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Grandfather Clocks - Yes or No?

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

Divani Casa Arvada Modern Style Pink Velvet & Gold Finish Sofa · More Info

I have loved grandfather clocks as long as I can remember but I do not see them very often in living room or family room designs. Are grandfather clocks still used?
Princess Fantasy Musical Motion clock · More Info

Yes to a Traditional Grandfather Clock
No to a Traditional Grandfather Clock
Other - Please explain in comments

Comments (43)

  • 8 years ago

    I totally agree. Thanks rollinggirl!

  • 8 years ago

    Most of the new grandfather clocks I see don't do anything for me. Perhaps it's the too-glossy brass or the overly ornamented pediments, but they don't feel authentic to me.

    Now an antique grandfather clock in working condition can be a thing of beauty! But remember, if you have one, everyone in the house will know about it every hour, on the hour! And everyone in the same room will hear the ticking. It may have you looking over your shoulder for a crocodile a la Capt. Hook.

    Bev thanked Jennifer K
  • 8 years ago

    HI -- They are beautiful but are a pain to have . Unless you have a big house and a place for it to sit forever they are not worth owning . They are actually all most impossible to sell too. My sister in law wanted one for years and finally got one for their 25 anniversary and the regretted it shortly after . It was too big for their small house and needed help to move it and it's chiming was loud . They had a very hard time selling it at a loss .

    Bev thanked lefty47
  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Thanks Jennifer and lefty47! This is something in the back of my mind and I would have to discuss it further with my husband before purchasing one. The noise from the grandfather clock will not be any worse than our alarm system, which I have gotten used to.

  • 8 years ago

    If it's the casework that you love, you could have a china cabinet made in a fruitwood (apple perhaps). I figure if you're going to drop a couple grand on something, might as well get something that no one else has.

    Bev thanked Jennifer K
  • 8 years ago

    That's a great idea except my house came with two corner built in china cabinets in my dining room.

  • 8 years ago

    It wasn't a grandfather clock. We had a cuckoo clock when I was a kid. It did the Westminster chime every hour day and night. It binged every quarter hour. By the time I was sixteen I hated that thing with a passion. Fortunately it wasn't a valuable antique , because my Mom ' disappeared ' it one night. Best night sleep I'd had in years. :)

    Bev thanked User
  • 8 years ago

    A cuckoo clock would make me "Cuckoo"!

  • 8 years ago

    we have a large old grandfather clock that was in her home in CT. when we moved here to this Missouri farmhouse it did not get put up. It remains in pieces...14 yrs later. Someday, if we ever move to a city/town house again it will reappear. Living with one is very much like living with a pet. It has it's own personality and makes it's presence felt. I personally like it. But i'm a little quirky....

    Bev thanked eightpondfarm
  • 8 years ago

    I was always fascinated with the one at my grandparents' house, as a child. The hypnotic ticking always made me drowsy, lol. I still love them as an adult, I think the antique ones are so cool, but it would be out of place in my modern/contemporary home, and the ticking and chimes would drive me nuts after about a day.

    Bev thanked User
  • 8 years ago

    well, its a responsibility to own things that take up space, have a single purpose, and you have a hard time moving. you have to have the right house or its even a bigger commitment.

    Bev thanked Judy Mishkin
  • 8 years ago
    Depends on the style. Modern, no way, Classic and Industrial Farmhouse are fine.
    Bev thanked Interior Kitty
  • 8 years ago

    Thanks eightpondfarm, smileyface, nnigrt, and Kitty! I have a house that was built in 1945 and I love traditional furnishings. I love some of the older more ornate furniture than what is made today. I'm finally in a house that is big enough for a grandfather clock. I may try going to garage sales this summer and see if I can find a clock that is still working and in good shape. If we have to refinish it, it would be no problem. I appreciate all of the feedback!

  • 8 years ago

    not sure that garage sales may be the best place, but best of luck with your search!

    Bev thanked Judy Mishkin
  • 8 years ago

    If garages sales do not work, we have what's called Traders World in this area. It's a huge place where shops set up and sell anything from household items to wedding dresses. I have never been but I understand you can get really good deals there. I might also have to explore some antique shops but they may be a little pricey.

  • 8 years ago

    i think Traders world sounds like a good bet.

    Bev thanked Judy Mishkin
  • PRO
    8 years ago
    yes it's a grandfather clock but it's a replica
    Bev thanked Solrac Furniture
  • 8 years ago

    That makes sense RedChair because of the low price!

  • 8 years ago

    I purchased a grandfather clock tonight! I found one online on clearance and there will never be a better time to purchase one. Thanks to everyone for your input!

