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Let's play with my Snazzy Garottage project

10 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago
We're building a carriage house (we prefer the term garottage) on a lot behind our house this summer. It will function as garage space (mainly boat/shed storage) with simple guest quarters above. Our original garottage is pictured above... Haha, it was truly a garROTage, built in 1940, I think. It was torn down last fall. Please don't bother telling me how to fix THAT garottage--IT'S GONE NOW! :) I used it as the dilemma icon to remind me how far we'll get with something "snazzier". :)

To be economical, we're planning on a 2-story structure. The new garottage must meet city code and have more living than garage space--61% living space--but the city is allowing a screened porch to count as living (Yay!) so we want to incorporate that on the structure. We hope to get 2br, 1 bath, a kitchen(ette) and laundry from the living space above, and a large-ish garage space below. This is a summer vacation spot and family/guest overflow space is what we're after!

We're meeting with the city planner and our builder/carpenter this weekend. We have some general ideas from looking at plans online, but have not purchased any yet. We'll know more soon about what we can and can't do after talking to our people here.

I don't have a specific dilemma/question yet, but started the thread to have a spot to be able to do that. I'm sure I'll have TONS of things I'll need opinions about! So, I'd appreciate any feedback as this project moves along! I'm terrible at envisioning things, and more terrible at decorating, so I hope the feedback, suggestions, advice and encouragement will keep me sane and make this a snazzy garottage worthy of the lovely setting it's on. Thank you! :)

Comments (140K)

  • 2 days ago

    Fiss,I know how that goes! I’ve had quite a few, followed by Mohs procedures.. Not fun

  • 2 days ago

    Ugh, NWDuck, keep the pills close!

    Well, yesterday morning the boys were up by 7 to go run for an hour on the treadmill mills downstairs for an hour. Then off the the beach and went to the beach restaurant for lunch. It is only 50 yds down the beach. Then last night, they made us chicken fettuccine! My grandnephew is a really good cook! They also loaded the dishwasher! Then they walked down the street to the shopping centers for souvenirs. This morning they surprised themselves by sleeping until 8:30!😄 Personally, I was exhausted and slept until 9 a.m. They went for their one hour run, played on their game boys until 11 a.m., went to lunch then the beach. OH grilled burgers and hot dogs this evening. The boys cleaned up the dishes and loaded the dishwasher again. Yay! Now they are walking the beach and probably went to the souvenir shops across the street again. They absolutely insist on taking us out to dinner tomorrow evening. We told them it isn’t necessary. But they INSIST. So we will go early so we can catch the lunch menu before 4 p.m. They can spend the day on the beach. Their game boy they have been addicted to every evening until midnight, is a new SEC game that came out July 19th. They go to their rooms and we don’t see them!😄 I hope they sleep late tomorrow too!😄

  • 2 days ago

    Glad the boys are being good, glassy!

    Yep on the skin ca, fiss. Been there. Good luck to Beloved.

    Getting this freaky thing off tomorrow. No one has any explanation how something this noticible and irritating, and made of solid bone, could come to attention or be created so quickly. I’ m trying to be brave.

  • 2 days ago

    Ouch! Good luck tomorrow Stryker!

    Well, quick update on the boys night time walk along the beach tonight. A block down the beach by the pier, a 12 yr old boy caught a bull shark about 3 1/2 - 4 ft long! His dad helped him bring it to shore so the group coup see it! The boys are sooo excited they got to see and touch a REAL SHARK! They even got pictures and video. The dad then walked the shark back into the water, so it was only out of the water couple of minutes. 👍😀🐋

  • 2 days ago

    Their social media is EPIC tonight!

  • 2 days ago

    We just got home from our bar show... it was fabulous! The main drum guy had just been medically released (from the hospital) so it was his first real show back from that, and the ROADIE kid filled in as the kit drummer, while the main drummer played below the shoulder, electronic drum toys which made the entire show even more cool, imo. Drummers with pacemaker issues, I guess, learn to figure out new ways to do it, for sure, but the kid who took over his drums was phenomenal too. Otherhalf was in his happiest place, so that made it even more fun.

    We had great seats too, esp since it was a table just behind the front row. I was totally expecting to have to stand the whole time, but we scored a great table!

  • 2 days ago

    Ouch Styker! Good luck with that. We'll be thinking of you for sure.

