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Bugs on my gardenia!

8 years ago

Help! I have had this gardenia for a couple months now, and since I have had it it has gone from shiny and healthy to full, droopy, and sad. Leaves are turning yellow, the buds are turning brown at the base. I recently discovered these white bugs on it, what do I do?

Currently it is sitting in front of a south facing window where it gets plenty of light. I have mixed a fertilizer for acid loving plants into the soil, and water whenever it feels dry, every couple days. I live in Las Vegas where the air is very dry, and I know gardenias love humidity so I have been keeping a tray of water under it (though not directly touching the base of the pot to it gets overwatered or moldy) to try to create more humidity around the plant.

Any help to save my gardenia would be appreciated!

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