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Would you do accent wall in this bedroom?

2 months ago


This bedroom is on top of garage. Lots of natural light and very large room (3 car garage). However, it is weiredly shaped. This is the only direction for bed since opposite side of this wall have cabinets on the walls. Celings will be white. Bed may be replaced with white in future.

1. Would you do accent wall behind bed?

2. Will BM pale oak go with this rug?

3. Any other starting point for colors or tips?

Thank you!

Comments (11)

  • 2 months ago

    Did you bring a sample home? It looks too brown to me. How about one of these colors? I would do all of the walls and the trim, which is inconsistant, in the same color. Matte on the walls and satin on the trim. Either flat white or the wall color on the ceiling.

    Krupa Shukla thanked houssaon
  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    I agree with houssaon that the trim should be painted the same as the wall. I also love the colors she posted. The cool hues look great with the carpet. Since the wall angles are odd on the bed wall, I wouldn’t highlight it with a different color or treatment.

    Krupa Shukla thanked ffpalms
  • PRO
    2 months ago

    You could always float the bed in the room, like you might if you were placing a sofa.

    Krupa Shukla thanked AiFL
  • 2 months ago

    I think a canopy would be great behind/above the bed with that wall.

    Krupa Shukla thanked Jenny
  • 2 months ago

    Do one color and since you are already doing Pale Oak in the rest of your house. Be dramatic make this room a fun place by going all one fun color.

    Maybe a pale blue which is always soothing when sleeping

    Tiverton Addition · More Info

    Affinity by BM a great soft gray purple color that goes with your white ceilings

    Palisades Riviera · More Info

    Bedrooms · More Info

    Ohhh wait, maybe I am wrong as this is pretty with one wall painted a bright blue

    Connecticut Classic · More Info

    I love that this one below defines the sleeping area of the space

    Oak Creek Attic · More Info

    Krupa Shukla thanked Boxerpal
  • 2 months ago

    Here is how to post a Design Dilemma to get the best results. You need to show the whole space—all four sides of an entire space—even if it’s about one specific Dilemma.

    Keep in mind that you're inviting some design pros and people with a design eye into your home via photos. If they walked into your actual space, they would take in all of it: all four sides, doorways, floors, windows, ceiling, trim--the "givens"--then the features that can be changed--furnishings, paint, art, rugs, decor items, etc. It's all one first impression. Same thing with photos. That's why it's important to provide well lit photos of the entire space, taken from all sides of a room regardless of the size of your problem.

    Krupa Shukla thanked housegal200
  • 2 months ago

    At the paint store, pick a paint strip that exactly matches the rug then choose a sample that is several shades darker but still very light.

    Lose the little red valences and get long blackout drapes in a color that matches the new wall color or even a little darker. That's what's going on in the room below.

    Bedroom · More Info

    Another room where wall color and rug are in the same color family.

    philpots court · More Info

    Krupa Shukla thanked housegal200
  • 2 months ago

    Thank you for good suggestions! I am posting more pics here from different directions. I guesss bed can be moved in front of windows because of symmetryTy, with curtains behind? But wooden cabinets on right side of window that cannot be moved.

    No accent for sure!

    1. Confused about ceiling to be white or same as wall color

    2. If Celing is white, is at least one trim directly adjacent to celing white? and all rest of trims are same wall color? Those strange angled trims I mean.

    3. Go one color everywhere except trim, just like current one.

    Which will look good?

    4. Please suggest pink/mauve taupe gray/beige colors.

    5. The bathroom for this bedroom has marble like tiles with taupe and gray veins. May be bedroom color will work for bathroom too.

    I will use the ones suggested for another room having similar rug (boys’s room)

  • PRO
    2 months ago

    Looks like a kids room , how old are they ? I need more info .

    Krupa Shukla thanked Patricia Colwell Consulting
  • 2 months ago

    @ Patricia Colwell Consulting - Almost teen (girl). Likes light mauve type colors.