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Jewelry storage ideas needed

15 years ago

I don't have a whole lot of jewelry but it's all over the house.

Problem: rental hosue, so can't put up one of those wall units. Our furniture doesn't fit neatly in this house so I don't have room for a free standing jewelry armoire. I do have media tower that doesn't fit in the living room (24 inches square, two shelves available) next to the bed.

My earrings are pinned to a mesh hanging thing on the back of the closet door, my rings are on the night stand, and my necklaces are, someplace. A small jewelry box might work but a large one would not open in the space...and I like to hang necklaces and I like the hanging thing for earrings. I'm a visual (cluttered!) person: like to see everything. If it's tucked away, I forget about it.

Anyone have any ideas?

Comments (40)

  • 15 years ago

    I'm a jeweler's wife. My necklaces live in hiding in my junk drawer in the kitchen. My one pair of earrings, I think are upstairs. The two rings I own are on my fingers.

    Around here, if you take anything off, it gets melted down. "Oh, you wanted that ring?" Oh well.

  • 15 years ago

    LOL goldust!! Melted down! - Really??

    robin - can you attach hooks to the media cabinet to hang your necklaces? You say there are 2 shelves available - is there enough room to hang them from the back inside wall or side walls of one of the cubby areas? Then use the actual shelf space to put shallow containers of some sort to corral whatever other pieces you have.

  • 15 years ago

    I have the same problem-- I dont like any of the hanging or free standing jewelry boxes I have found. I just think they look cheap and they dont feel right for my specially selected jewelry.

    I have bead boxes made from vintage/new cigar boxes for my trollbeads. They are made by a guy on etsy and perfect for my large (and growing) collection of beads. My other jewelry is spread between some jewelry boxes and in little bowls and boxes in my bedroom, living room and bathroom. It's ridiculous really.

  • 15 years ago

    Ditto to what K9arlene recommends. Everything will be in view to you but tucked behind a door or on your closet rod. Having jewelry all around the house must be quite frustrating!

    (here's a clickable link--i hope!)

    Here is a link that might be useful: hanging pockets organizer

  • 15 years ago

    I tried various Jewelry boxes and other organizers and nothing worked for me until I bought these jewelry organizers that fit inside my top drawers in my TV Armoire and bachelor chest and now I know where all my jewelry is and I know longer have Jewelry everywhere or covered and forgotten.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Jewelry Organizers

  • 15 years ago

    I wouldn't lie about that. Before I married a jeweler, that little detail wouldn't have entered my mind. I think he married me because I'm not a real jewelry person. I'd rather have other things, even as cheap as I can get jewelry, there are way more important things. Curtains and towel racks. New flooring and kitchens dazzle me.

    Since metals and rocks seem to speak to him, I turn his love into things like *granite* counters, a *marble* backsplash, *stainless* appliances. And it plays on his weakness. The argument comes when I mention porcelain tile because I don't want to maintain a shower made of of the rocks he loves. It helps to remind him of the savings and hair dye that could damage his precious.

    He cuts stones. Came in handy when we needed molding around the marble.
    You should see his latest purchase I have to incorporate in our house. It's a console cabinet with horns, eyes and face. It needs a name. 300 yo Mongolian furniture piece. "There is not one nail or screw in it! This is a very rare piece," he beamed, pointing at the legs that end above the top of the console by 4 inches and stick up like horns . I look at his face and I see the passion. I'm speechless but still I'm enjoying his passion. He does so much for everyone else and puts himself last every time. He is happy just to provide.

    "It's gorgeous," he is saying. "Just gorgeous." Ok, we have new monster console that came home to live. If he loves it this much, OK. It still needs a name. I wouldn't dare tell him I really don't like it so I've decided I need to evolve to be able to appreciate my relationship with my new console with wooden horns.

  • 15 years ago

    I have this jewelry armoire made by Powell

  • 15 years ago

    Thanks all for some good ideas. Glad to see I am not alone!

  • 15 years ago

    The one thing that is important to me is that the storage has a tarnish free lining. I have a nickle allergy so all my jewelry is either gold or sterling silver. I have a few wolf travel "safety deposit box" leather cases (speaking to size rather than security)that I try to keep my silver in.. but they don't hold enough and still, I end up putting my rings in small bowls in the LR or office. My bead boxes arent tarnish free either.

    Is there something I can add to the boxes that will prevent tarnish of the silver over time?

  • 15 years ago

    I have some of my jewelry in those organizational trays in a dresser in the guest room and one drawer in the MB, but it ends up being a big junk drawer and I never can find what I'm looking for so wear the same pair of earrings almost every day.

