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addressing newbie and newer member issues-first draft.

Addressing the NO Email link on their Member Page

Welcome to Garden Web and the Seed Exchange

I thought you might like to know there is no email link on your member page, thus no way to email you.

To set up your email link, just go to the bottom on any page here, and click on Member Pages

Then click on Edit your Personal Information, Page, and Preferences

You will then probably be asked to login in again.

Then check the box Allow other users to send you email via forms at our site.

That will place an email link on your member page, making it handy for members (potential traders/sharers) to easily reach you in the future.. There is no need to hunt up a post to find an email addy.

(Optional)While you are there editing, you might want to place your state abbreviation in the one box provided for the garden zone (and Location). You will find it is often beneficial if members know where you are located......even more so, if/when you maybe want to do some plant trading. It is a postage cost, days in transit, temperature/climate thing to be considered.

Happy Gardening and trading.

(signed)member name, member name abbreviation, or real first name


I will be adding other things here in this thread addressing sase/sasbe/BEAP as well as the importance of putting up a trade list and how to do it. I think Mother Earth News may have sent us a whole bunch of future seed addicts/enablers.

Once these are refined some, I will try and see about getting them in the FAQ here. Then they will be easily accessible for members to get, copy, and paste whatever needs addressed to new/newer members on the board.

Comments (78)

  • 16 years ago

    Another newbie question (LOL!!)....when is a newbie not a newbie?

  • 16 years ago

    Chemocurl! Surprise, surprise!! email link is on my member page...sorry I cannot remember who the person was we talked now I am so curious, but glad it all worked out.

    when is a newbie not a newbie?
    Dafflady, One measure , in my humble opinion, is a newbie is one that has a longer wish list than what they have on their have list. From the looks of things, you are still a qualified newbie. You don't seem like a newbie as you have 79 posts so far (in doing a search of mem name and all entire site)

    Sue....resident busy body

    When trading don't forget to check the Rate and Review Forum first, and then leave a review once the trade is completed.

  • 16 years ago

    Thanks for all the info! I'm going to take care of what I need to and get back in touch. Thanks so much to all of you

  • 16 years ago

    Welcome Jones...and Wonderful!...good to hear that the info helped you.

  • 16 years ago


  • 16 years ago

    I was just asked where to find the bubble envies by a newbie, so thought I'd bump this back to page one...besides replying to the email.


  • 16 years ago



  • 16 years ago

    you could also let them know if they have a opps with their end of a trade they can try to fix it before getting a bad R&R.
    they could resend their seeds/plants
    send back the seeds/plants they got
    offer to send somthing else
    pay for shipping + seeds/plants if it was a trade not a free for postage.

  • 16 years ago

    Oh Chrizty, I so agree. I think one should do everything possible to keep from getting a negative review, and all your suggestions above are good ones.

    I might add too here, that if one has computer woes, or has lost all their trades in process information, that they should post on the appropriate board (Plants or Seeds) on the Conversation side. They should explain what has happened and ask that traders please contact them, and be patient until the computer woes are solved.

    Last summer I was out of commission for a little over a month while my dial up line was not 'computer' quality, something the phone company doesn't worry about. Thankfully I was not in the middle of any actual trades...just some 'in the works'. When I would get to town and the library, maybe once a week or so, I would update the post about my computer woes.

    Yep...just suck it up, and make it right, or as 'right' as one can. It's far easier to fix an 'oops' trade than it is to overcome the impact of negative reviews.

    Sue...resident busy body

  • 16 years ago

    I am new and I like this post you are doing. Here's my question if as a member I do a post on the seed exchange and later type, "This post is now closed.", can the GW just go ahead and please delete it? I try to keep my trade list updated. I was discussing a trade with another member and the other member starting asking for seeds that I had available on an old, closed posting. These seeds were no longer on my trade list. So does GW ever delete closed postings? Would not mind having one of mine deleted. :-)

    Best to you,

  • 16 years ago

    Hi Quilting!

    Here's my question if as a member I do a post on the seed exchange and later type, "This post is now closed.", can the GW just go ahead and please delete it?
    No, they never have, and I really doubt if they would ever want to start trying to do that as everyone contacted them to lock the post manually so it could no longer be posted to.

    I was discussing a trade with another member and the other member starting asking for seeds that I had available on an old, closed posting. These seeds were no longer on my trade list.

