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Trash bin next to the bed. Yes or no?

10 years ago
Growing up my parents always put a trash bin next to their bed and mine. I always saw it as a major convenience while others thought it was a little strange.

What's your take? Vote below and tell us where you place the waste basket in your bedroom.

Alessi A Tempo Paper Basket · More Info
YES - It's really convenient.
NO - That's unsanitary!

Comments (32)

  • 10 years ago
    I voted no, although not because of sanitary reasons. I just can't picture it looking nice right next to the bed. Growing up I had one next to my desk.
  • 10 years ago
    Only if someone writes in bed
  • 10 years ago
    I always have a small one under one of the bedside tables. It's handy since I often come in with the mail from my mailbox and sit on the bed to sort it into junk, read, or reply piles. I can chuck the junk and empty envelopes and those plastic bags my magazines come in, stick the bills on the desk to be paid, and then kick back and read the letters from Mom or the newest magazines.
  • 10 years ago
    Only if I have a cold. I don't think of it as unsanitary, but maybe according to the principles of feng shui, you're throwing your love life in the garbage if you place it there?
  • PRO
    10 years ago
    Good idea. Just never thought about it.
  • 10 years ago
    Hmmm. I don't even have a trash can in my bedroom. Who makes trash in bed?
  • 10 years ago
    There's nothing insanitary about having it next to your bed if you don't throw food in it.
  • 10 years ago
    I think it depends on the person. My son frequently takes water bottles to drink upstairs and I'm a happy mom when the empties are discarded in the trash can in his room! I don't have one in my room, though.
  • 10 years ago
    I'm sure I'm showing my age, but I thought a small, unobtrusive trash can had a place in almost every room. In my experience there is always some little something that needs to go in it and I am more likely to toss it if the trash can is handy. But, no, not by the bed if it is highly visible unless, as someone said, you are ill or something. They are emptied every week or sooner if needed. Is this something that dates my decor? I could probably live without
  • PRO
    10 years ago
    Like your question. There are many clever ways of transforming your interior decor’s objects into functional, practical piece. The answer to your question will be “yes," if we consider using this concept. It can be done with the trash bin, room dividers, storage solution, even with the wall hooks. For example, we can use urns and planters to match them to our bedroom design accordingly and at the same time use that decor as a trash bin.
    Check out our selection of indoors and outdoors planters and urns that can be used as well as trash bins.
  • 10 years ago
    I voted no only because to see a rubbish bin beside the bed does not appeal to my eyes, although I do have a antique copper jardiniere near the chest of drawers as well as larger bin in the en-suite
  • 10 years ago
    No. I don't generate trash when I'm in bed. And where does it go? I like a bedside table/nightstand right next to the head of the bed for a lamp, water, occasional flowers. I don't see room for a trash can.
  • 10 years ago
    Where else to put kleenex in the middle of the night? Esp when sick.
  • 10 years ago
  • 10 years ago
    bighouse, I throw those things into the bathroom or kitchen trash. I don't like to have a million trash cans to empty.
  • 10 years ago
    Can't imagine not having a small waste bin by the bed..what do you do with tissues in the middle of the night? Seems yucky to leave them on the nightstand...and you can empty the bin daily...
  • 10 years ago
  • 10 years ago
  • 10 years ago
    Yes, but not this open thing, one that is discreet and small. I don't understand people who don't use waste baskets near the bed or at least in the bedroom. They must be very young, never in the room except when sleeping, or not very neat. It's a must have near mine.
  • 10 years ago
    must have for tissues....and the occasional piece of paper- empty water bottle etc.
  • 10 years ago
    I voted no. any trash I make in my bedroom I clean out the same day. just a personal preference
  • 10 years ago
    when I have a bad cold only. then its gone.
  • 10 years ago
    I voted yes because I am a a diabetic and with the various pin pricks, bloody tissues, small scraps of paper from syringes etc. I find it totally convenient. On the odd occasion that I use a tissue for a cold etc. I always make a habit of emptying it the same day. I am a big fan of waste bins in all bedrooms, living spaces and work areas. It makes sense to teach your family to take care of their own mess. A bin is certainly more hygienic than a pile of tissues strewn across the floor.
  • 10 years ago
    I use a shoe box that fits in a nightstand drawer does that count? It's easy to empty into the bathroom basket every day.
  • 10 years ago
    No. I have no trash can at all in the bedroom. Any trash generated in the bedroom can be easily transported to the under-sink trash bin in the adjacent bathroom. There are no open trash bins in my entire house. There are under-sink covered bins in the bathrooms and kitchen, a covered bin in the basement and a bin for recycled paper in the office. The idea of open trash bins inside a house is slightly nauseating.
  • 10 years ago
    I always have a trash bin (with a plastic bag) next to my end table which is next to my bed. If I have a cold, I want the convenience of having it nearby to throw out tissues. Then it's easy to just take out the plastic bag, tie it up and throw it out.
  • 10 years ago
    me too, normaanne! I don't even have to have a cold. So handy through the night.
  • 10 years ago
    I don't have tissues in the bedroom. Or any garbage whatsoever. I go to the bathroom when I have a cold and that's where the garbage stays. Maybe when I get older and I don't want to walk I will have one close but it won't look like a garbage can. I can't imagine having a trash can where I sleep. My mother in law has one beside every chair and bed it is insane. And disgusting. There are 3 in the kitchen, under the sink, beside the fridge and under the table. What? I don't get it. Who wants to sort all that garbage when the buckets are full?
  • 10 years ago
    Open or plastic Trash bin NO. Although, as the "rules" state I voted for the "interpretation" of a container - but a well thought decorative basket, vase of size that would take some of the aforementioned refuse - clothing tags, maybe a string, clean napkin that followed you to bedroom, small note to self no longer needed, can all wait until trash day for the efficient. Infectious, unclean, and foods need to go to the appropriate trash can. I added this pictured one to the family room as easy container for unwanted magazine flyers, small notes to self, clean napkin. Bedroom is zipped in plastic due to bathroom Reno. It has a walnut basket. Drippy nose tissue is different from sick or snotty nose. And never a plastic bag in the decorative basket. Decorative convenience doesn't include it. It's efficient not lazy. Trust me.
  • 5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    I'm a split vote. If you're Mary Boone, the infamous NYC art dealer, she would have a strict rule that you could not break. Every waste basket in her gallery could only be used to throw away crumpled up pure white paper. Nothing else could be thrown out in the waste baskets, no colored paper of any kind nor any other trash of any kind. So if this were the rules, sure, I would have no problem having a waste basket next to your bed.

    ... but Mary Boone is insane. As a real world person I say no waste baskets should be next to your bed. If you have a desk in your bedroom and you don't throw away perishables, then I'm fine with a waste basket being next to your desk. A waste basket next to your bed just looks unsanitary, even if it isn't. Find a different solution to the problem.

  • 2 years ago

    Kitchen and bathrooms only.