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Why Does my Overwintered Brassica Have a Bad Aftertaste?

4 months ago

So this past winter (2023-2024), I left my bok choy and tatsoi in the ground. Due to a relatively mild winter here in zone 7b, they survived and actually grew tall in the recent spring sun. Today, I harvested some and made a little stir-fry... and... yuck! It had a very unusual, chemically aftertaste. Not bitter per se. Just a bad aftertaste with slight smell towards the end. I'm trying to figure out why, and if it's safe to ingest (well, too late by now, but still).

Was it because it bolted and I cooked the flowers?

Did it accumulate certain chemicals over the winter?

Is it a concentration of pre-existing molecules due to overwintering?

Any insight on this would be helpful! Thanks!

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