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Transplanting trees to new house: Quaking Aspen & October Glory Maple

3 years ago


We planted 2 Quaking Aspen trees and 1 October Glory Red Maple in spring 2020 and are now moving to another house in May 2021. I love these 3 trees and would like to bring them with us to our new location. We are currently in hardiness zone 5a, 5b, 6a and moving to 5a. The trees were approximately 10-12 feet tall when we bought them and they have new growth on them now.

I've read they are best moved when dormant but we don't have that choice right now. Should we dig them up now and put them back in large pots until we are able to plant them in the ground on May 22? Or should we wait until the last possible minute (May 15) to dig them up, wrap their roots in burlap and then put them in the ground on May 22?

Can anyone offer advice on the best way to bring these trees with us and mitigate shock to them?

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