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Surprising new sprouts on my Opuntia

3 years ago

I've been keeping this opuntia alive since my husband died six years ago. I mean it IS alive. It has done fairly well but at the end of this winter it seemed to have regressed. I think it's because I seldom left home and the apartment was ALWAYS warm even though it was by a cool window.

I decided on drastic action and planned on repotting. I had commercial cactus mix and I also ordered a very expensive mix from a fellow who was bragging about it on etsy. I repotted this.

Suddenly I am seeing these red sprouts that I have never ever seen in all the years it's lived here. There is the big one you see in the bottom of the photo but there are more -- everywhere, even on the woody parts of the plant. You can see a tiny one right next to the big "flower" one. I know my cacti don't look beautiful and thriving like all the ones I see here and in green houses. They are struggling and I'm just trying to keep up with them. I have started potting some tabs from them too.

Well, that's the history -- is my cactus trying to bloom? I'm taking these little growths as a positive sign.

Comments (10)

  • 3 years ago

    It is making new pads, new sections.

    bleusblue2 thanked Tiffany, purpleinopp Z8b Opp, AL
  • 3 years ago

    Thanks Tiffany -- I'll be glad for new pads too -- but what surprises me is how they are all popping out at once -- During the winter I seldom examine them and they don't make new pads then. But in the summer I am constantly moving them into the sunlight and I have never seen this much activity. I ask them -- what did I do right after all this time?!!!

  • 3 years ago

    My pleasure! It must like the new soil.

    bleusblue2 thanked Tiffany, purpleinopp Z8b Opp, AL
  • 3 years ago

    I’m pretty sure you’ve got a flower bud🙂. Could be a new pad, but looks more like a bud to me.

    bleusblue2 thanked Kara 9b SF Bay Area CA
  • 3 years ago

    Kara 9b SF Bay Area CA

    59 minutes ago

    I’m pretty sure you’ve got a flower bud🙂. Could be a new pad, but looks more like a bud to me.

    I will post as soon as I know!

  • 3 years ago

    Please do I ❤️ love cactus flowers. I have an Opuntia azurea pad I’m rooting and it bloomed like crazy.

    bleusblue2 thanked Kara 9b SF Bay Area CA
  • 3 years ago

    I think we all struggle with one plant or 2, so dont worry about that! It appears to me you are about to have a bunch of flowers soon. And that means your plant is healthy now and you're doing a great job. Keep up the good work.

    bleusblue2 thanked Kellie Kirby
  • 3 years ago

    Those yellow flowers -- I have never seen anything like that!

    I have to report that I am NOT going to see flowers from those little sprouts. They turn out to be tabs but amazing anyway. One of the stems is a long old woody stem and there are sprouts/future tabs on it. I'll do pictures in a little while.

  • 3 years ago

    Latest news -- unfortunately no flowers but I am still stunned -- here you see the new sprouts coming out on this very old woody stem.

    Here's a topper on a different plant.

    Looks like a happy tab!

    This is amazing to me -- these are two tabs that I hope will root and look -- they have sprouts also!