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Have Iris unguicularis for trade

I have Iris unguicularis (winter blooming iris) for trade for any HARDY (zone 8a) perennials for sun or shade that I don't have-make me an offer! I'm especially interested in:

Acanthus "Whitewater"


Heucheras, Tiarellas, Heucherellas, Mukdenias

Ferns: Any that are hardy in zone 8a especially holly fern, Japanese painted fern

BULBS/RHIZOMES/TUBERS: especially heirloom varieties

LIATRIS: purple (kobold or other common cultivars) or species such as aspera or others.

GLADIOLUS: species glads (especially Boone, Carolina primrose), old fashioned or heirloom gladioli, wild growing/ ditch glads, parrot glads, unusual colors

CALLA any espcially "Green Goddess"

CANNA-large flowered, interesting foliage, pretty much any.

IRIS: Dutch iris, old fashioned, heirloom, Japanese, species irises, Broken Color irises, Standard dwarf bearded irises (SDBs), Intermediate bearded irises, Herbertia, Cypella

TULIPA praecox; other species tulips

CROCOSMIA aurea (falling stars), Solfaterre, Little Redhead, any yellow, others

DICHLOSTEMMA Pink Diamonds, or Ida Maia

ALLIUMS: thunbergii, stellatum, coryi, drummmondi

LYCORIS yellow, white

Scadoxus multiflorus

Tulbaghia violacea variegated (Society Garlic)

Buddleia alternifolia

Calycanthus Venus, Hartlage wine

Camellias (named)

Salvias: 'Amistad', 'Caradonna', 'Pozo Blue', reptans , penstemonoides, any hardy sage I don't have

Nepeta "Select Blue", "Walker's Low" other named

Shasta daisies-Real Series (Glory, Charmer, Sunbeam, Dream Neat.)

Berlandiera lyrata

Gazania krebsiana any

Echinops (Globe Thistle)

Maianthemum (false Solomon's seal)

Bergenia any, especially want B. ciliata,

Digitalis lutea and other perennial foxgloves


Snapdragons-perennial only

Asarum, Hexastylis (native gingers)

Belamcanda “Hello Yellow”, Jungle colors

Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts)

Perennial Geraniums (cranesbill) (have G. sanguineum)

Kniphofia newer hybrids (have uvaria)



Rhodea (variegated)

Rubus calcynoides

Tetraneuris (Hymenoxys) acaulis or scaposa

Delosperma any (have cooperii)

Melampodium leucanthum

Cotinus coggyria (smoke bush)

Fothergilla gardenii

Large-leaved hostas

Sedums-especially SunSparkler series (Lime Zinger, Dazzleberry, Lime zinger, Blue Elf, Firecracker, Jade tuffett) Touchdown series (Touchdown Teak, Touchdown Flame and Touchdown Breeze), Marina, Mr. Goodbud, Thunderhead.

Brunnera macrophylla 'Alexander's Great'

Tradescantia 'blushing bride'


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