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Local Artists in Portland Maine

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Portland Maine / 50 mi
115 of 173 professionals
173 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Local Artists in Portland Maine

Stephanie Berry Fine Art
Local Artists in Portland Maine
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsNovember 11, 2014
“Your art is soothing and exciting to look at. I am a professional artist, give lessons to youth and adult privately. I think you have captured the every day essence of family and farm life. I can relate to this as I grew up on a 92 acre farm. Stella”
Funky Rock Designs
Local Artists in Portland Maine
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsApril 23, 2014
“I have several products from Funky Rock designs in my house! they are very high quality, beautiful products that always start up a conversation when someone comes to my home! Especially the liquor dispenser! Definitely recommend these products to anyone looking for sleek, beautiful and functional decor!”
Marcia Crumley Fine Art
Local Artists in Portland Maine
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsFebruary 3, 2013
“We own an absolutely gorgeous painting by Marcia, and since we purchased this work, others in our family have followed in our footsteps. Marcia's paintings are beautiful and unique and the perfect complement to all types of decor. Her customer service goes above and beyond and the prices are affordable for anyone hoping to start an art collection.”
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