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Eclectic dark wood floor living room photo in Atlanta with a music area, red walls, a standard fireplace and a stone fireplace
Dillard Pierce Design Associates
Dillard Pierce Design Associates
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars5 ReviewsView Profile


Eclectic Living Room, Atlanta

Red walls, red light fixtures, dramatic but fun, doubles as a living room and music room, traditional house with eclectic furnishings, black and white photography of family over guitars, hanging guitars on walls to keep open space on floor, grand piano, custom #317 cocktail ottoman from the Christy Dillard Collection by Lorts, antique persian rug. Chris Little Photography

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Mitchell Parker added this to Houzz Quiz: What Kind of Remodeling Client Are You?June 16, 2017

4. Which song lyric resonates with you the most?Don’t worry about a thing, ’cause every little thing gonna be alright....

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xseany added this to sean's butler cave6 days ago

long chair surrounded buy instruments