipment date for later than this but the David Austin’s were threatening to go out of dormancy so were shipped ahead of time but I believe I’m safe to plant those bare roots right now.

  • 6 years ago

    Bare roots are fine to plant now. Potted own roots are better delivered in mid-April, but that's neither here or there now. If your plants have leaves they are not dormant. Leave them in the small pots and in a protected place as seil stated until after last frost (April 10th for me in central NJ).

  • 6 years ago

    Skip the soaking, it is not beneficial. In fact if anything, it is detrimental. For one thing if you leave a plant sitting in water nutrients in the plant start leaching out into the water.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I soak mine.

    Had to leave them for a week while I was on vacation and they did the best for me.


  • 6 years ago

    I soak. Works very well for grafted roses and bare root own root from DA. No soaking for potted bands or tiny roses received damp.