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To move or not to move in the sun.

2 months ago

I planted a few of bare root roses that I had gotten from Menagerie a couple of weeks ago. I’m in San Jose , California.
Because I was concerned about it being so late in the season, I had done some extra TLC while planting them , which included putting them under a shade cloth- discussed in a previous post.
Now on to my follow up question: My DA roses among the roses that I got has leafed out and has been growing like crazy. Really happy about that. However I’m wondering if I should move them to a more sunny location? They are going to be in full sun in the future. Or should I leave them in shade for this season? Also should I start feeding them?
Unfortunately I haven’t yet had the chance to put mulch around them , due to some unforeseen circumstances. Going to do that tomorrow.

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