    After seeing Threegrad's picture of her beautiful jewelry armoire I google it to learn more. I found this website with lots to drool over. How about a full length mirror that is a jewelry armoire on the back! I never knew there was such a thing.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Jewelry Armoires

  • 15 years ago

    Not sure if having a rental means you can't bang any nails into any walls, but part of my 'jewelry organizing system' involves an array of nails on a wall in my closet with necklaces hanging from them. It started with a small pegboard that I bought at Target, then I ran out of space on that and just started banging a few nails in the wall near it. I like this system because I can easily see all the necklaces while I'm picking out clothes for the day. I am a jewelry addict. I also have a jewelry drawer and a regular jewelry box. After seeing the pics above, I'm starting to think I need a jewelry armoire! My family just gave me two new necklaces for Mother's Day...

  • 15 years ago

    there are little antitarnish strips that you can put in with your jewelry.

    I saw a cute idea where someone used old pretty teacups in a drawer and put jewelry in those.

    If you keep your silver sealed in a baggie no air it should not tarnish. My grandma used to wrap her silver in saran wrap.

  • 15 years ago


    I just got a JC Penney ad in the e-mail and saw teh same item (somewhat more expensive at JCP, so thanks for the link). I really have NO place to put that but I love it and think it's ideal for me. Now I just have to decide if I can rearrange furniture to find a home for it!

    sueb20: I can put some holes in the walls but, despite having a walk-in closet, it has no wall space. It's a smallish closet, and has a shelving system, and we use all the space. I may get some kind of smaller box that has a door on the side for necklaces for now, and that great full length mirror thing one day.

  • 15 years ago

    QVC has a freestanding jewelry keeper - that rotates. see link below.

    I recently heard a celebrity say she keeps her earrings and rings in ice cube trays!! they're cheap and would fit in a shallow drawer too!

    I need to do something with mine - but am waiting til I get into my new place to worry about it/decide what to do.

    there are also 'cases' that it can be kept in (google 'fire mountain' and it should come up (they sell beads, parts etc) - then look down the left side for 'cases' or 'trays'.

    I also saw a 'frame' wall hanging case. it looks like a frame (insert pic of your choice) but it opens from the side and has hooks for necklaces etc. was about 25.00. Walmart I think...

    I have used one of those key holder things (cup hooks?) that people put by their door entrance to hang my watch, hair clip, necklace...

    Here is a link that might be useful: trifold cabinet

  • 15 years ago

    I use drawers that have a think foam pad in them and I also have a box on the dresser with the same foam pad for pieces I tend to wear more often (this keeps me from just throwing them on the top of the dresser for the cats to play with).

    I have been thinking of upgrading to boxes...I am going to have to measure my drawers and order those lovely boxes posted :) They're perfect.

  • 15 years ago

    I also use the hanging organizers and love them. Luckily the theives that broke into our house never guessed to look in the closet between my jackets for jewelery, but every top drawer was opened and a lock-box was stolen. Since then, I've learned that the most expected place for guns, jewelry, medications and money is in the top drawers. I guess when they make a quick run through your home they are limited on how many places they can look.
    Oh, and the lockbox only had things important to our family, not the thieves, so it probably got ditched pretty quickly.

    I don't have valuable jewelry except what I wear everyday, but some sentimental pieces.

  • 15 years ago

    Desertsteph, I was just looking at those trays at Fire Mountian before wandering over here! LOL

    I showed the trays to my husband this morning...I'm wishing I could make drawers for them, but don't really want a wood something. IKEA has a cute silver rolling cart with a bunch of drawers, but they are too deep and don't open smoothly. I can't get it out of my mind though. Something silver/stainless would be awesome.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Wish I could find something like this...

  • 15 years ago

    Oh! I forgot.

    Slightly OT: About the anti-tarnish pads -- All my jewelry is junkie cheapie stuff. I am the chick that will wear a stack of bracelets or way too many rings. But sometimes the ahem... "metal" finishes tarnish, and sometimes they don't. Cleaning something cheap/fun is a bore. Is there any way to tell is something will tarnish before I buy it?

  • 15 years ago

    I wanted something really colorful and fun for my earrings, and I found a seller on who makes some cool stuff. She did this earring holder made from a frame, as well as the black bracelet holder sitting next to it. My necklaces are hung on a hook on my bathroom wall. There are lots of creative solutions out there -- ya just gotta find what works best for your things. Good luck!

  • 15 years ago

    That is cool. How do the earrings attach or do they hang on little pegs?