    A member should realize that anytime after a post is started that the posting member will likely run out of the seeds being offered in the post, or on their trade list. All one can really do if someone requests things you no longer have, is explain that you are out, and they have been removed from your Have to Trade list. Most folks should understand and be accepting of that...but if it was me, and I 'knew' the member, I might try and beg a couple of seeds from their private growing stash. I have done that once that I can remember for a seed I was really coveting...guilty as charged. The member happily shared about 6 seeds with me, which made me very happy indeed.

    Maybe when you make a post, you could note that your list is up to date (or fairly well so) and that you try to remove things (from your list) as they become available...but that is all kind of understood (IMHO) after folks have been around here for a bit. I think most folks lists are fairly up to date, even if they are not exactly perfect.
    I just went and deleted a few things from mine today that I was freshly out of or that I no longer needed.

    That's probably not the answer you wanted to hear, but it's all I got at this time.


  • 16 years ago

    If you've sent a package and the other person never got it, please please please VERIFY THE ADDRESS before you send a second!!!!!

  • 16 years ago


  • 16 years ago

    Hi. I'm fairly new. I've looked for this info and almost found it in this thread!. It's about the SASBE. Sorry I still don't get it! So, I don't send for the send with a SASBE inside my mailing envelope?? What's happening are they recycling my request envelope?

    Thank You

  • 16 years ago

    Welcome!! You put the stamps for return postage and your return address label inside the bubble envelope. On the outside of the envelope you put their address and enough postage to mail the envelope to them. When they receive the envelope, they will use your enclosed return address label and stamps to mail the envelope and seeds back to you. Beware, seed trading is very addicting and fun...LOL!!

  • 16 years ago

    daffo: Thank's for the info and for the welcome. I just sent out my very first SASBE TODAY.. yeah. ty

  • 16 years ago

    It might help to maybe think of it as a BEAP...Bubble envelope and postage.

    You are mailing just the bubble envelope, and including inside of it, the return postage, an address label, and anything else the offerer suggests.

    And....Welcome Sudzy!
    Since you have chosen to show your email addy to No One on your member profile, you will always want to be sure and send an email to anyone whose thread you reply to. If they are recieving the follow-up emails, it will not show your email addy, so they cannot reply to that email. They will have to come back to the thread, click on 'your page' and then email you via GW. It is a pain, when some have offers going on with numerous replies.

    I hope that was not too confusing...if so, ask about it here, or feel free to email me privately.

    Sue...resident busy body.

  • 15 years ago

    bump...lots and lots of new members with no email link on their Member Page...thus no way to email them.


  • 15 years ago

    I'm a newbie. I sent my first SASBE today too. Someone offered seeds for trade or for newbies. I emailed her and she accepted to send me seeds for the SASBE.

    You people are awesome!

  • 15 years ago

    Welcome Token28001!

    You are an awesome newbie.

    You have a little blurb on your member page. That's great!
    You have your location filled in along with your zone. That's great!
    You have your trade page filled out. Great again!

    Welcome to the wonderful world of seed collecting, trading, and growing from seed. May you soon become an addict as well as a Seed Junkie and Enabler, which a lot of us are here.

    Sue...who is the self proclaimed resident busy body here

  • 15 years ago

    bump many with no email addy links on their Member Page, or locations, so folks can know what is hardy and will grow in their zone/state.


  • 15 years ago

    I absolutely thing the most confusing thing to newbies like myself is misunderstanding what exactly the SASBE is. At first I thought it was people mistyping SASE. Then, when I figured out what it was, I was confused as this is expensive to send one envelope inside another, pay top postage to send it over since it's thick and oversized, etc... I had no idea what I was doing or what was expected of me at all. Anyways....

    I agree with chemocurl saying, "I don't want to rock anyone's boat, but could maybe us 'older' offerers start calling them BEAPs maybe...Bubble Envelope and Postage?
    A SASBE certainly leads one to believe they must put their addy and postage on an envelope, and then mail it inside another envy...Like I said...I don't want to upset anyone, or step on any toes... "


  • 15 years ago

    Hey...feel free to step around all you want.