  • 8 years ago

    YAY. I hope you enjoy it .

    Bev thanked User
  • 8 years ago

    Thanks rollinggirl! I'm sure I will since I have been waiting a llloooonnnnggg time for this!

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    great enjoy it

    Bev thanked Solrac Furniture
  • 8 years ago

    Yes--because mine was made for me by my grandfather.

    Bev thanked Lori
  • 8 years ago

    How wonderful Loriltx! Someday, I want my husband to build me one but until he finds the time, I did purchase a small grandfather clock on clearance.

  • 8 years ago

    My grandfather made clocks as a hobby. He made a grandfather's clock for each of his grandchildren. I am now 60, and he has been gone for almost 30 years, but i can see him as clear as day every time I look at that clock. He was an extremely talented man.

    Bev thanked Lori
  • 8 years ago

    That is really fabulous Loriltx that he made each of you a grandfather clock! He had to be talented to be able to make those clocks! You and I are the same age.

  • 4 years ago

    I love mine! It’s big, ornate, mahogany and brass. The craftsmanship is spectacular. It’s a Howard Miller, play 3 different chimes. ❤️

    Bev thanked vidsquid
  • 4 years ago

    Yours sounds like a beauty! Someday, I would love one like that!

  • PRO
    4 years ago

    Very seldom see them but if you love them and especially if you have a family heirloom clock I would definitely suggest incorporating it into your home.

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Hi I know this thread is from forever ago. I just bought a mini grandfather clock for rather cheap and I love it. It’s from Howard Miller. Perhaps settle for that? They are still beautiful, loud, have automatic night shut off and more. The one I got is more glam in style as it’s silver and mirrored with a pendulum.

    Bev thanked Haley Grable
  • 3 years ago

    I did purchase a grandfather clock for my dining room about a month after I wrote this and I love it!

  • 3 years ago

    Paint the clock in white

    Bev thanked Mars SC Zone 8b Mars
  • 3 years ago

    Interesting thread. I have a 1931 GE Modern Longfellow clock-radio. I picked it out from a house sale when I was 12. We were going to be moving into the house, and mom let all us kids pick out a furniture item if we wanted and it would just stay. I picked the clock. It's seen a few homes and storage over the years- it now lives in my library. The radio does not work anymore, but the clock still does.

    Bev thanked beesneeds
  • 3 years ago

    i collect clocks, and i have 2 grandfather clocks, one for downstairs, and one for upstairs :) :) i made sure to get clocks with moon dials though, that is the one detail that i think really makes it special.

    Bev thanked Jamie Arnett
  • 3 years ago

    My husband just got me one. I really wanted it! The only problem is it was made in 1983 and it has a lot of brass on it! I'm not a brass fan and I really wanted a antique. I feel so bad that I'm not in love with it! I feel that if I'm going to pass this on to my kids and grandkids I should love the heck out of it! 😪

    He said that if I want to we can go see if they one I am in love with.

    Bev thanked Amy Fitzgerald
  • 3 years ago

    You should definitely take him up on his offer. Believe it or not, he will be happier if you got one you really loved.

    Bev thanked Lori
  • 3 years ago

    Real heirlooms are usually mahogany with brass. Look at scully & scully Park Ave. True old money. Never saw a grey piece of furniture a an old money-heirloom house....... probably never will

    Bev thanked vidsquid
  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    I got my beautiful clock off Facebook marketplace, last March, for a great price! Keeps time beautifully, on the money! like you ,Bev, wanted one forever, my parents had a wall clock that I loved hearing chimes and counting time at night! I waited until age 53 when I finally lived some place with a spot worthy to put it. We also bought the old vintage chandelier off Facebook marketplace ... great deals on there.

    Bev thanked HU-368760707
  • 3 years ago

    I'm a huge fan of Amazon and I buy items from them all the time! Eventually, my husband will build me the grandfather clock of my dreams! Your clock is beautiful!

  • 3 years ago

    Facebook marketplace is more like Craigslist used stuff…. If you have a Facebook account check it out. I hate Facebook but love the market feature! People in your area selling stuff cheap!

    exciting about your husband making you your grandfather clock of your dreams Someday. Very special!

    Bev thanked HU-368760707
  • 3 years ago

    I agree with @Bev. I Love Amazon.

    Bev thanked Mars SC Zone 8b Mars
  • 3 years ago

    stumbled on to this looking for something - I'm glad you are happy with your decision to get 1! I have 2 GF clocks and love them and their chimes - I find them comforting. 1 was my Grandmother's and the other my parents - so both give me fond memories... and hope that my children someday will enjoy them with fond memories too!

    Bev thanked pruss1516