  • 15 years ago

    paint chips,

    Drug DH in for an answer to your question. He said there isn't really a way to tell. It's your body chemistry that is reacting to certain metals. He suggests that you try to choose the purer metals. If your skin turns greenish or the metal turns, you are dealing with copper or bronze alloys and your body doesn't like them. If only some cheap jewelry tarnishes, pay close attention to what it's made of and try to stay away.

    He says you should try to upgrade to more pure metals such as silver because it's better for your health. The tarnish means you may be allergic.

    Straight from the horses mouth. My metal man.

  • 15 years ago

    Yep, there are little grooves that they slip into. You can see them a bit better here:

    I'll link to the seller's Etsy page below. I'm not spamming, as I have no affiliation with this seller other than the fact that I've been pleased with what I've purchased from her. She does custom orders too.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Anne Ball Designs

  • 15 years ago

    Most of my valuable jewelry is "stored" on my person 24/7 but the rest is sort of hidden in several jewelry boxes in my closet. I also keep some cheap pearls and other necklaces hanging on a picture frame above my dresser and a few bracelets in old silver plated bowls on my dresser. I like the look of both the silver stuff and the vintage junk jewelry. I buy vintage jewelry at yard sales when I find pieces I like and I wear them often.

    Martha S. posted the china teacups in a drawer. Here's the link:

    I'll post a recent blog thread on how to "store" jewelry visibly - I like this idea.

    Here is a link that might be useful: showcased jewelry

  • 15 years ago

    Thanks GoldDust! It is really cool to have a "connection" to someone married to a jeweler! Great info! Tell hubby, "Thanks!"

    I don't have a problem with green wrists, just tarnish. I am thinking I need to focus more on vintage/funky stuff so I can see if it has stood the tarnish test of time. Anyway, the vintage stuff is always wayyy cooler than mainstream!

    (Thanks for the excuse to hit vintage shops! LOL)


  • 15 years ago

    About a month ago I ordered this tie rack to hang my necklaces on. I put it in my closet but it would also look fine in a bedroom or bath. I loved it so much I got each of my daughters one also. The pegs are perfect for necklaces. I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and got 2 of these stacking trays for my earrings. I was SO tired of scattered jewelry.

    Stacking Trays...

    Here is a link that might be useful: For Hanging Necklaces

  • 15 years ago

    Paint Chips, 80% of Jackie Kennedy's jewelry was fashion jewelry (what you call the junks stuff) and today it is worth a fortune and people are duplicating it. A lot of jewelry now has a sterling silver base and either a platinum or 18K gold overlay, even the "cheap" stuff, which is everywhere in the department stores. Well maybe not the cheap, cheap, but the inexpensive stuff in department stores that is not under lock and key and security guard. Kenneth Jay Lane, Judith Ripka, David Yurmal, lots of the designers have gone to that with the price of metal being what it is today.

  • 15 years ago

    Oh, just tarnish from lack of wear? That's different. Tarnex is the answer. Rob says you can buy it everywhere. Grocery stores to drug stores. Black bottle with white letters. Ask someone there who knows their stock.

  • 15 years ago

    paintchips, you may want to check out Bisley multi drawers. You'll have to find out where they are sold near you. I saw them at an art supply store in San Francisco and loved them. The drawers are shallower than the IKEA ones and they open smoothly.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Bisley multi drawers

  • 15 years ago

    If you search 'Jewelry tray' on eBay, you'll get lots of hits for items similar to this one at prices that are MUCH better than BB&B. I like these trays because they're visually simple (you can see your jewlery), they're stackable, sturdy, and come in standard modular sizes. There are inserts designed for rings, bracelets, necklaces, large and small earrings, everything...

    My dream is to have Hubby build a hidden wall compartment into the master suite closet behind a piano-hinged mirror. Then have a hidden magnetic 'Tot Lock' on the mirror so it's convenient but not visible to intruders.

  • 15 years ago

    I woke up this morning to answers to all of my fashion woes!

    Patricia, I had no idea about JK's jewelry. Although when you are that fabulous, you can wear anything! :o)

    GoldDust- I get tarnish from both. Not everything tarnishes from lack of wear. I just need to sort through everything. Hey! Don't ruin my reason to hunt for vintage stuff. I have a birthday coming up and haven't bought myself anything yet! :oD

    Lisa, those Bisley are a *great* idea. I wouldn't have thought about art supply. I will have to check out some places to see what the silver looks like in person. My grand scheme is to have (or put) something on casters that can slip under a (very far future) dressing counter.

  • 15 years ago

    Are we talking costume jewelry? My biggest fear is to have all my jewelry out in the jewelry armoire and a thief comes in and just loads up! My jewelry is mostly 18K, name brand and worth some "bucks"! I've spent too much time collecting and loving this stuff to let it go easily. I now keep my sewing essentials in the jewelry armoire, I keep a few pieces in the little jewelry box.....the rest is in the floor safe!