    I'll include a link to my rant...sase-sasbe is NOT a self addressed envelope-bubble envelope

  • 15 years ago

    Great! I truly enjoyed reading this forum and sure did learn a lot about it, now as to e-mail on member page, I tried doing it and after changing the info to let members email me and submitting it, the site went back to the log in page, I checked if data was updated and it was not so I updated it again and submitted it. I would really appreciate it you could help me out here and see if I have an e-mail showing? And how do I see that for myself? I tried updating my exchange lists, and that did work. I appreciate your help. I am enjoying thiis website so far. Have a nice day
    My email address is

  • 15 years ago

    Welcome beachamed!

    No, your email link is not set up on your member Page. It looks as if you did not check the box to receive emails via GW from members.

    It is not advised to post your email addy as you did above, as it 'could' be harvested by spammers.

    If you have further trouble with your email link, just drop me an email.

    While you are editing your page, you might want to fill in your garden zone, if you know it, and put your state abbreviation in the same zone box too. See I am zone 5/6 S IN

    Here are some other threads that are now in the back pages that I imagine will help you and other newbies.

    Newbie question and answer thread!:)

    Needing everyones input! :)

    Mailing costs for Bubble Envelopes (BE)

    Suggestion-Don't forget the new Rate and Review forum

    There are also other good posts containing lots of 'good to know' seed trading, sharing, collecting, drying, storing, planting, etc.

    Here is The Seed Saving Forum so you can learn all about collecting your own seeds to plant, trade, or share.

    It is a 'given' that everyone should check out The Winter Sowing Forum. Now is the time to learn all about it as winter will soon be here.

    Sue... loquacious as usual

  • 15 years ago

    I often go back and check to see if members have set up their email links on their member page, after they have been instructed just exactly how to do it, so they can be easily reached. I'd estimate about 50% of them don't do it, but then too, 50% or so don't check the box to get follow-up replies, and are never seen or heard from again.....sigh.

    Bumping this up so hopefully maybe more will read and heed.


  • 15 years ago

    bumping again

  • 14 years ago


    *** how do I get my email address to show up on my posts, in the space where it now says "My Page" -- I've seen some people have that.

    And will it cause spam? Are there people harvesting this group for email addresses?

    While we're at it, I cannot find the directions for setting options to see what groups/forums I'm subscribed to, and how to mark posts as read. Perhaps there's another way to access this group -- like on the old-fashioned Usenet newsgroups? That's the last time I was active in these gardening forums.

  • 14 years ago

    how do I get my email address to show up on my posts, in the space where it now says "My Page" -- I've seen some people have that.

    And will it cause spam?
    Some say it has caused them spam in the past, and others hove no problems with it being shown to All

    Are there people harvesting this group for email addresses?
    I don't know that there is, but it is always a future possibility.

    Having your email address shown to Members only as you have it now has worked well for me, and that is how the majority of members have theirs set

    While we're at it, I cannot find the directions for setting options to see what groups/forums I'm subscribed to
    Garden Web has a unique format and one doesn't/can't 'subscribe' to forums. Until you get a bit more familiar, you might want to save your favorite forums, to a 'favorites folder' with your browser.

    and how to mark posts as read
    Posts that have been read, should turn a different color on the list of threads. Then when there are new posts, it will turn back to the original color.


  • 14 years ago

    I just tried to put it such that you could email me but it kept going back to the login page and then back to the original page to alter your page. I don't know what to do??


  • 14 years ago

    Hi imanotthemama/Marie,

    I got your email, complete with password and all changes have been made and I logged out. Sorry for the problems and frustrations you had. Holler if you have problems again and I'll see if I can maybe help.


  • 14 years ago

    Just fyi the special instructions for the exchange thread has dropped to page 2 and there's not a new one posted yet.
    (obviously another busy body)Kathy

  • 14 years ago

    Just fyi the special instructions for the exchange thread has dropped to page 2 and there's not a new one posted yet.
    Thanks for the head up, deputy busy body. I'll try to get another one together later today when I take a break from stuff I should have already been started on here this AM.


  • 13 years ago

    I have tried several times to make it where other members can email me, but every time I try it a blank white screen comes up with the following line of text: "api/persons/38682183 PUT 400 Validation errors found type"

    This is how I try to do it: (1)I click on the Members Pages link at the bottom of the page (2) I click on Edit Your Personal Information, Page, Preferences (3) I check the box next to "Allow other users to send you email via forms at our site" (4) I click on Save Your Member Profile, and that is when the white page appears.

