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Is this how subway tiles are supposed to look?

8 years ago
My wife and I are having our two bathrooms redone and decided on subway tile for both bath and shower. We stopped by the house today to see how things we're going and saw the subway tiles laid, but not grouted. It is our first time ever doing a remodel and are learning as we go. After seeing the subway tile today we felt completely defeated and frustrated. Can anyone tell me if this is how subway tiles are supposed to look prior to grouting? Will it look better when it is grouted and calked? We just feel like we might be getting ripped off here and the job is bad. Is this worthy of a redo?

Comments (22)

  • 8 years ago
    This is awful at not let them convince you that grout will make this better or right, do not pay
  • 8 years ago
    Thank you. I accidentally posted twice. I never actually post, but after seeing what all my hard earned money is going too, I had to get some help. We have never done anything like this before and have been saving for 15 years to do this. We just feel defeated and don't know what is the norm for things like this. We just want a nice, clean, even, flush bathroom. Maybe that's too much to ask for? Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it.
  • PRO
    8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    This is not the work of a professional. Totally unaceptable and looks like a home owner did it. I'm sorry for your trouble, I can't imagine this contractor came with a great portfolio and references. I would ask for your money back or seek legal council. Below is a picture of a shampoo niche that we custom built with a higher degree of difficulty and you will notice that all the tile was installed either fulls or halves. I wish you the best of luck with your project and hope it all works out in your favor.

    Shell stone tile · More Info

  • 8 years ago
    That is pretty terrible, it appears they didn't use any spacers or even try to keep things even and the niches are horrendous. Don't let them grout this.
  • 8 years ago


  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    I don't know if it's just the photo or what, but it looks like a shoemaker's job of framing those nooks. The sides don't seem to line up vertically. Plus, they should have been made with the tile in mind so that there aren't to many skinny tile pieces and nasty little panhandles of tile.

    Finally, that corner (second photo) is made wrong if what we see is the back wall (long wall) on the left side and short wall on the right. If so, the back wall should have been tiled first, full width, then the two ends should have butted up over the tile. That way, the grout joint (and cut ends of tile ) is on the end panels where it's far less visible looking in the shower. If that photo is short wall on the left and back wall on the right, then it's okay (but really sloppy, with tiles set off the vertical plane). He made the same mistakes on the nooks--he tiled the bottom first, then the back then the top and sides. Major fail.

    A finally, finally--if he's going to have seams meeting seams, which he should not have done (in the nooks, bottom and back), those joints need to be dead-on aligned. They ain't. And it would have looked much cleaner if he'd used full-size bullnose tiles rather than edge tiles for the top, sides, and bottom of the nooks.

    This looks like a handyman's work, not a tile professional.

  • 8 years ago

    I had my neighbor, who is a tile guy, do my bath about 5 years ago. Is it perfect? No. BUT, I had a limited budget & the plaster walls in my tub area were failing, so I really had to get it done.
    Even so...mine looks 100% better than that. I'd refuse to pay. He needs to knock the bad out & redo it. At least mine has even spacing.

    I'm sorry to see how this is going...

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    No that does not look acceptable! Good tile work looks really good even before the grout goes in! This was a recent project that we did that used a real pro tile artisan!

    Guest Bathroom · More Info

  • 8 years ago

    The walls look ok; it looks like the niches are the main problem. What if you didn't do subway tiles in the niches but a smaller mosaic that wouldn't be so obvious if it didn't line up?

  • 8 years ago

    HI -- Sloppy job looks like . All the grout spaces are different . They didn't use spacers , so now it looks sloppy . I don't like the subway used in the back of the niches ... find a small mosaic in white marble for the back . When grouting subways use same colored grout so it doesn't look too busy . If you use a darker grout then every tile will show . It should all blend . I think you have a strong case to complain . Ask for a professional tile setter for this job.

  • 8 years ago
    Not at all acceptable. Do not pay until it is fixed or get a refund and hire a professional who has references.
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    My husband and I have a small family owned and operated flooring company and I would advise you not to pay a dime for this! Did this person tell you they knew what they were doing? Clearly they don't. I would guess, AND HOPE, this is not a credible flooring store and just some joe blow off the street. Its unfortunate for you! I would have him knock it all down and find someone else that is more reliable.

  • 8 years ago
    I don't mean to sound awful but my husband did our subway tiling and it lined up much better than this and he's an amateur.
    Dont let them get away with it. Best of luck x
  • 8 years ago

    This is our finished tiled shower and the nook for the bath. To give you an idea of spacing and how it should look if done properly. Spacers were used throughout.

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    You are protected by Consumer Guarantee Law which covers goods and services. You should start with putting your concerns into writing in a more formal manner. Good communication is going to be essential in either resolving or having a right to redress for this work. In the past cases have been ruled against the homeowner when the tradesperson was not given the opportunity to fix the problem within a reasonable time. I would suggest that this meets the requirement for a major problem because if you had known this was the product/service you would get, you would never have purchased it and I very much doubt it meets the reasonable standard of acceptable workmanship (which as mentioned above will be based on an expectation of what you might reasonably expect based on the price you are paying). Having a reputable professional look at and review the job may be of benefit. It would be even better if you are looking to resolve this and get your bathroom completed if your tradesperson mutually agrees to a third party giving their professional opinion. You need to know and communicate what you want to happen. Good luck!

  • 8 years ago

    my tiling looks rubbish also - plan is to mirror straight over the top!

  • 8 years ago
    No No No!! Have it all ripped out! It looks horrible and you will never be happy. Tell him you need a refund and hire a professional with good credentials.
  • 8 years ago
    Besides the awful job of keeping lines level and plumb, I can see spots where the tile was set deeper on an end than the one next to it. No amount of grout will ever disguise this mistake. It only enhances it!
  • PRO
    8 years ago

    white grout will hide mistakes, but dark grout will enhance mistakes. the method of laying them was not thought out but ultimately if not told how to lay, then you get what you get.

  • 8 years ago
    Wow. Didn't know I had to tell tiler how to tile. I'll keep that in mind. Homeowner needs to choose the tile used and design they want, where they want hardware placed etc. Its up to the tiler to complete an acceptable job. It's very apparent this was not.
  • PRO
    8 years ago
    I'm still shaking my head several days after seeing the photos. Wondering why the tiler (loosely used term), aside from other glaring issues, decided to stand tiles on end in the sides of the niches.