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Protecting my cats from neighbor's cats

4 years ago

Hello everyone - I live in a rural area, my neighbors are all a good distance away, separated by fields and woods. This last summer two black cats have been showing up here causing problems for my two cats. One of my cats is an old teenager, and the other is two yrs. Both of my cats are spayed females - both Calicoes, so they are feisty.

Last summer my old kitty got into a fight with one of these cats - it happened right in front of me - and the vet bill was over $200 to sew her back together plus antibiotics. The other night one of the black cats went after my 2 yr old on the back step and she got slammed against the patio window. Then just yesterday I saw one of the neighbor's cats lying in one of my garden beds and out of anger and frustration grabbed my BB Gun and shot it in the hindquarters. I don't want to harm the intruding cats (God forbid I shoot its eye out!) but I also want to send a strong message that they are not welcome here. I work on the farm daily and know my cats habits, they are a couple of fraidy cats and don't venture far from the food bowl. Keeping my cats indoors is not an option, they have both been indoor/outdoor cats their whole lives. Do I start knocking on neighbor's doors to see who owns these black cats? See if we can come up with a plan when our cats are outside? I only know two neighbors on my street and they aren't their cats. With the attitude I get from some people here I'm afraid that the owner's position will be "that is your problem, not mine" so, does anyone here in GardenWeb land have any creative ideas - anything that might actually work to keep other cats from attacking mine? I can't afford the extra vet bills! Thank you for any help with this!

Comments (19)

  • 4 years ago

    I would worry more about coyotes than other cats, to be honest. We have two cats that used to be outdoor/indoor cats, and they are completely indoor cats now due to the outdoor dangers around our house which include other wild and domesticated animals that roam around outside. Setting traps for neighboring cats is going to endanger your own cats being caught as well. Our cats complained about the restrictions early on, loudly and long, but they are used to it now and guarantee us lower vet bills. Fencing to keep your cats within certain areas and other cats out is nearly impossible unless it is a full cage. You might be able to capture and relocate the offending cat, but they're known to travel long distances to return to home, and you never know if these are someone else's pets.

  • 4 years ago

    I agree with Dormelles - and in particular with the Coyotes and other wild life. We live in a major City and while Coyotes have been seen in the ravine areas of the City, they have now spread to the City streets - as in hiding next door in the bushes and walking down the streets. They have killed 2 dogs in the neighbourhood that we know of - and injured a cat - all in the past week. The City was called and they just sent out a notice regarding how to deal with Coyotes - in addition to the general notice that was sent around 10 years ago regarding the ravine issue, I think that the hand-out should have provided updated info regarding the Coyotes now being in densely populated neighbourhoods. People who have lived here for several years wouldn't realize the current issue - and have asked us why we are carrying protection.

    I do understand that we are taking over the Coyotes natural habitat and that they are hungry. However, I am not prepared to have our dog snatched on a leash by a Coyote. Apparently you are to maintain eye contact at all times with the Coyotes - well it doesn't help when there are 2 in front of you and 2 behind. People are scared - and SOMEONE IS FEEDING THEM! We have seen few squirrels this year - my conspiracy theory of the moment is that due to the squirrels run - stop - run again trait that the Coyotes are catching them in their stop mode. We have seen the Coyotes standing in the middle of the street.

    Our dog is elderly as are a few others and some dogs as well as Coyotes pick up on that.

    I am worried about the evolution of the Coyotes as well. Certainly the raccoons have evolved to the point that they will sit on the front steps and give you the finger after opening the garbage/organic bins.

    We have Coyote/Wolf hybrids as well, which are worse.

    jeffarm - you may have to keep you cats indoors. I understand that is not their way but safety is paramount. We have had rescued cats that had lived outdoors and they never, ever wanted to go outside again (which was just as well because they weren't going to). Besides, animals tends to remember being attacked. Maybe I am attaching human emotions to pets, but all of our sure have remembered.

  • 4 years ago

    Shoot, shovel, shut-up

  • 4 years ago

    Thanks for the help with this, it can be frustrating at times keeping pets healthy and content when outside forces are working against it. There are lots of coyotes here, when they howl at night it sometimes wakes me up from a deep sleep. My cats are never outside after dusk! I know that doesn't really make a difference since a hungry wild animal will go after prey whenever it is available. No reports of pet losses (or livestock) in this neighborhood and I have lived here over 20 yrs. I attribute that to luck or a lot of other coyote prey (turkeys, rabbits etc.) that they are feeding on. My young cat's nick name is CS, short for coyote snack. (I can have a slightly sick sense of humor)

    Keeping my cats inside is the only way to be sure they are safe. My old cat Sophie now has some kind of dementia, and she yowls more and more these days, usually after midnight. She has become super needy too. The vet said she was healthy and doesn't seem to be in any real pain. It is disturbing to hear her cry, she is doing it in little spurts and restlessly pacing around as I type this... don't know how much more of it I can take. When it isn't fair to her anymore as her condition deteriorates I will have to put her down and it will be done humanely at the vets. I believe that people and pets should die with as much dignity as possible. You know, you should leave the party while you are still having a good time....