    DH wants a wall safe put in and welded to the houses foundation. :0)

  • 15 years ago


    That thought has crossed my mind too. That's another reason the full-length mirror/armoire appeals to me. Not obvious what it is and too big to lug outside. I don't have much of real value except sentimental value, but still..


  • 15 years ago

    golddust, thanks for the Tarnex name. Mine is from lack of wearing.

    Kinda, OT, but I went to one of those Silpada jewelry parties, and I fell hook, line and sinker and bought quite a bit. EVERYTHING I bought is sterling silver, of course, and it tarnishes QUICK. Also, the earrings turn on me, and I haven't ever had a problem with sterling turning on me like that.

    luckygal, I REALLY like the bust idea! I finally have a huge master closet, the kind with the island in the middle and I think that would look good sitting on there.

  • 15 years ago

    If you have a lot of pins you can pin them on decorative pillows in your bedroom.

    Also I stole this picture from a blog below. It's kind of weird, but...


  • 15 years ago

    Do you remember those mug racks from the 70s that sort of folded up and you could tuck them away or hang them on the wall and they held about 10 mugs? Well, they hold about 286 necklaces or 26 scarves. If your jewelry is sterling silver, don't hang it on one of them or it will tarnish.

    Darn, where are you folks getting all that 18K gold? I have only 4-5 pieces. Of course, I admit I could have had more since that was all they don't sell anything less in the Middle East or Italy, but someone forgot to tell Orphan Annie, red neck that I am, that you should probably not wear 18K gold to bed, lest you wake up with several shiny but permanent metal balls around your neck.

  • 15 years ago

    I use my Dad's machinist's tool box. All sorts of neat little drawers and niches. I lined them with Pacific cloth which is the brown flannel type cloth that cuts down on tarnish.

  • 15 years ago

    My jewelry is of exceptionally high quality, much of it purchased overseas, and has been collected since the mid 1960s. It is too valuable to insure as I could not afford the insurance premiums. I needed to come up with an in-house storage for it that would protect it from burglary and fire -- although I have a security system in the house, it doesn't take a professional long to clean out one's life-long collection of jewelry. And I found it. I purchased a gun safe. Stands 5 feet tall, is 18 inches deep and 24 inches wide. Everything in the safe, including the inside of the door, and all of the shelves in the safe are fully lined with something like velour --- it's all designed to protect guns. So, all of my jewelry and my sterling silver flatware are now stored in the gun safe, on shelves where I can easily see which piece of jewelry I would like to wear. It's now very secure, and I feel very confident when I'm gone from home that a burglar just won't have the tools or time to break into the house system, and then find the safe, and figure out a way into it. It is not cheap, but it's certainly less expensive than paying the insurance premiums to insure my jewelry.

  • 15 years ago

    beth4....that's what my husband wants, only inset into the basement wall and then welded to the houses foundation. My FIL had a large safe, the thiefs just hauled it out....and opened it later at their own liesure! A dolly, we have several in the garage for the thiefs to use(ha ha) is all ya need to move it.

    So we shopped for a safe and we kept thinking it needed to be put the Nikon camera in, it's underwater housing, special put the telescope put the laser(construction tools) in....we finally gave up. It was selfish just to buy it to protect my jewelry and there is no end to valuables....T.V.''s all laying around the house! They could just haul a few oriental rugs away and make a cool $1000!

    We may get back to it another day...and actually purchase something. :0)

    In the mean time, I try not to leave out more than a few pieces of jewelry and wear the rest.

  • 13 years ago

    I've only just stumbled on this thread, so I hope you don't mind me contributing!

    I'm very much into Craft Fayres and all things hand crafted and have built up a collection of about 7-8 earring "mushrooms" which stand about 3-4" high and have a series of holes in the cap of the mushroom for either dangly earrings or even studs. Sort of like this I've seen some that are flatter and have a second tier above.

    For bracelets I have another wooden stand with 3 legs/spokes on top of a central pillar and the bracelets just dangle.

    Necklace stands are about 10-11" high and similarly have either mini hooks for hanging chains/necklaces or the other one has little slots which is better suited to beaded/leather necklaces.

    Until I began writing this post, I was going to say my biggest problem was storing the "cuff" type bracelets, which just twizzle and fall off the bracelet tree, but a search on Google Images has given me a WHOOOLLLLEEEE load of other avenues and ideas to follow up!

    I was hoping I'd be able to attach a picture of my dressing table with my variety of trees, but I cant work out how...!