    I've logged out and back in a few times in hopes that that would remedy the problem, but that didn't work. I've even restarted my computer, but no luck. I've emailed the website through the contact link, but haven't received a response yet. Am I doing something wrong?

  • 13 years ago

    Just a quick follow up to my last post above. I tried to make the change in Internet Explorer since I use Firefox, but a white page still came up with the following message:

    Validation errors found

    Note: I put extra spaces in so the html coding would show up like it did on the page that came up.

  • 13 years ago

    Hi azmountains_gardener,

    Am I doing something wrong?
    No, it sounds like you did everything right. If you would like for me to try it, just drop me an email, and put GW or your member name in the email subject line. It does sound like, from the message below, that it is something that is an individual problem that a tech person would have to look into and fix. If it doesn't get fixed, or you don't hear anything within a few days, I'd contact them again.

    The message below from Tamara Amey
    GardenWeb Community Manager was posted to a thread at Winter Sowing,

    * Posted by gwtamara (My Page) on
    Fri, Dec 17, 10 at 11:47

    Hi folks,

    Just wanted to stop by and assure you that we are working on these issues. Last week, we launched a new registration tool and there are still some bugs that are being ironed out. I know that it's frustrating and upsetting when things don't work as they should -- I really do feel your pain. Unfortunately, some of these bugs are difficult to recreate because they vary from member to member. What would be enormously helpful would be for you to contact us directly and detail what your issues are. Including information such as a step-by-step overview of your login process, where you are seeing issues, the error messages you are getting and anything else that might have differed from any previous login experiences. Many of you have probably already done this, but please make sure you check your browser settings and make sure that you have cookies enabled.

    If you would send this information to our contact link below, that would be extremely helpful. If you have specific questions or need something else, you are welcome to email us at the link below or contact me directly at any time -- my email is listed on my profile page.

    Thank you for your continued patience and support.

    Best regards,

    Tamara Amey
    GardenWeb Community Manager

  • 13 years ago

    Great thread. Very informative!



  • 13 years ago

    please add me to the newbie list...i would like any type of seeds..i do have some seeds to give back as well..

  • 13 years ago

    My name is Christine. Please adopt me! I am looking for red perennial seeds that humming birds will love. I have part sun and some full sun but not much. Check out my profile for the list of plants that I already have which are mostly purple. Thank you so much!!!!

  • 13 years ago

    semi new here. I have looked a lot. Great site.
    What does BEEP mean & where does a person get the little glassine or plastic packs to send seeds.

    Thanks in advance,

  • 13 years ago

    Hello all, I too am new here.....Really getting into spring veggie gardening.There's so much to learn. Any way I want to be partially prepared for next season. All help and advise is appreciated. I'm located in Baton Rouge, La. Zone 8...I believe....


  • 13 years ago

    I've tried to update my member page information and to allow others to email me and it won't update.

    It's been a long night.


  • 13 years ago


    I'm a newbie. My name is Marilyn. I'm looking for any seeds to get started. Anything would be appreciated. Please adopt me.

  • 10 years ago


    I'M A NEWBIE... please adopt me :-)

    I just want to say I think it's great to have a safe haven for us newbies and look forward to someone adopting me.

    I also would like to start a seed library and I'm in the process of doing it but your help is greatly needed. Thanks in advance


    ldylahla @

    If i missed something, please point it out. all of this is new to me ! thanks again

  • 10 years ago

    Welcome Ldylahla, I sent you an email to adopt you. Jen

  • 10 years ago

    Newbies: Ldylahla, Firecandle, parishumphrey, hdibikerchick, mwood4d...
    ****The Adopt-A-Newbie list is elsewhere.****

    Follow the link below.

    If you would like to be put on an adoption list, post on the Adopt-A-Newbie thread (link is below) not here. On that thread, you can be found and adopted. Sign up!

    (This thread right here is a newbie issues thread, how to change your member details, how to set your email, how to make a 'have list', etc.)

    Here is a link that might be useful: The Adopt-A-Newbie list

  • 10 years ago

    Thank you for this thread! I am a total newbie here and that just about summed up all questions I had about the envelope thing. Thanks a bunch. Now I won't look like a complete idiot when sending out my envelopes!

  • 8 years ago

    How do I change my message settings?

  • last year

    I would also like at least 20 kudzu seeds (because of the poor germ. rate).. .

    To grow compost material in Albuquerqe.