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cabot ato mahogany flame changed!

13 years ago

i am very disappointed.cabot changed the ATO oil[mahogany flame]to water based.

non water based last year was like a redwood color in can.

this stuff is like orange color.

same name on stuff has blue lid.

i took a little on rag and wiped it on my IPE WOOD.

it came out very dark,you could almost not see grain in wood.

i am doing my deck on thursday.

will report back on what it looks like but as of now, I THINK THIS IS END OF ATO OIL FROM CABOTS.

sad that they did this,prior mahognany flame oil was beautiful.

Comments (7)

  • 13 years ago


    The oil based ATO, 9400 series is still available everywhere except California which requires VOC to be less than 250 grams. Lowe's only carries the blue lid, water cleanup, lower VOC product. They could probably order the 9400 series for you or you could get it from an independent retailer.

    Over at The Grime Scene, which is a website for professional pressure washers, many pros are speaking highly of stain from Armstrong Clark which has a color that looks just like the old Mahogany Flame.

    If you are worried that the ATO you have used in the past will disappear, which could happen if VOC requirements drop further, then I suggest buying a few extra gallons. Cabots says unopened they are good for 10 years.


  • 13 years ago


    What kind of prep did you do before applying the stain? Had the previous stain worn away completely? I think the color and darkness is affected by how much previous stain was still there and whether you use a brightener as part of the prep.

    Can you post some photos? I'd like to see what the new ATO looks like.


  • 13 years ago

    marty,i used DRAINO to remove the old 9400 ATO.then i used deck brightner from lowes to nuetral it.
    old 9400 gets so DARK you have to remove it to put on new finish.
    then i used pressure washer .to get lap marks from pressure washer off i went back /forth first time,THEN went other way.

    THIS REMOVED THE WASHER MARKS SO I DID NOT HAVE TO SAND.i think it helps stain sink in better on ipe WOOD IF YOU DONT HAVE SAND.

    this NEW ato is BRIGHTER.cabots told me its DARKER. its not ,9400 is much darker.this stain is bright.

    i like it so far. it dried in 12 hrs in sun.maybe longer if you are in shade but old 9400 would take week or more to dry and a real tough time to work it .

    this stuff is EASY .clean up is nice.if you spill it, easy to get up.
    i had a heck of time getting 9400 off my siding.
    this new stuff came right off with soap/water.
    it does not SPLASH around like 9400 did.does not drip.

    so far, i like it but its BRIGHTER than 9400 does not have that DARK RICH look the 9400 has brighter fresh look .

    i got feeling i may not have to strip it next year with this new stuff. but dont know, just a feeling.

    9400 would get almost BLACK after year then start turning silver.
    this stuff seems to not be as THICK as the 9400 was?

    i dont know how to do pic on here.i have camewra but dont know how to put pic on.
    if you PM and steer me how to do it, i will put a pic on here.

    take care jim

  • 13 years ago

    new cabots MF i noticed today it does not bead up water like 9400 did.9400 looked like car with new wax applied.
    this new stuff puddles on top with no beading.
    i only put on 1 coat like can said .

  • 13 years ago

    Water beading up is not a good indicator of how well a stain will protect a deck. It's normal for a stain to bead up initially and then stop beading up. Some stains have paraffin wax that makes them bead up more. The oil in a stain penetrates the wood and prevents moisture from entering. In any case none of this is important for an Ipe deck which will last a lifetime with or without a stain. The issue with Ipe is finding a stain that will last more than one year.


  • 13 years ago

    i tried to paint screw heads on my ipe deck with brown fingernail polish, i gave up.paint on screw heads wore off a lot of screws in last 4 years.
    with 9400 stain, it turned the screw heads dark but this new stain,it did not.
    so i have shiny screw heads all over deck.

    any ideas on that one.