  • 4 years ago

    Shoot, shovel, shut-up

    ah, yes, the 3 S's. this is practiced many times when you live in the country. sometimes, it's the only thing that works. not that i condone this method but when stray dogs are attacking livestock, it's the only way.

    as for cats, i would put live traps out till you catch them and then take them to the shelter.

    jeffarm thanked Ninapearl
  • 4 years ago

    Maybe get a dog?

    jeffarm thanked summersrhythm_z6a
  • 4 years ago

    In my area, urban coyotes are not nocturnal. They are out daytimes as well. I’ve seen 3 in the last week on my property during mid-day. Mange is common, and they look bad. One got my cat, sadly, as she snuck outside.

    jeffarm thanked socks
  • 4 years ago

    Trap, neuter, release. Worked for me.

  • 4 years ago

    My guess would be the cats don't belong to your neighbors, or if they did other cats have run them off. Most likely they're intact males, so i agree with Rodriguez.......trap, neuter and release.....or take to your nearest shelter if you have a good one that works with cats.

    Do hope you realize that BB's don't just sting but actually can penetrate and lead to other problems or damage organs.

    I'd do the TNR and then start feeding them. They may become part of your pack after that.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    uh, wasn't bragging, only did it once and haven't seen either of the cats since. Relax Stax. Shooting someone's pet is something I am not proud of, won't do it again, but if my cat is sent to the vet again because it was attacked on my property whoever owns the cat going after mine will be presented my vet bill.

    Again, just relax for crying out loud, the animal was a good 60 feet away - I practiced shooting a piece of paper at closer range and the BB didn't go through the paper.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Yup, a waste of my time.

    Keep your cats inside and extend their lives!!!

    Continued straight shooting.


  • 4 years ago

    A cattery. Do you have a door or a window that you can build a fenced enclosure for your cats outside of? You build a big cube with 2x4s and have a secure tunnel going from the window to a loft in the cattery. Cover the structure with chicken wire on all sides and the top. Put a roof over top of part of it and they can even go out and enjoy watching the rain. I would have some more chicken wire sewed to the bottom of the fence that folds inward and is buried underground to make sure that nothing can dig in or out. Stake it in place well, plant things the cats like inside it and have things to climb on and places for you to sit with them outside (if you put a door in it). No attacks from stray cats or coyotes, no birds killed by your cats, and they can run through the tunnel back inside when threatened. Make it into a pleasant garden.

    I also agree that seeing as your cat suffered injuries from one of the strays, you are justified in getting a trap for them. The animal control officer in your county may have traps to borrow. Catch, spay, neuter, release far away. Maybe the neighborhood could take up a collection for getting them neutered. I bet they bother others, too.

  • 4 years ago

    Those aren’t strays, they are her neighbor’s cats, more like coyotes in cats uniforms.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Could you just squirt them with a hose or a spray bottle instead of a BB gun? They hate getting sprayed.

    You could take a picture of the cats and then take it to the nieghbor and tell them, you have some kitties coming over attacking your cats and ask if they know who they belong to..even if you suspect they are theirs, play dumb. If they say they dont know etc. just mention that you will have to call the pound etc. because you need it to stop. Then leave. It might make them keep the cats inside, IF they care about them.

    If not, then set up a live trap baited w can cat food (keep your cats inside) and once you have them trapped call the officials to come get them. Tell them the cats have been aggressive and you can't identify any owners to find out if they have rabies vaccinations etc.

    You and your pets have a right to be safe on your own property.

  • 4 years ago

    KEEP YOUR CATS INSIDE, you could always re-home them.

  • PRO
    last year

    That's tough. Have you found a solution yet?

  • 12 months ago
    last modified: 12 months ago

    Install motion-activated sprinklers or use cat-repellent plants in your garden to deter intruders

  • 10 months ago

    Shooting an animal should not be an option. You can keep yours inside because there are many hazards for them outside. You can also find a rescue group to take in the other two cats or the humane society. You can put out a live trap.