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Knobs on pull-out trash cabinets

3 years ago
Have you had any problem with the knobs (rather than pulls) on your pull-out trash cabinet?
Evergreen Road Residence Kitchen 5 · More Info

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  • PRO
    3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    No. I am less inclined to use pulls on the side of the trash pullouts. The grip seems a bit unnatural. You may have a concern about the unequal pull on the rollouts. It's been about 10 years and the rollouts are working fine.

    One key for long service is to use high quality, high load capacity glides. Be sure they are parallel and glide easily. Lubricate the tracks occasionally. This homeowner wanted the knobs in the same place as the door knobs.

    We have centered knobs on the top rail and have done the same with pulls. Customers have a variety of tastes.

    Thanks for the question and good luck on your project.