  • 2 days ago

    Poor Beloved...he's had enough of late. I hope he heals up quickly too.

  • 2 days ago

    Glassy, you are surviving! Your guests sound very fun, and their chipping in is so nice. They've been raised well! Glad they're having fun, and the shark thing is way cool for them too! Nobody would've expected that!

  • yesterday

    So cute, your gang of young men, Gls....makes me smile...I can picture their youth and enthusiasm perfectly, you describe it so well...thanks! Stryker, the body does unexplained things...hope the healing process isn't too inconvenient for you, hands are so necessary aren't they, we find.Rred, what a treat to see a good show up close and no standing...I haven't seen a live show in ages. Emmy Lou Harris played the recent Jazz festival here but $$$ if you wanted to sit. Tonight I teach an ikebana class...first time. Excited but a bit nervous as well.

  • yesterday

    The thought of removing a hook from a live shark's mouth is pretty scary.

  • yesterday

    Thinking good thoughts for you, stryker. Hope the repair heals quickly. It's nice to be 'unique' but sorry you got chosen for an oddball thing like that. 💐

  • yesterday

    Thinking about you Stryker.

  • yesterday

    Holy cow, stryker! I hope this will be done quickly.

  • yesterday

    Styker, sending fast healing vibes! Hope it’s not too painful.

  • yesterday

    Thinking of you Stryker!👍🙂

  • yesterday

    Big virtual hugs to you, Stryker! Hope recovery is swift!

  • yesterday

    We’re at the botanical garden for one of their summer concerts. This is a combo of folk, vintage rock and some original songs. Starts in a few minutes, but it’s a beautiful evening, and a pretty spot for a picnic dinner

  • yesterday

    My Beloved likes to hoard his medical info…turns out, he also was given a prescription for the cream that will burn off his forehead basal cell carcinomas…I sent him to this doc, in spite of the practice being out of network, because they did such a nice job on my back last year. Not to mention, getting him in so much more quickly. The doc is our age, and spent a long time serving at Walter Reed….very useful experience when dealing with stubborn men.

  • yesterday

    Stryker, sending healing thoughts….for recovery, have a VERY visible splint, brace , sling…..just to keep people AND TO REMIND YOURSELF, no touching and don’t do that.

  • yesterday

    I’ve used the cream, things look really nasty, scaly and gross for a bit. Then as it heals, there is very little scaring.

  • yesterday

    And, he has read online that he should become friends with a moisturizer……any insight on this and the timing?

  • yesterday

    Ladma, that is a beautiful evening!

    Fiss, all I can tell is that some men get worse as they get older, about keeping medical secrets. That is why for the past yearOH “ needs” me to be in the office too. Somebody has to ask the twenty questions and write down the answers.😤

  • yesterday

    OMG you guys are wonderful. Will talk more tomorrow.

  • yesterday

    Oh good... Stryker has responded. That's encouraging!

    I'm having another really hard day for some reason... I must be really sapped. Not much I can do but ride it out, I guess. Having kids around here again soon might help. I need distraction. LOL

  • 19 hours ago

    Fiss, give the cream about a half hour to soak in, then moisturize. You only need a small dab of the cream.

  • 16 hours ago

    No wonder you're sapped, rred. You run circles around the rest of us. And entertaining--for me, at least--is the most sapping of all.

    This should keep me from doing anything stupid, fiss. I have to keep it on for five days, and keep the wound dry for another week after that.

  • 16 hours ago

    Wow Stryker, that is quite the bandage! Hope it’s not too painful.

  • 15 hours ago

    Well, that will work for now! But you will want something visible for the awkward period when you don’t want to shake hands!

  • 15 hours ago

    I don’t want to get too cocky. It was a grey, icky day yesterday and I can now get into my sewing room!

  • 14 hours ago

    Wow Stryker, I’d say they gave you a hand full! 🙂

    Good for you Fiss! Are you going to sew something special?

    RRed, none of us are surprised you are sapped! Just one of your “ normal days” exhausts several of us! You need to hit the resale shops to see if they received something unique!🙂

  • 14 hours ago

    My 4 man track team left early this morning to drive back to MO! They really enjoyed themselves, and that is what it was all about! When I graduated from HS, my mom sent me and my 16 yr old sister to San Francisco on a Greyhound bus. We left at 1 p.m. on a Wednesday, arrived in SF at 6 p.m. Friday night! We stayed 2 weeks and then rode the bus back to MO. We had a great time!😀👍 And memories forever!

  • 13 hours ago

    Whoa, Stryker! No bowling for you with THAT hand LOLOL!

  • 10 hours ago

    Stryker, that looks intense! I’m assuming you are right handed, that makes all the is ADL’s harder.

    Fiss, I made it to my sewing room the other day, and made linings for a few of the purses I made for my ambitious fund raising project. My goal of using up app the yarn won’t be met, but hopefully I can raise some decent money. Farmers market is September 21.

  • 9 hours ago

    Packing to go to Iceland with an almost 3 year old tomorrow (with his parents). The big excitement on our chat today (in between getting hung up on 3 times-a favorite thing to do-press the red button) was that Grandma and Grandpa were going to pick him up in a VAN from the airport when he got there. WhoHoo. My girlfriend teasingly said that instead of going to see the usual sights we will probably intimately know all the elementary school playgrounds. Wish us luck.

  • 8 hours ago

    Have fun!

  • 8 hours ago

    Sam, when we went, there was a tourist ticket that included buses and the zoo? And all the public hot springs (except blue lagoon, of course). We went to a fantastic facility in the burbs…

  • 8 hours ago

    By public hot springs, I really meant public swimming pool facilities, where the hot tubs are all filled with naturally hot water. Lots of kiddie facilities!

  • 8 hours ago

    Laugardalslaug is the name of the pool facility in the Laugardalur park area that includes the zoo and presumably a playground! I think I have the spelling correct..,scuse my Icelandic!

  • 8 hours ago

    And the bakeries were very European and delicious….

  • 7 hours ago

    Have a great time Sam! We loved Iceland and it will be better without snow and cold (different experience)!

  • 7 hours ago

    Sam, it sounds like a dream vacation! Hope you get to see the Northern Lights in full! Of course, right now, it's light out most all hours of the day... isn't it?

  • 5 hours ago

    Oh man I needed this. I got my peacock app going, and I'm gonna veg out on Olympics all weekend.

    Stryker, that is one massive clunky cast! I hope you heal up fast and that things are a whole lot better now. I am recalling my own finger smash experience and am right there with you on the dominant hand having such inconvenience foisted upon it. The worst is washing hair. I hope you have a sink with a sprayer and a sweetheart who doesn't mind helping a girl out.

  • 5 hours ago

    Stryker…wow. They really don’t want you moving that hand do they? It looks very much like removing that lump now requires your hand to be kept totally stationary. Sending 🌹🌹

    Rred, I agree with Gls… I get tired just reading about your days. I’m glad you’re going to chill out for a while with the Olympics. 🇨🇦 I don’t watch the Summer Olympics so tell me if Canada does anything impressive besides do illegal things with drones.😑

    Sam, I have always wanted to go to Iceland! It will be interesting adventure with a three-year-old and trust Fiss to have good tips!!

    I taught Japanese (ikebana) flower arranging class last night and it was very successful. Outdoors so that’s always a bit dicey here in Nova Scotia but we had ideal weather which was overcast and not windy. A full class with eight participants, for two hours. They did a great job!

  • 5 hours ago

    I'm sure your students loved the ikebana class, lia!

    Have fun in Iceland, sam! I hope you get to see the northern lights.

    rred, veg out to the olympics. Let us know what's exciting. I can't watch right now, 'cause my TV's busted 'til next week. :(

    Thanks again, everybody, for all your support. Y'all are wonderful!

  • 4 hours ago

    The opening ceremonies/show is fantastic.... so different than any I've ever seen, and I am eating it up.

    Coolest thing so far? All the characters in the famous Louvre paintings/sculptures came to life to look out the window with the torchbearer to catch a glimpse of the athletes, cruising into town on their flagships. This is the kind of animation I love! So very creative.

  • 4 hours ago

    I watched part of it this afternoon. IT WAS AWESOME. Tuning in again in about 45 minutes out here to see the early part I missed.

  • 3 hours ago

    My mother would have loved loved loved this Opening Ceremonies. Combining all the world elite athletics (including her first love--track) with the arts and culture of France/Paris, all in a fantastical trip up the Seine?? Her idea of Heaven!

  • 3 hours ago

    That sounds fantastic!

  • 3 hours ago

    Celine Dion made me cry.